COMPLETEThe Cambridge Medieval History, Vol 2, The Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation of the Western Empire - iq

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Post by InTheDesert »

The Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 02, The Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation of the Western Empire

This project is now complete! All audio files can be found on our catalog page:

The present work is intended as a comprehensive account of medieval times, drawn up on the same lines as The Cambridge Modern History but with a few improvements of detail suggested by experience. It is intended partly for the general reader, as a clear and, as far as possible, interesting narrative; partly for the student, as a summary of ascertained facts, with indications (not discussions) of disputed points; partly as a book of reference, containing all that can reasonably be required in a comprehensive work of general history. (Summary by From the General Preface)
Source text (please read only from this text!):

Deadline: Please submit your recording within 1 month of placing your claim. If you cannot complete the recording within this time, please post in the thread to relinquish your claim or to ask the BC for an extension. If your recording is not completed by the deadline, your claim may be reassigned at the BC's discretion.

Claiming sections: Look in the Magic Window below for the list of available sections. Post a reply in this thread asking for the section you would like to record.

New to recording? Please see our Newbie Guide to Recording for further instructions. A quick guide to our required technical settings can be found here. When you post your file, please tell the BC what name you would like to use in our catalog.

Prooflistening level: Standard
Prospective PLs, please see the Guide for Proof-listeners.

Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process unless you are the BC or PL. Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

Magic Window:

BC Admin
LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

Intro to recording:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

"Section # of The Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 02. This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit" [Optional: "Read by your name."] "The Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 02, The Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation of the Western Empire. Section Title from Magic Window."

Special Notes:
  • Please read the full Magic Window title (including the author's name).
  • The names are difficult in this project. You might choose to look up pronunciation on Wikipedia or type the name into youube (eg:) and see how others are pronouncing it. You could also try Forvo. In the end, try your best but be consistent within the section.
  • Don't forget to use triple digit filenames (_006_ instead of _06 etc.).
End of recording:
"End of section #." [Optional, and if not stated in the intro: "Read by your name, city, date."]
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of The Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 02, The Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation of the Western Empire"
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

Filename: cambridgemedievalhistory2_###_various_128kb.mp3 where ### is the section number. (e.g. cambridgemedievalhistory2_001_various_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader:
(If you have trouble reading the image above, please contact an admin)

MC to select: icequeen

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into a new post in this thread along with the file duration (mm:ss). Watch this thread for prooflistening notes.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Just post in this thread.
Last edited by InTheDesert on December 18th, 2023, 1:35 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by InTheDesert »

I am looking for a DPL.
Projected total recording length: 1 day, 13 hours

  1. Justinian. The Imperial Restoration in the West Part 1 by Charles Diehl (2700 words)
  2. Justinian. The Imperial Restoration in the West Part 2 by Charles Diehl (1080 words)
  3. Justinian. The Imperial Restoration in the West Part 3 by Charles Diehl (4860 words)
  4. Justinian. The Imperial Restoration in the West Part 4 by Charles Diehl (2160 words)
  5. Justinian's Government in the East Part 1 by Charles Diehl (1080 words)
  6. Justinian's Government in the East Part 2 by Charles Diehl (4320 words)
  7. Justinian's Government in the East Part 3 by Charles Diehl (5940 words)
  8. Justinian's Government in the East Part 4 by Charles Diehl (1620 words)
  9. Roman Law Part 1 by H. J. Roby (2700 words)
  10. Roman Law Part 2 by H. J. Roby (3780 words)
  11. Roman Law Part 3 by H. J. Roby (1080 words)
  12. Roman Law Part 4 by H. J. Roby (4860 words)
  13. Roman Law Part 5 by H. J. Roby (3780 words)
  14. Roman Law Part 6 by H. J. Roby (2700 words)
  15. Roman Law Part 7 by H. J. Roby (2700 words)
  16. Roman Law Part 8 by H. J. Roby (4320 words)
  17. Gaul Under the Merovingian Franks. Narrative of Events Part 1 by Christian Pfister (3240 words)
  18. Gaul Under the Merovingian Franks. Narrative of Events Part 2 by Christian Pfister (2700 words)
  19. Gaul Under the Merovingian Franks. Narrative of Events Part 3 by Christian Pfister (2160 words)
  20. Gaul Under the Merovingian Franks. Narrative of Events Part 4 by Christian Pfister (2700 words)
  21. Gaul Under the Merovingian Franks. Institutions Part 1 by Christian Pfister (2160 words)
  22. Gaul Under the Merovingian Franks. Institutions Part 2 by Christian Pfister (3240 words)
  23. Gaul Under the Merovingian Franks. Institutions Part 3 by Christian Pfister (2700 words)
  24. Gaul Under the Merovingian Franks. Institutions Part 4 by Christian Pfister (3780 words)
  25. Spain Under the Visigoths Part 1 by Rafael Altamira (3240 words)
  26. Spain Under the Visigoths Part 2 by Rafael Altamira (3240 words)
  27. Spain Under the Visigoths Part 3 by Rafael Altamira (3780 words)
  28. Spain Under the Visigoths Part 4 by Rafael Altamira (2160 words)
  29. Spain Under the Visigoths Part 5 by Rafael Altamira (3780 words)
  30. Italy Under the Lombards Part 1 by L. M. Hartmann (3780 words)
  31. Italy Under the Lombards Part 2 by L. M. Hartmann (2160 words)
  32. Italy Under the Lombards Part 3 by L. M. Hartmann (3780 words)
  33. Italy Under the Lombards Part 4 by L. M. Hartmann (3240 words)
  34. (A) Imperial Italy and Africa: Administration Part 1 by L. M. Hartmann (3240 words)
  35. (A) Imperial Italy and Africa: Administration Part 2 by L. M. Hartmann (3240 words)
  36. (B) Gregory the Great Part 1 by W. H. Hutton (3240 words)
  37. (B) Gregory the Great Part 2 by W. H. Hutton (3780 words)
  38. (B) Gregory the Great Part 3 by W. H. Hutton (2700 words)
  39. (B) Gregory the Great Part 4 by W. H. Hutton (2700 words)
  40. The Successors of Justinian Part 1 by Norman H. Baynes (2700 words)
  41. The Successors of Justinian Part 2 by Norman H. Baynes (2700 words)
  42. The Successors of Justinian Part 3 by Norman H. Baynes (2700 words)
  43. The Successors of Justinian Part 4 by Norman H. Baynes (3240 words)
  44. The Successors of Justinian Part 5 by Norman H. Baynes (2700 words)
  45. The Successors of Justinian Part 6 by Norman H. Baynes (3780 words)
  46. Mahomet and Islam Part 1 by A. A. Bevan (3240 words)
  47. Mahomet and Islam Part 2 by A. A. Bevan (3240 words)
  48. Mahomet and Islam Part 3 by A. A. Bevan (2700 words)
  49. Mahomet and Islam Part 4 by A. A. Bevan (3240 words)
  50. The Expansion of the Saracens—The East Part 1 by C. H. Becker (2700 words)
  51. The Expansion of the Saracens—The East Part 2 by C. H. Becker (3240 words)
  52. The Expansion of the Saracens—The East Part 3 by C. H. Becker (4320 words)
  53. The Expansion of the Saracens—The East Part 4 by C. H. Becker (2700 words)
  54. The Expansion of the Saracens—The East Part 5 by C. H. Becker (4320 words)
  55. The Expansion of the Saracens (Continued) Africa and Europe Part 1 by C. H. Becker (2700 words)
  56. The Expansion of the Saracens (Continued) Africa and Europe Part 2 by C. H. Becker (2700 words)
  57. The Expansion of the Saracens (Continued) Africa and Europe Part 3 by C. H. Becker (2700 words)
  58. The Expansion of the Saracens (Continued) Africa and Europe Part 4 by C. H. Becker (3240 words)
  59. The Successors of Heraclius to 717 Part 1 by E. W. Brooks (3240 words)
  60. The Successors of Heraclius to 717 Part 2 by E. W. Brooks (3240 words)
  61. The Successors of Heraclius to 717 Part 3 by E. W. Brooks (3240 words)
  62. The Successors of Heraclius to 717 Part 4 by E. W. Brooks (2700 words)
  63. The Expansion of the Slavs Part 1 by J. Peisker (1620 words)
  64. The Expansion of the Slavs Part 2 by J. Peisker (4860 words)
  65. The Expansion of the Slavs Part 3 by J. Peisker (3780 words)
  66. The Expansion of the Slavs Part 4 by J. Peisker (2160 words)
  67. The Expansion of the Slavs Part 5 by J. Peisker (2700 words)
  68. The Expansion of the Slavs Part 6 by J. Peisker (4320 words)
  69. (A) Keltic Heathenism in Gaul Part 1 by Camille Jullian (2700 words)
  70. (A) Keltic Heathenism in Gaul Part 2 by Camille Jullian (2700 words)
  71. (B) Keltic Heathenism in the British Isles by Edward Anwyl (3780 words)
  72. (C) Germanic Heathenism Part 1 by B. Phillpotts (2160 words)
  73. (C) Germanic Heathenism Part 2 by B. Phillpotts (2160 words)
  74. (C) Germanic Heathenism Part 3 by B. Phillpotts (2700 words)
  75. (A) Conversion of the Kelts Part 1 by F. E. Warren (2700 words)
  76. (A) Conversion of the Kelts Part 2 by F. E. Warren (3240 words)
  77. (A) Conversion of the Kelts Part 3 by F. E. Warren (2700 words)
  78. (B) Conversion of the Teutons Part 1 by J. P. Whitney (3240 words)
  79. (B) Conversion of the Teutons Part 2 by J. P. Whitney (3240 words)
  80. (B) Conversion of the Teutons Part 3 by J. P. Whitney (3240 words)
  81. (B) Conversion of the Teutons Part 4 by J. P. Whitney (3240 words)
  82. England (to c. 800) and English Institutions Part 1 by W. J. Corbett (2160 words)
  83. England (to c. 800) and English Institutions Part 2 by W. J. Corbett (3240 words)
  84. England (to c. 800) and English Institutions Part 3 by W. J. Corbett (2700 words)
  85. England (to c. 800) and English Institutions Part 4 by W. J. Corbett (3780 words)
  86. England (to c. 800) and English Institutions Part 5 by W. J. Corbett (2700 words)
  87. The Carlovingian Revolution, and Frankish Intervention in Italy Part 1 by G. L. Burr (3240 words)
  88. The Carlovingian Revolution, and Frankish Intervention in Italy Part 2 by G. L. Burr (3240 words)
  89. The Carlovingian Revolution, and Frankish Intervention in Italy Part 3 by G. L. Burr (2700 words)
  90. Conquests and Imperial Coronation of Charles the Great Part 1 by Gerhard Seeliger (3240 words)
  91. Conquests and Imperial Coronation of Charles the Great Part 2 by Gerhard Seeliger (3240 words)
  92. Conquests and Imperial Coronation of Charles the Great Part 3 by Gerhard Seeliger (3240 words)
  93. Conquests and Imperial Coronation of Charles the Great Part 4 by Gerhard Seeliger (2160 words)
  94. Conquests and Imperial Coronation of Charles the Great Part 5 by Gerhard Seeliger (4860 words)
  95. Foundations of Society (Origins of Feudalism) Part 1 by Paul Vinogradoff (2700 words)
  96. Foundations of Society (Origins of Feudalism) Part 2 by Paul Vinogradoff (2700 words)
  97. Foundations of Society (Origins of Feudalism) Part 3 by Paul Vinogradoff (3240 words)
  98. Foundations of Society (Origins of Feudalism) Part 4 by Paul Vinogradoff (2700 words)
  99. Legislation and Administration of Charles the Great Part 1 by Gerhard Seeliger (2700 words)
  100. Legislation and Administration of Charles the Great Part 2 by Gerhard Seeliger (2700 words)
  101. Legislation and Administration of Charles the Great Part 3 by Gerhard Seeliger (3240 words)
  102. Legislation and Administration of Charles the Great Part 4 by Gerhard Seeliger (2700 words)
  103. Legislation and Administration of Charles the Great Part 5 by Gerhard Seeliger (2160 words)
  104. The Papacy, to Charles the Great Part 1 by F. J. Foakes-Jackson (3240 words)
  105. The Papacy, to Charles the Great Part 2 by F. J. Foakes-Jackson (3240 words)
  106. The Papacy, to Charles the Great Part 3 by F. J. Foakes-Jackson (3240 words)
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Post by Cbteddy »

I'll DPL if you're still looking for one.
Cheers, Claire
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Post by Kazbek »

I'll be glad to MC this. The MW is up.

I hate to say this after the considerable effort you've made filling out the author data, but we don't list that many names in the author fields. In the first volume and in the Cambridge Modern series we've listed authors in the section titles and we can also list their names as keywords. We could use "Various" or the names of editors in the author fields. It's not clear whether Bury as planner of the series should be listed as author. We don't need to include any author name in the filename. The first field is already long and specific.

I've discretely abbreviated the forum title in order to fit my MC tag within the field limit. :roll:

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Post by InTheDesert »

Kazbek wrote: November 29th, 2023, 12:07 pm I'll be glad to MC this. The MW is up.

I hate to say this after the considerable effort you've made filling out the author data, but we don't list that many names in the author fields. In the first volume and in the Cambridge Modern series we've listed authors in the section titles and we can also list their names as keywords. We could use "Various" or the names of editors in the author fields. It's not clear whether Bury as planner of the series should be listed as author. We don't need to include any author name in the filename. The first field is already long and specific.

I've discretely abbreviated the forum title in order to fit my MC tag within the field limit. :roll:

Thankyou Michael! The MW is ready.

Fear not, the authors thing is just to make all the writers searchable (thought not visible) in the database like in this project. Though when I look at the authors at the moment, it looks like you might have removed them all?
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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by InTheDesert »

Cbteddy wrote: November 29th, 2023, 6:37 am I'll DPL if you're still looking for one.
Thankyou so much Claire! It's a huge undertaking. I'll handle the technical checks and making sure the MW is up to date. Welcome aboard!
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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by Kazbek »

Let me check if we still observe limits on the number of authors.

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Post by Cbteddy »

InTheDesert wrote: November 29th, 2023, 3:44 pm
Cbteddy wrote: November 29th, 2023, 6:37 am I'll DPL if you're still looking for one.
Thankyou so much Claire! It's a huge undertaking. I'll handle the technical checks and making sure the MW is up to date. Welcome aboard!
Thanks so much! Looking forward to it :)
Cheers, Claire
~~I'm not addicted to reading. I can stop as soon as I finish the next chapter~~

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Post by Kazbek »

Claire, you now have access to the MW.

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Post by Beeswaxcandle »

Sections 90 to 94, please
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Post by InTheDesert »

Beeswaxcandle wrote: November 29th, 2023, 9:10 pm Sections 90 to 94, please
Great, thankyou!
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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
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Post by InTheDesert »

Sorry about that Michael.

Here is a full list for the future:
Charles Diehl
H. J. Roby
Christian Pfister
Rafael Altamira
L. M. Hartmann
W. H. Hutton
Norman H. Baynes
A. A. Bevan
C. H. Becker
E. W. Brooks
J. Peisker
Camille Jullian
Edward Anwyl
B. Phillpotts
F. E. Warren
J. P. Whitney
W. J. Corbett
G. L. Burr
Gerhard Seeliger
Paul Vinogradoff
F. J. Foakes-Jackson
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Post by pnagami »

May I please claim Section 1?

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Post by InTheDesert »

pnagami wrote: December 2nd, 2023, 1:08 pm May I please claim Section 1?

Great, thankyou! Just don't try to upload until we have an MC.
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Logic for the Million "a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning"
PL pls: 28-40 DPL DPL DPL 17
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