'Thank You' messages for LibriVox readers - continued

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Post by icequeen »

commonsparrow3 wrote: April 13th, 2021, 1:07 pm
Hello Maria,
Thank you so very much for reading an entire book! Such a generous undertaking for people you do not know. I find it difficult to listen sometimes, when books are read by many. The change in volume, tempo and microphone quality is often very noticeable and painful (to my head and ears). I finished listening this morning, it was such a haunting ending. My husband was a stay at home father. We are thankful that is was by mutual choice.
Thanks again and I hope you will keep reading, you read well and are pleasant to listen to.
With sincere gratitude, Penny
Thank you, Penny, for these words of encouragement! I usually record nonfiction, so recording a novel was quite a change for me. But I had enjoyed this book so much that I decided to go ahead and record it. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed listening. Your kind words are a boost for me to consider reading fiction more often. :)
I passed this on for you, Maria! Thank you!

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Post by Keratak »

:thumbs: n
Like a story that we wish was never ending, we know sometime we must reach the final page. Still we carry on just pretending that there'll always be one more book to go. - Fading Lights, Genesis
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Post by happylistener »

Thank you, Cliff Stones, for reading Grimms' Fairy Tales (Volume 3)! It's great to be able to hear these stories from my childhood and your reading had the perfect tone and emotion! Thank you for taking the time to bring others happy memories and bring stories to people all around the world who otherwise may not have had the opportunity. Your work has not gone unappreciated!

Thank you for all that you do,
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Post by HandmadePSK »

Charles Dickens 200th Anniversary Collection Vol. 1

Many thanks to all of volunteers who made it possible to me to listen to this nice collection!
Be happy, folks! 💚
Alexander ❤ HandmadePSK ❤ About me ◀◀◀ (readable)
🦋 Aspire to inspire before we expire! 🦄
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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Expatriate (Expatriate) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear Expatriate

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your reading of https://librivox.org/the-house-of-the-dead-by-fyodor-dostoyevsky/. It was a smooth professional-quality recording and it will join my collection of audio books to return to. I particularly appreciated knowing you are from Bangor -- almost a neighbor! If I had a good reading voice I'd volunteer, too. This is a wonderful service to the community.

Keep up the good work.

Jan, from Corinth, Maine

All of Expatriate's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for MaryAnnSpiegel (MaryAnn) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
So, so appreciative to MaryAnn

MaryAnnSpiegel for her incredibly moving reading of

the allegorical tale in Section 15 of Sabine Baring-Gould's book, "Sermons to Children" https://librivox.org/sermons-to-children-by-sabine-baring-gould/

My children listened to it with amazement and I have just made a YouTube video - driving inspirational video with the story and the reading in it set to music and imagery of Ontario countryside which I hope many will listen to and that it will touch their hearts and encourage them too!!! (my daughter made the YouTube thumbnail to go with it).

"From Hespeler to Guelph (Royal City) on Highway 24 & Wellington Road 124 II Beautiful Music & Story"


(interestingly, Guelph is called the Royal City and Highway 24 is called the King's Highway, which I didn't know until I was near completion of my project)

Many, many thousand and million thanks, MaryAnn!!!! Your voice is so moving and calm!!! It's read at a good pace too!!!


Carolyn, YouTuber

All of MaryAnn's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for chymocles (Thomas Copeland) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
This is the second time I'm listening to Thomas Copeland's outstanding
reading of Paradise Lost. It's so good, and good readers of poetry are
so rare, that I'm planning to listen to all the rest of his readings in
Librivox. Many thanks, Mr. Copeland. You've made an invaluable
contribution to the appreciation of English literature. And
congratulations to Librivox for making his contributions available
gratis to the public.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for lezer (Anna Simon) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Thank you so much for your reading! It’s nice to hear a woman’s voice every now and again 😊

I really enjoyed reading ANARCHY by by Errico Malatesta.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Adrian (Adrian Praetzellis) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Your reading of Kipling's Kim is exemplary, and I enjoyed every minute of that favorite book. You were able to give each character a believable personality, and an accent appropriate to the ethnic background of each. Then you sustained your interpretation heroically for more than thirteen hours. I have listened to audiobooks for many years, all of them rented or purchased until I recently discovered LibriVox. You match the best of the professionals.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for anneflebari (annie70) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I can’t thank you enough for reading for LibriVox. I just finished listening to The Mother’s Recompense. The book was interesting but most of all I enjoyed your reading of it. I first heard you reading the Miss Pilura series. I could hardly turn off the book to do other things. I also have listened to The Statement of Stella Marbury. That was creepy but very entertaining.

I’ve started to look for my next book by searching for your name, not the title or author. You are very talented and generous!

Sincere and heartfelt thanks,
Highlands Ranch, Colorado

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for rreiman (rreiman) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
A Tale of Two Cities (Version 5)

As a member of Omega Phi Alpha at NC State, one of our purposes is to serve the nations of the world.

I just wanted to say thank you for recording this book! Your work is greatly appreciated by many. Especially with covid, it is hard to find actual books and obtain copies of them, so your work here is very important for many people. This book is amazing, and because of you more people can now listen to it for free. Thank you again!

NCSU Undergraduate Student

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for neustar (Bob Neufeld) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
A Christmas Carol (Version 04)

As a member of Omega Phi Alpha, a service sorority at NC State University one of your purposes is to serve the nations of the world.

I wanted to thank you for creating this recording. I personally loved this story as a child, so hearing you portray the story is amazing! Giving up your time to make a recording that people can access at no cost is truly remarkable. Your work is greatly appreciated, and I know that many children (and adults) love this recording! Keep up the good work, and thank you again!

NCSU Undergraduate Student

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Chrisczech (Czechchris) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear CzechChris,
I’ve just listened to your reading of The Siamese Twin of a Bomb Thrower (1&2) from The Triumphs of Eugene Valmont by Robert Barr.
I Must say Thank You! Your reading voice is Wonderful! - so easy to follow! Needless to say, the British English accent is best in the world, and yours is without doubt among the best of your countrymen.

I am also new to Robert Barr, and I’m so glad to discover his works. The first I listened to was Lord Chizelrigg’s Missing Fortune on YouTube. Needless to say, I was hooked. I switched over to Librivox! I’ve listened several times already, just as if I were reading with book in hand. Books are immeasurably wonderful, the transport to lands I will never see, the portal to friends and worlds I would never otherwise know. How rich we are for their place in our lives.

I hope I’m not being silly here, but I’m so grateful to listen to your readings. I wish and hope all the very best blessings for you! I wish you well and safe in body, in mind, and in soul.
(Love to you from Mississippi in America)

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for gypsygirl (Karen Savage) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear Mrs Savage,

I've immensely enjoyed listening to your reading of 'Persuasion' by Jane
Austen during my walks in the last few weeks. I found it hilarious,
emotional and exciting. I especially love all the different voices you
gave the characters. I appreciate your clear pronunciation which made it
easy for me to understand everything even though English is not my first
language. I look forward to listening to your other audio books. Thank
you very much for your work.

Have a nice day.


Dear Karen,

If words could speak... And the stories behind them?

Well, in your case, of course they do.

I am a severely disabled person who spends the majority of my time lying in bed listening to audio books and podcasts.

My body is broken but my mind and spirit still fly high.

As I am living on SSDI I could never afford to subscribe to the massive amount and variety of content that I consume. You might say that I am a connoisseur of the spoken word.

So with that said, please allow me the privilege of thanking you for your dedication to your art form and skill craft. You are truly a master.

But in my mind, what makes you an even better person is your dedication to serving your art in the public domain, so that so many might otherwise come to know your great talent.

I have listened to countless hours of your work, with closed patient eyes, and a wide open imagination, thrilled with your readings of the classics.

I have especially enjoyed your work with LM Montgomery. She and Jane Austin, FS Fitzgerald, and Mark Twain are my favorite authors.

I also found your background in Software Project Management, as well as the Arts fascinating.

Before my health went to hell, as a software engineer, I led over 200 projects for the Y2K Initiative way back in the 90’s. And, I was always involved in charity work for children, specifically for GATE Education and Youth Sports as a 501(c)3 Board Director. I believe that the work I did over my 15 years of service was far more important than any corporate gig that I had ever held.

I mention the above only to qualify my praise for you as both an artist and a volunteer. I understand what it is to dedicate valuable time to even more valuable causes.

Thank You Karen, for all hard work, determination and dedication to making the world a more interesting story.

Respectfully Yours,

Musician, Sailor, Philosopher, and Engineer

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Martykrz (Marty Kris) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Marty Kris, thank you so much for your time and dedication in reading sections of The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 09. I hope to see more and hear more books read by you in the near future! Have a wonderful day.

All of Marty's recordings!

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