'Thank You' messages for LibriVox readers - continued

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Post by TriciaG »

icequeen wrote: March 19th, 2018, 8:32 pm Praise received for TriciaG (TriciaG) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I am so appreciative of this site as I farm and have no time to read.
I can listen to audio while I preserve etc. food.
TriciaG is absolutely your best volunteer.
I like Grace Livingston Hill, Gene Stratton Porter, Pansy and always choose her if possible.

You have, what sounds like, very young readers who read so fast I can't understand well, but she does it all just right. Give her a million thanks from 'ole lady in Canada. Just had to move in middle of terrible winter, so now will have more time to use your site. I recommend it to everyone.

I would like you to have my favorite book from Grace Livingston Hill read but perhaps you have no heard of it. It is called "The Finding of Jasper Holt" 1913 and is her best of all her books. Short - paperback is about 169 pages and is a real tear jerker, but always ends happily of course.
I can't find this book online to buy a new copy either but I'm sure with more searching I might....on the Christian book store sites.....to make it easier for you to find it too.
So thanks to ALL your volunteers who read. I especially find the men's voices very soothing, but there seems to be a dearth of them.
Aww, wonderful! Thank her for me. I have Jasper Holt in my "to do someday" folder which contains about 40 GLH and Pansy books. :shock: I'll move this one further up the list. (And stay tuned; a new Pansy book will be coming out as soon as the proof-listener finishes up the last couple chapters.) :)
School fiction: David Blaize
America Exploration: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
Serial novel: The Wandering Jew
Medieval England meets Civil War Americans: Centuries Apart
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Post by Epachuko »

Me gustaría en primer lugar felicitar a TODAS las personas que, de una u otra manera, con la aportación de su tiempo, esfuerzo, dedicación y voluntad hacen posible un proyecto tan interesante y fascinante como LIBRIVOX.

En particular me gustaría felicitar al lector TUX753, (Tux) que fue al primero que escuché en esta página por recomendación de un amigo. Gracias a él me enganché a los Episodios Nacionales de Pérez Galdos, y también disfruté muchísimo con los "Naufragios" de Cabeza de Vaca... todo ello me sirvió para dar el salto a las lecturas en inglés, y con el tiempo, he decidido aportar mi granito de arena a esta comunidad y colaborar leyendo yo también.

Gracias a todos por mantener esta iniciativa adelante

Un abrazote y ENHORABUENA
Grabaciones de Epachuko
Colabora leyendo secciones en español con nosotros en el foro Readers Wanted Languages other than English El Periquillo Sarniento vol III y IV- Cuentos y fábulas populares (África)
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Post by john9a »

Thank You to David Leeson for the excellent reading of "William Bradford - History of the Plymouth Settlement". You'll always be the voice of William Bradford for me. Although I also consider that your oration is likely much better than William Bradford's might have been. I greatly enjoyed this and often have re-listened to many segments and even been moved to read the book myself. Mr. Leeson is a very talented reader. Thank You.
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Post by WYSIWYG »

I love to use the L'vox database to discover other solo recordings by skilled, favorite readers with great voices and a comfortable pace, but the one I just 'found' seems to have only 'just begun' at Librivox! :roll: :hmm: :wink:

:idea: Matthew Johnson, thank you for your work in Fern's Hollow. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Please, please keep reading!!!

Vision issues and routine, long travel make audbiobooks a MUST for me-- THANK YOU. Apologies in advance for ypto's in my posts.
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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Bear Creek Mama (Laura Caldwell) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:


Thank you for reading for Librivox.org! We love your voice, accent, and pace! We have especially enjoyed your readings of M.B. Synge’s History of the World series. Sadly, we are almost finished with Awakening of Europe – and there is no recording of Struggle for Sea Power! I do have an electronic copy of it, but we will miss the convenience of listening to it while eating lunch, etc. We will miss your voice as well. I see that you have recorded many books on Librivox. We also listened to your recording of Men of Iron and probably others as well. Thanks again!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for sjmarky (Mark Nelson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I want to thank Mark Nelson for his reading of the book entitled "The million dollar suitcase" and "The Columbus of space". I loved them both and he brought them to life. Great books.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Kaffen (Mark F. Smith) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:


Thank you so much for reading Robinson Crusoe. You brought the story to life for me. I'm impressed by your ability to use a different voice for each of the characters. I always believe the best book recordings are a marriage of great writing AND a great reading. Thank you so much for volunteering your time. I do a great deal of traveling alone by car and listening to Robinson Crusoe made it most enjoyable.



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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for mreyto (Martin Reyto) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hello, I just heard a fantastic reading the other night on 89.9 WKCR.

I'm not sure of the reader, but it was Kafka's "Report for an Academy."

The reading was so subtle, so nuanced, I thought it captured every ounce of pain, anguish, humor (however dark), sarcasm and satire that Kafka, in my mind, put it into it.

I was really moved by the reading, for how simple it came off, although in a way that I'm sure required not only a deep understanding of the work, an affinity with it, but also a fair amount of practice.

Appreciate the effort. Wile Kakfa informs many of my day-to-day thoughts (for better or worse), I hadn't quite expected to re-encounter the actual work in this way, so it was a pleasant shock.

I'm realizing now that the ability to listen to a book in someone else's voice can be on par, and in some ways exceed, sitting alone and reading it on your own.

So, sending my regards to the reader for aiding and abetting with that.

All best,


All of Martin's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for DSayers (Denny Sayers) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Denny, you are the best! Your tone, pronunciation, phrasing, timing - everything - is so very excellent and enjoyable. I am currently reading/listening to Defoe's Captain Singleton, and you have made it come alive for me. Thank you so very much. I look forward to enjoying many more of your most excellent readings.

Best Regards,

All of Denny's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Amy S (Emily Maynard) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Greetings Emily,

I wanted to thank you very much for your readings of Gregorovius's "Lucretia Borgia." I am also looking forward to your future readings of the volume, when you are able - thank you!

I own and have been trekking through an old set of his "History of Rome During the Middle Ages," and learned of his bio of LB, recently, and will probably acquire a hard copy of it at some point. In the meantime, your readings are enjoyable.

Any consideration of also reading his History of Rome, at some point? Have you read, or are you considering, reading it? I can understand providing readings of it being a huge challenge! I am not a LibriVox volunteer, but may some day, and contributing to the readings of that set is definitely interesting to me.

Finally, the file available for Section 9 for Lucretia Borgia seems to be, actually, the same file for Section 8. That is to say, although the details listed for Section 9 here indicate different length etc than Section 8, both files, when played or downloaded, provide the same reading (of Section 8: Book 1, Chapter 8, "Family Affairs.") Is Chapter 9 available?

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Delysid (Delysid) from our 'Thank a reader' feature regarding his reading in the group project The Four Feathers:

i was listening to this adventure keenly.... having seen the film of it many years ago and enjoyed it immensely...
then the 23rd chapter came along and the reader of it brought the story alive for me....
his reading was so amazing indeed... it was as if he wanted to bring pleasure to the listener and he did...it was not rushed and it was suspensful
i havent heard a better reader.
many thanks...
be encouraged and please read more adventures.
thankyou very much.

All of Delysid's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for NoDecaf (David Leeson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Link to Audiobook https://librivox.org/bradfords-history-of-the-plymouth-settlement-by-william-bradford/

Book: William Bradford History of the Plymouth Settlment.
Reader: David Leeson

My very first Audiobook ever listened to, and such an excellent experience. Thanks to a Great reader, David Leeson. You will always be the voice of William Bradford to me, although I suspect that your oration is likely better than Bradford's would have been. It's takes a while to realize an excellent reading, because at first you only consider the story. But in time you realize that to convey it so well indicates a reader who understands and feels the subject matter. Clearly Mr. Leeson is a person of such ability.
Thank You for the great reading~

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for BumbleVee (BumbleVee) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I just wanted to send a quick note of thanks to BumbleVee. She has a gorgeous voice that opened up for me William Morris' world in The Well at the World's End.

All of BumbleVee's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for philchenevert (Phil Chenevert) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hi there,

Please thank Phil Chenevert, for his reading of Wizard of Oz.

He reads absolutely wonderfully and I really enjoyed listening.

I’m now looking forward to the rest of the Oz, hoping they are going to be as thoroughly enjoyable as that one.

Keep us the good work, you’re really good and thank you.

Much kind regards, Tony

All of Phil's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for gloriana (Elizabeth Klett) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:


Good day

I just would like to thank Elizabeth Klett for reading the book Children of Odin.

The reading quality and pronunciation was very good and me son and I have listened to this book twice already and we probably will listen to in again and again.

Thank you

Tanja and Steyn

All of Elizabeth's recordings!

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