'Thank You' messages for LibriVox readers - continued

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for DSayers (Denny Sayers) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I am listening to SWANNS WAY, at last. I have always wanted to read it but also feared it! I was thinking it was too "grand" for me to grasp! The other day I decided to just DO IT!

SO BEAUTIFUL! I may never finish as I keep RE listening!!! Like most readers I have those thoughts and foolishly thought I was alone in that! HA!

But the reason I am writing is I just discovered that the beautiful voice brining this work alive is no more! That is, no more on this planet! Denny gives such grace to the words! It is as though HE penned them! What a gift he has given us to leave a legacy so rich, so important, so vital!!

I shall look for ALL his readings with great joy and expectation! He has truly left a wonderful legacy.

THANK YOU, Mr. Sayers, for giving so much and so unselfishly! I look forward to meeting you somewhere out there...

Hate has no place in this world: JUST LOVE!

All of Denny's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for aurore (Emily Jarmard) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:


I would like to pass along a heartfelt thank you to Emily Jarmard for the lovely reading of The Shepherd of the Hills. The pacing is wonderful, and the light, yet expressive touch makes it a pleasure to listen to. It's easy to just fall into the story and almost forget you are listening :)

Best regards,


Recording information:
The Shepherd of the Hills


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for ref (Rhonda Federman) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Thank you for your excellent reading of A WAY OF ALL FLESH. You have a beautiful voice and make every precious word understandable. Can’t imagine anyone doing a better job with this heart-crushing novel.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Margaret (Margaret Espaillat) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I wish to thank Margaret Espaillat for the excellent reading voice in general, and for "Middlemarch" and "Merton of the Movies" in particular. To be candid, I am an old man with multiple health issues, and Margaret's voice is a very great pleasure to hear. I have listened to Middlemarch many times just to hear Margaret's voice rendering the story. I know many readers do not publish any information about themselves to avoid the trolls that exist in our world, but I do wish Margaret would allow her fans a little information about herself.



Thanks to the excellent Margaret Espaillat
Mrs. Espaillat, I wish to thank you for many of your readings. As you know your rendition of "Middlemarch" is legendary, but the subject of this thank you is your reading of "Merton of the Movies" from 2009. You may not remember the story, but your reading of it is absolutely superb. It is a bitter sweet story with an unusual plot, and even though I am a pretty tough old man, your reading of the scene (chapter 19) of Sarah consoling Merton by holding him in her arms while rocking, and your singing the short impromptu lullaby, brought tears to my eyes.

I for one hope you continue the good work. It is appreciated.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for bgdavid (David Clarke) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hello Mr Clarke,

after browsing for ages in search for a reading of the Sherlock Holmes Canon that does not sport a thick American accent, I was delighted to find your rendition on Librivox.
Nothing against Americans, I will gladly take my Poe with an alveolar flap - but it just does not suit Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's world. And your reading is not only splendidly British, but also very vivid and varied. I appreciate the different voicings you give the characters, e. g. the dropped hs and rs of the Londoners, without making them sound like caricatures.
Keep up the good work!

Greetings from Auld Europe

This refers to the following recording by David Clarke (bgdavid) of The Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle: https://librivox.org/a-study-in-scarlet-version-6-by-sir-arthur-conan-doyle/

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for EVH (Eva) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I am in the process of listening to War and Peace. So many wonderful readers! But I've really enjoyed Eva Harning (?). She has a wonderful pace and expression! I have listened to the first 8 of the 15 books of War and Peace and I hope that she was able to stay with the project all the way through. There are other readers I've enjoyed a lot, but she's done so MUCH of the book and, when her voice comes one, I just KNOW I'm going to enjoy the coming chapter.

Thank you so much!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for adr6090 (April6090) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Thank you to April6090 for reading
House of whispers by William le Queux. I really enjoyed it and appreciate the work it took to do a book solo!!
Thank you, Lynn

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for bublsort (E. Tavano) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Great read of epic proportions. Thank you.


- Richard

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for gypsygirl (Karen Savage) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hi again Librivox,

I have just finished listening to another fantastic read by Karen Savage (A Little Princess) and I would appreciate it very much if you could pass on my thanks to her. She has an extremely engaging voice and narration style and manages to get across very subtle elements of the story being read. Absolutely superb stuff. A pleasure to my ears.


I would like to let you know how much I have enjoyed your reading of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. I enjoy reading the classics as well as modern fiction. My wife’s enjoyment of Jane Austen’s work many years ago influenced me to find out what it was all about. I have enjoyed them thoroughly.

A glitch in my car radio made listening to normal radio impossible (too much static), so a friend gave me an audiobook cd. I found out that I enjoyed them very much. Then I discovered Librivox.org. I happened upon your reading of Pride and Prejudice and as with any good book, I have listened to it more than once. Your reading is quite captivating and your interpretation of the characters’ speech delivery is delightful. I really like your interpretation of snooty Mr. Collins and pompous Lady Catherine.

I know that you did this reading 10 years ago, but like the source, you reading holds up well.

Thank you again.

Red Oak, TX
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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for NoDecaf (David Leeson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Dear David,
Thank you so much for your time and proficiency in narrating Justin Martyr’s First Apology! Your voice is smooth, calm, with good inflection… overall very easy listening or following along! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thankful and blessed,

All of David's recordings!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Claire (Lee Ann Howlett) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hi LibriVox Team,

Please convey my special Thank You to Lee Ann for the book given below. Lee is a very good narrator.

Henry Ford's Own Story

New Jersey

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Mermaid (Mil Nicholson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Dear Mrs Nicholson,

Thank you for the outstanding recording of Our mutual friend, and for all the rest of your solo recordings.
They are among the gems in the catalogue.

I've now finished the list of your solo recordings and have become addicted to your voice, to all the voices that you lend to Dickens's characters.

May I look forward to more?

Robert, Heidelberg in Germany

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for johng (John Greenman) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I have been listening to a connecticut yankee in king arthur’s court for school, (I’m a freshman). John Greenman does a fabulous job on keeping it interesting. Thanks, John! Much Appreciated

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Kaffen (Mark F. Smith) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Dear Mr. Smith,
Thank you for reading Robinson Crusoe. We liked reading about how Robinson survived on the island. We also liked how you did the voice of Friday. Thank you for making this reading enjoyable for us.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for MaryAnnSpiegel (MaryAnn) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hello Librivox,

I have been enjoying your audio-books since the start of your great organization.

I would like to give a special thank you to one of your readers MaryAnnSpiegel.

Catalog name: MaryAnn
Forum name: MaryAnnSpiegel

I found her reading of Florence L Barclay's 'The Upas Tree' to be engagingly read well paced and most entertainingly voiced.

If possible I would like to make a request of MaryAnn to consider doing a solo reading of 'The Rosary' also by Florence L Barclay. I believe her talent and voice would be well suited to that story as well.

It is one of my favorite stories and I would be very happy to take a reading by MaryAnn with me the next time I deploy to the desert.

Thank you Librivox, and thank you to all who volunteer.


All of MaryAnn's recordings!

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