Moravians in Jamaica - rap

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Joined: April 16th, 2023, 10:27 am

Post by FaithAE »

Thankyou for your message. I am well and hope you are too.

I will let Harriet know. There were tornadoes in Houston and Texas wider. I suspect she may be distracted with this.
I know she posted her 1 mins excerpt but needed help to know what to do to rectify.

I will ask her if she wants me to take a chapter.

Will be back.
Posts: 66
Joined: April 16th, 2023, 10:27 am

Post by FaithAE »

Harry has reposted her test file. She just wants me to let her know how she can let you, Rapunzela, know.
Please keep project alive!
LibriVox Admin Team
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Joined: November 15th, 2011, 3:47 am

Post by Rapunzelina »

That's good news! I hope she enjoys recording!
The first post in this thread should have all the information she needs regarding this project, such as the opening and closing words, filenaming, uploading, but if there are questions, she can always post in this thread for help. You will need to update the Magic window when she uploads a file and posts the url and duration here.

If there is no activity for two months, I'll just post to ask for another update then, but hopefully there will be some progress in the meantime! :D
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Joined: April 16th, 2023, 10:52 am

Post by Harrietab »

Hello, Rapunzelina,

I've been stumbling all around the website - on regular Chrome and Incognito.

Just sent a post to a forum site somewhere (on the regular Chrome version of the site?) saying basically that User Error mean that the second recording I have sitting on my laptop did not upload after two attempts.


LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 18653
Joined: November 15th, 2011, 3:47 am

Post by Rapunzelina »

Hi Harriet! Nice to finely meet you here :D

Please follow these steps to upload your file, and let me know if and at what stage a problem appears:

For the first section, the filename should be moraviansinjamaica_01_buchner_128kb.mp3 ; for the third section, the filename should be moraviansinjamaica_03_buchner_128kb.mp3 , etc. Or if it's a test file, you can name it test_harriet.mp3

Go to the uploader from this link:
use this username and password:

In the uploader page, select mc "rapunzelina - Rapunzelina", click the button "Add Files" and navigate to where you saved your recording; select your recording, click Open, and once the file appears on the uploader page, click the button "Start". The file will start uploading, and when it's finished, the url will appear, which you copy from that page, and paste into a post here. If it's a test file, I'll check it as soon as possible :)
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