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Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 18th, 2020, 1:32 pm
by mightyfelix
Those two reasons are why I almost always use it. For really tricky phrases (like all the Scottish that George MacDonald likes to use :roll: ), I use the long, slow method. But for most things, I don't need to.

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 18th, 2020, 2:26 pm
by ToddHW
Punch and Roll, should I ever try it, would not help with my main recording problem: making an error in what I said without knowing that I have made the error. The only way I can be sure I'm done and ready to upload a quality file is to listen to the entire file anyway. So no need to stop as I record.

(Note - for my first 7 years here, I used a handheld digital recorder rather than recording on my computer via Audacity. I always had to transfer the files from the recorder to the computer to check with Audacity before upload. So I got used to never having the option for Punch and Roll anyway.)

Thanks, Todd

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 19th, 2020, 1:16 pm
by msfry
I have never heard of Punch and Roll, so I look forward to learning some good stuff tonight! No doubt, the easier editing can be made, the more books we can finish. I'm going to take my beauty nap now. See ya'll at 7.

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 19th, 2020, 6:19 pm
by KevinS
Why yes, I did forget we were being recorded.

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 19th, 2020, 7:34 pm
by jennlea
Enjoyed the Zoom this evening!

I kept my mic muted so you all weren't subjected to the baby's ear piercing screams, toy banging, etc etc, but would like to comment on Punch and Roll here if you don't mind. I can understand it seems like using Punch and Roll takes you out of the moment or out of the flow of your storytelling. I almost always use Punch and Roll and have it set to play back 4 seconds of the previously recorded audio before it starts recording again. During those 4 seconds I speak along with myself so I get back into the rhythm the story. I also make sure that the spot I place my cursor to start recording again is at the beginning of a sentence so I'm not trying to match a breath in the middle of one.

It does take a little while to get used to but I much prefer it to my previous method which was using a dog clicker to mark my mistakes and then editing them out. Now of course, Punch and Roll does not work when you don't notice your mouth didn't work correctly which happens to me more than I'd like to admit...

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 19th, 2020, 8:18 pm
by philchenevert
Thanks Jenn. I can see how getting back into the flow by mentally rehearsing during the pre-recording few seconds, would keep my juices flowing. That is the mental block I hve, that it would stop my performances and make me lose the flow.
As I said, I will be trying this out in the next week.

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 19th, 2020, 8:52 pm
by msfry
I'll be giving it a try, too, if only to prove to myself that an old dog CAN learn new tricks!

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 19th, 2020, 9:46 pm
by MaryinArkansas
I thought this was a good meeting tonight, it’s nice that there are new people interested in LibriVox. I think starting with something like a short story or a poem would be good for a new reader. It’s not as formidable as doing a book, or even part of a book, and is a good way of getting ones feet wet, so to speak.

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 19th, 2020, 10:03 pm
by philchenevert
I enjoyed the meeting a lot; goodinformation, nice sharing, some new people. Until they mentioned that i forgot to change the invite in our LibriVox Readers and Listeners group. Oh dear. But slips will happen and after cancelling my evening cup of ice cream as reprimand, I forgave myself.

One of our members, WIlliam, has generously offered to buy a pro Zoom membership for me. That would be very nice because i would not need to sechedule through another person, nice as they are. If that works out it will be nice. Also I have decided to have the next zoom meeting in a week, not 2 weeks.

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 20th, 2020, 12:21 am
by smike
philchenevert wrote: September 19th, 2020, 10:03 pm Also I have decided to have the next zoom meeting in a week, not 2 weeks.
That should work for me. I know I couldn't attend in two weeks, cause I'll have family visiting then. :)
I'll now go and check my version of audacity for the punch and roll feature. I haven't recorded anything in ages, I've mainly proof listened. :)

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 20th, 2020, 12:33 am
by mightyfelix
I may sit the next one out. They're fun, and you guys are great, but then I think of the fact that I could have been recording instead... :roll: :lol:

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 20th, 2020, 7:45 am
by philchenevert
mightyfelix wrote: September 20th, 2020, 12:33 am I may sit the next one out. They're fun, and you guys are great, but then I think of the fact that I could have been recording instead... :roll: :lol:
Yep, that time is precious indeed when we can record so definitely a good choice Devorah.

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 20th, 2020, 4:19 pm
by sjmarky
sjmarky wrote: September 15th, 2020, 5:38 pm
philchenevert wrote: September 15th, 2020, 5:02 pm
sjmarky wrote: September 15th, 2020, 4:30 pm Pacific. I was thinking 6pm PDT, which would work for North America and Australia. If it turns out worthwhile then another like at 8 am for US and Europe. One hour in length. The SU has a paid Zoom account I can use.
Very good. With a paid account you can record the session to Zoom and that would be better for posting the link later.
What are your thoughts on logistics? I like the 6 pm PDT, Date, spreading the work, etc.
I was thinking of 6 pm Oct 3: Sat in NA, Sun 9 am (I think) in Aus to accommodate folks with day jobs. I’d handle any of the other logistics: announcements, communication, etc., as well as making the recording available. I would do audio-only, and distribute just to the participants - I would have group participation and wouldn’t want anyone to be inhibited thinking the larger world would have access. I don’t know if I would get more, but I’m thinking I would limit it to 20 for the first go-round. Thoughts?
After some rumination, I think I'll push it off to the 10th to allow some prep work I want to do, and start at 5 PDT. Plus limit to 12. I'll post he announcement towards the end of the week. Who knows what will happen?

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 20th, 2020, 5:55 pm
by philchenevert
After some rumination, I think I'll push it off to the 10th to allow some prep work I want to do, and start at 5 PDT. Plus limit to 12. I'll post he announcement towards the end of the week. Who knows what will happen?
Who indeed! The Shadow knows! and he ain't talkin'. Look forward to your presentation.

Re: Zoom meeting video

Posted: September 21st, 2020, 11:26 am
by realisticspeakers
Was the last meet recorded? Sorry I couldn't attend I was grumpy and depressed.
No price is too high to pay for pickled beets.
- Friedrich Nietzsche