[COMPLETE] London Labour Volume III -ans

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Peter Why
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Post by Peter Why »

Section 3 PL Okay.

Uncomfortable listening!

"I think, therefore I am, I think." Solomon Cohen, in Terry Pratchett's Dodger
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Post by GillH »

Thanks, Peter.

Were you expecting, "Tastes like chicken" rather than "tastes like rabbit"? :D
Peter Why
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Post by Peter Why »

Ha! I suppose he'd be more used to the taste of rabbit than chicken.

Section 4:

At 11.50 The section that I've bracketted is missing. (It looks as if you've jumped a line in the text that you're reading from.)

Following "he's reading the Family Friend just now."

"It’s a little work I take in for [my girl, for her future benefit. My girl is as fond of reading as I am, and always was. My boy goes to school every evening, and twice on a ] Sunday. I am willing that they should .."


It's up to you whether you change the following slip-ups.

At 16.15

"After I took to bird-cage making, I found the employment at it so casual that I could not support my family at it." Read as "... support my family at all."

At 25.09

"The daughter of the toy-maker .... said that she could not describe how it was that she had learnt to plane and gauge the boards." I think you've said "gouge" instead of "gauge".


I like the way the man described his feelings about his daughter and her work.

"I think, therefore I am, I think." Solomon Cohen, in Terry Pratchett's Dodger
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Post by GillH »

Thanks again, Peter.

I did record that missing section. Must have edited it out by accident. :roll: I should be able to find the original.

For "gauge" I first recorded it as normal (rhyming with greengage) but then I thought from the context it meant gouge and was perhaps a spelling from that time. I think the word is used a few times so I'll have another look and think about it.

Yes. you get a real feeling for how much he truly loves his family, and that he's wonderfully at peace.
Peter Why
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Post by Peter Why »

Section 5 PL OK.

Well-spotted with the typo at 23.27: "It is even a greater torment than the horse fly." Which you read as "house fly" and I thought was a mistake until I checked the species name earlier in the paragraph.

Uncomfortable enthusiasm from Mr Mayhew there.

"I think, therefore I am, I think." Solomon Cohen, in Terry Pratchett's Dodger
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Post by GillH »

Section 6 (30:53)


Pages 28 - 34
FLIES and the fly-paper maker.
Lovely subjects - fleas to come!
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Post by GillH »

Edited Section 4 (26:31)


I decided "gauge" means "gouge" so I've kept that pronunciation, but I have:
- made the insertion (from 11:50)
- made the other change to "...at it" (now starts at 16:31).
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Post by GillH »

Section 7 (33:28)


Why did I want to do this volume??????? :hmm:

There are a lot of footnotes in this one which I felt rather "obligated" to keep in, after all the research Mayhew had done. It took some time to find out the exact names of the works referred to. Where these differ from Mayhew's frequent use of the short form by which the works would have been known, I stuck to Mayhew's renderings. (e.g. "Nature Displ" = Spectacle De La Nature: Or, Nature Display'd. Being Discourses On Such Particulars Of Natural History As Were Thought Most Proper To Excite The Curiosity and Form the Minds Of Youth.)

[5]“Mém. Anim. sans Vertébrat.” is actually "Mémoires sur les animaux sans vertèbres" so I did change that.

At 18:13 I corrected his typo TEEMINCK to Temminck.

I also added a Reader's note re his many references to "J.R." who I discovered is/was John Ray. "J.R. refers to works by or the person of JOHN RAY, FRS, 1627 – 1705."
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Post by GillH »

I'm working on Section 8. I just have a couple of "issues":

Mayhew has given a M. Bery Saint Vincent who I've discovered is M. BORY DE Saint Vincent. Can I change that (as a typo)?

Also the work involved is given as "Dict. Classique d’Hist. Nat. Art"
which is "Dictionnaire Classique d’Histoire Naturelle".
I can't see or work out what he means by "Art." (There's no "Art" or "Artificelle" or similar and it is not in the part ART- of the dictionary since it's regarding GRILLON (crickets). Can I skip the "Art." part?

I'm also unable to find the final reference for this section: "Bing, Anim. Biog. iv. 6th edit."
"Animal BIOGRAPHIES" doesn't seem quite right so it could be a typo for BIOLOGY, but I can't locate anything by Bing. I may just have to leave out this reference.
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Post by annise »

I'd call him Bory ( well in truth I probably wouldn't read the footnotes but it is up to you)
I don't know for sure about the ART - but the fact that the volume I found is a part called CRO - D and was vol 5 causes me to wonder if volume 1 was A - ARS and this reference is to volume 2 ART ?? A guess but it is in capitals.
I thought it was the Chinese who kept crickets in bamboo cages ??

Peter Why
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Post by Peter Why »

Here's Bing:

Referred to on google as: Tab. Element, p. 110. Common Mole. Shaw's Gen. Zool. i. p. 515, tab. 1 17. Bing. Anim. Biog. 3d edit. i. p. 399. European Mole. Penn. Quadr. i. p. 229. Penn. Brit.


"I think, therefore I am, I think." Solomon Cohen, in Terry Pratchett's Dodger
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Post by GillH »

You're a star, Peter!
According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Bingley#Works, it was indeed "Animal Biography" (1802). Phew!

Thanks, Anne. You've had a listen/read, then, I take it?
Yes, indeed, I saw a lot of crickets in cages in China. I'd never heard of the Spanish passion for them too!

I thought some of the 'anecdotes' were really interesting and people might want to look them up - for amusement, if nothing else - so I've kept them in. There aren't many footnotes after this.

Thankfully this is the last creepy crawly section (for now?).
Uploading soon.

G :thumbs:
Peter Why
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Post by Peter Why »

Section 4 PL OK. Starting on the other two later today.

EDIT: section 6 PL OK.

"I think, therefore I am, I think." Solomon Cohen, in Terry Pratchett's Dodger
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