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Post by Cori »

No problem, Leni!

I'm changing the due date on this, because I don't think I'll be able to produce it for release on Thursday -- I'm now aiming for a Friday release, so y'all can listen on New Year's Day! The new deadline is London-lunchtime, Thurs 31st Dec. and I've updated the countdown above if anyone wants to check how long they've got. I'd LOVE a few more contributions, if anyone's in the mood ...
There's honestly no such thing as a stupid question -- but I'm afraid I can't rule out giving a stupid answer : : To Posterity and Beyond!
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Post by momof3Chihuahuas »

Hi, Cori,

I got a PM from someone asking me a few questions, so I've recorded something (even though I'm a bit hoarse), & I'll finish editing it tomorrow. Or just start from scratch---I can't believe how many times I say "Uh" or "Um." :roll: I might need to write out a very short script! LOL Anyway, I'm going to try to get something to you. :D

I don't sound very excited in what I've recorded . . . hmm. Probably just 'cause my throat was hurting. I don't want to bring the podcast down in any way. I'll see what I can do. It'll only be my 2nd podcast! I know I talk a lot in posts, but I'm really sort of shy in a way (talking about LV without a script LOL). How many minutes should it be? There were quite a few questions, but I'm going to TRY to be concise---or skip the ones that don't apply as much to me.

And next time you want someone to PL your dulcet tones reading just about anything, let me know? :mrgreen: Or we can do it the old-fashioned way; whoever gets there first wins! (That's when I wish I were a morning person! But not being able to sleep through the night, for whatever weird [illness] reason is why---so frustrating!)

I think it'll be a great podcast & that 2010 will be an awesome year for LV!
Joy :9:

P.S. If I helped PL a book but my name isn't listed on catalogue page (not necessarily a big deal, but still it'd be nice to be mentioned; I PL'ed 4 chapters, even helped BC with word counts [BC wanted me to; I don't do that now if I'm the DPL], & also read a chapter), could I contact an admin by PM (probably the admin who MC'ed that book) & get my name put after the main PL'er? (Who took over for me when I got sicker.) Thanks for any helpful comment!
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Post by Cori »

Lots of questions, eh, *giggles* ... yes, please do just pick the ones that appeal to you most! I have done exactly one podcast without a script and it was politely-but-unexcitedly received, so, I've been 100% scripted since then. Sometimes I rewrite the script as I'm recording it, just to get a smoother flow ... but, words always written down before saying. I know other folks are much more free-form and comfortable with thinking aloud, so it's entirely up to you how you do it! Also, you can edit out the ums, or leave them in -- a bit of that sounds quite nice, IMO, you know that the person's mulling over what they're saying, and it sounds very real.

Don't worry about bringing the podcast down AT ALL! I like a mix of serious and funny anyway ... but there's all sorts of things that can be done to perk up the tone if needed ... from adding my own comment of some kind, linking your piece with another which picks up the same themes in a different way, or even putting in background music or sound FX.

Gotcha about the PL! Though, I feel like I've hardly been recording at all recently. But, the New Year ... :D
There's honestly no such thing as a stupid question -- but I'm afraid I can't rule out giving a stupid answer : : To Posterity and Beyond!
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Post by Cori »

momof3Chihuahuas wrote:P.S. If I helped PL a book but my name isn't listed on catalogue page (not necessarily a big deal, but still it'd be nice to be mentioned; I PL'ed 4 chapters, even helped BC with word counts [BC wanted me to; I don't do that now if I'm the DPL], & also read a chapter), could I contact an admin by PM (probably the admin who MC'ed that book) & get my name put after the main PL'er? (Who took over for me when I got sicker.) Thanks for any helpful comment!
I'd think so, yes. Giving PL credits is fairly new, so this wouldn't apply to older books (or else MCs would be doing nothing else but changing catalogue pages for the first three months of the year) ... but I know that's not what you were asking. I'd definitely contact the MC and ask; it is a bit more work to keep track of (and add) more than one volunteer in each category (MC, BC, PL), and our page process has changed a bit recently, so it might take a little while to sort out.
There's honestly no such thing as a stupid question -- but I'm afraid I can't rule out giving a stupid answer : : To Posterity and Beyond!
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Post by Availle »

I got a message from Neeru where she's prodding...erm...I mean, asking me to go and record something for the podcast, and here is my oevre, an amazing 1:38 long...

I thought if you have more newbie-comments then you'd prefer something more short'ish.

Do with it as you see fit!
Cheers, Ava.
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Post by Nicholas19 »


"La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando" by Lewis Carroll has just been catalogued! This is the first full-length Esperanto book to be recorded for Librivox. Previously we've only had a few short recordings (i.e. in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Multilingual Poetry Collection) and Esperanto sections in the Esperanto Teacher and Dr. Esperanto's International Language. But "Alicio en Mirlando" is the first actual Esperanto-language book to be recorded for LibriVox! It's 4 hours, 22 minutes long. :D Just in case you want to mention it in the podcast! ;)

I'm actually hoping this will attract more Esperantists to LibriVox once they find out about it...
Nicholas J. Bridgewater

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Post by momof3Chihuahuas »

Availle wrote:I got a message from Neeru where she's prodding...erm...I mean, asking me to go and record something for the podcast, and here is my oevre, an amazing 1:38 long...
Yep, it was Neeru! :D I'm going to redo it because it was too dreary & ended up being way too long (all those "ums" & pauses while I tried to figure out what to say; I'll stick to stuff I'm the most interested in---thanks, Neeru!). And, Cori, thanks; I'll write a script! That'll be a big help!

Joy :mrgreen:
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Post by momof3Chihuahuas »

Hi again, Cori (or anyone who can help with my 2 questions),

1. When do I absolutely have to get it to you before it's too late to include in the podcast? (I'm still working on it). VERY important question! (Do I have to get it to you, Cori, or to Neeru no later than late this evening---or is it possible to get it done in the middle of the night & get it to you by tomorrow morning? :help: ETA: Never mind about this question; I forgot to check the countdown---duh! So I still have time! :D

2. How long should my portion be? Is 5 minutes too long? I'll try to keep it under 5 minutes; I feel that anything longer would be too much. I must be concise! :roll: I'll try, anyway! LOL If anyone can give me an idea, that'd be very helpful.

Thank you for any help with the question(s)! I don't want to slow down the podcast or talk too long, but I'd love to be part of it (if I can get it done soon enough). Thanks!

Joy :D

P.S. If I tried to answer all the questions, it'd be more like 10 minutes---& that seems much too long.
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Post by RuthieG »

Cori wrote:
My LV catalogue page | RuthieG's CataBlog of recordings | Tweet: @RuthGolding
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Post by momof3Chihuahuas »

Thanks, Ruth. Yes, I saw that after I posted & edited it to add that I'd found it. Silly me. LOL

I've at least got my "script" written (not too long), so if I can just get to feeling well enough to record (even if it's in the middle of the night), I'll get it done. For some reason, I seem to have caught something over the holidays, & I feel worse in the evening. Rats.

Hmm, if I'm unable to record, I wonder if I could have someone else read at least part of what I wrote (like aradlaw did for lucy)? Just a thought. What I really, really want is just to feel better; this gets SO frustrating! :evil: The fatigue level is much worse than my usual. Say a prayer for me, Ruth? Thank you!

Joy :(
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Post by momof3Chihuahuas »

OK, Cori, I got it done. I hope it's not too long; with 5 seconds at the end, it's 3:55. And 3.58 MB. If it's too long, feel free to edit it, especially if I accidentally left in too many "uhs" or long silences---definitely delete those, although I left one "uh" at the begnining. Anyway, here's the URL:

I used the same form Ava did. Good luck, Cori; I'm sure you'll do a marvelous job---as usual! :thumbs: I'm looking forward to hearing the podcast! Thank you! And thank you too, Neeru! :D

Joy :9:

Now to try to get to sleep so I can maybe get over whatever this bug is.
Last edited by momof3Chihuahuas on December 31st, 2009, 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DeRamos »

I uploaded a couple of mp3s to Cori's upload folder, RE: Neeru's Private Message for the Podcast. I hope you don't mind, Cori! :D
Ryan DeRamos
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Post by ExEmGe »

Hi Cori
If it's not too late and if there's anything worth using, here you are:-
Andy Minter
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Post by aravis »

Hi Cori!

I've uploaded a podcast file to your folder too (and some more might come). Hope that's ok! :D

PMed link to Neeru!

Elli :D

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Post by momof3Chihuahuas »

Hi, Cori,

Oh, rats, I just found that part of my file was blanked out for some reason. So just edit around it (as I'm sure you will or have). I'm obviously not meant to either duet Greyfriars Bobby with a Scottish person or even PL it for one since that's where my file went silent for awhile. Rats.

And if it's a choice between Andy Minter's contribution & mine (time-wise), please choose Andy's! You did a great job, Andy! :D (I really, really dislike my voice when I listen to something I've recorded---I sound so nasal. *sigh* But I have had a cold lately; still, I sound somewhat like that all the time---bad sinuses, etc.). I was disappointed with my effort. Please feel free to edit heavily if you use it at all. If you don't need it, that's fine. I won't be upset at all. Really! (I'd more likely feel relieved!)

Thanks, Cori, & Neeru! I'm sure it'll be a great podcast!
Joy :)