COMPLETE The World's Famous Orations by Bryan and Halsey-ck

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by Carolin »

thats great, nigel! thank you for helping us out and jumping in to adopt the orphans!

take your time with recording. as long as i know you are still working on them we can wait, no problem :) i hope you will enjoy reenacting these speeches!
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Post by NCarrington »
17' 00"

Hi Caroline

Here is section 18 0f Orations...(lots of pompous and patriotic gas-baggery from old Palmerston)! I was tempted to add some suitable House of Commons Chamber type reverb, but thought better of it as it might unbalance the whole book. Shame though, I love a bit of subtle reverb.

I almost had to narrate it all again, as another piece of troublesome midi software I sometime use, seemed to have completely shredded my sound-card settings. The whole read sounded as if I had recorded it on a very cheap 1980's cassette recorder, using a very tinny mic. Fortunately Windows 10 allowed me to re-install the sound-card driver files to fix these glitches, and voila, all sounds as it should once more!

Nos 20 and 21 to follow in due course

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Post by Carolin »

Thank you so much nigel :D
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Post by MrsHand »

Section 18 is PL OK!
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Post by Carolin »

Thank you :thumbs:
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Post by NCarrington »

Just to update you on the Bright orations 20-21.

I am pressing on with them still. Number 1 is recorded but still needs editing and mastering.
I hope to try and record part 2 tomorrow(Sunday).

preparations for the Christmas Holiday are slowing me down a bit and our son is back from University, so finding space and silence is harder at present.
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Post by Carolin »

no problem nigel, im glad you are still on them, but you neednt rush it :)
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Post by NCarrington »

Orations Section 20-part 1

38' 10"

Starting to record part 2 today.

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Post by Carolin »

Thank you nigel! Note that the section number is 21. But i can fix that during cataloging if the file is otherwise pl ok :D thank you!
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Post by MrsHand »

NCarrington wrote: December 9th, 2018, 4:56 am

Orations Section 20-part 1

38' 10"

Starting to record part 2 today.


PL Notes:

--Intro and outro say Section 20. This should be Section 21.
--The end of the intro should match the first post, so it should say "The World’s Famous Orations, Vol. IV. "On the English Foreign Policy, part 1" by Bright"
--The footnote starts with "Delivered in Birmingham..." The biographical information below the title isn't part of the footnote.
--Needs an "end footnote" at 1:29
--file name should be orations4_21_bryan_128kb
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Post by Carolin »

Thank you :thumbs:
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Post by NCarrington »

Ok..lots of fiddly stuff then.

Boorrring but I suppose necessary.

A lot of work, because I record on one input platform via my Rode mic,through an Alesis ios interface onto the Twisted Wave app on my ipad which is all totally silent and wonderful, then transfer it via dropbox to my main hp laptop software on adobe audition, then 1st-pass edit the initial raw reading, then 2nd-pass edit and refine the file...then...apply a -12db limiter plus a compander utility on my software to fruit it up a bit, then normalise to -3db, then convert to mp3, rename the file and finally upload to Librivox...every time there is a fault or retake needed, all these little things have to go through these processes. Before you say why not just sit in an armchair in in your house, use a usb mic plugged into software using punch and roll and run the noise removal afterwards, I will answer: I really should, to save all this nonsense but Audacity and various others out there are impossible editors and I find some of librivox's heavily audacity de-esses and noise-processed reads, almost impossible to listen too, as one cannot tell whether they have been recorded in a garage, bathroom or car. Also, punch n roll is a bit like taking a chain saw to a bonsai tree, it cuts away too much if done intemperately.

Why must we ident every chapter of every book on's so much like intrusive radio or tv advertising that it spoils the flow for the listener...surely they are intelligent enough to know what book they are listening to, without being reminded every few minutes. This is the one thing that really puzzles me about Librivox. Why? Will we ever get an answer. Perhaps the founders are all frustrated librarians with a card-index mentality and they feel that civilisation will rise andfall depending upon categorisation and indexing. Given that a lot of Librivox books end up on pro audiobook sites, what must browsers of these titles make of it all? TMI...I think.

End of rant

It must be frustrating for you Caroline, reading this and wondering if you are ever going to get my final files, so you can sign off this book.

All I can say is they are coming...but so is Christmas... and my fee is ten guineas.

Bear with...

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Post by Carolin »

dont worry nigel, it takes as long as it takes :) thanks for checking in!

all chapters need identifyers because we have a lot of blind listeners, who will need it if files get mixed up, elderly people who may find less well-structured files difficult, and the fact that a lot of our files are used individually rather than as a whole project :)
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Post by NCarrington »

Thank you Caroline.

I understand the blind listeners angle. I actually began my audiobook career narrating about 100 unabridged books for the blind, at the RNIB IN London in the 1990's. However, although we always added all footnotes and introductory pages, there was never any need for us to ident for every chapter of ....but that was in the days of tape players for the blind only, no cd or mp3 players existed then. Our studio engineer listened to TWO readers at a time, they must have felt very confused, and they edited reel to reel tape on the was a remarkable feat.

Sometimes, for this sort of work, I miss just sitting down with a cassette recorder and recording on that, with a decent microphone ( the early models had excellent microphones ) We used to record all demo's that way too. You had to get it right first go then, because it was hard to disguise the click/bump that an edit on the tape produced, it was a very good discipline. The older and more experienced readers at The RNIB would narrate in a very measured and precise way, thereby avoiding mistakes. Sometimes they could go on for hours like that. I was always going at a furious pace, showing off how many voices and accents I could do. The engineers were kept a little more busy with me.
I learned to slow down, only after my strokes at 62, because my brain doesn't work as fast as it used to now.

Soon I will return the amended file: 21 and upload the last file: 22, which is already recorded.

Best wishes

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Post by NCarrington »

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