COMPLETE: Lectures of Col. R.G. Ingersoll, Volume 2 - law

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by PaulW »

Thanks for the update, Ted. We're still here.
[b]DPL: [url=]Brigands of the Moon[/url]; [url=]Brain Twister[/url][/b]
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Post by GlassMask »

Well, it's been over a month, so I'd better check in. The play's been a bit of a bear; a large, demanding role coupled with very limited rehearsals and frequently missing cast members have made this way more difficult than it needs to be. I'm three pages away from being off book, but we open two weeks from tonite; usually I'm much farther along in the process of developing the character. It'll be okay, but for now it's just stress & mess, so I haven't had a chance to get any more done on this project.

I have read a chunk of Ingersoll's biography, which will be useful when I return. And I've gotten several nice e-mails from listeners who enjoyed the last volume and are ready for this one to be released. I promise, folks, one additional chapter/lecture/section/whatever every week till completion, beginning in March. I'll have a few up late in February, but I'll be relentless during March and April to finish this volume up.

After all, my other goal this year is to release the best comedy album of all time, so I have to get working on that, right? ^_^

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by GlassMask »

Section 5 is uploading as I type this. It's part 1 of 2 for Orthodoxy, 56:07, 51.3 Mb. The link is in the Magic Box, but here it is again:

Section 6 is recorded, but still needs to be edited, so expect it shortly, maybe tomorrow.

Finally finished Inherit the Wind's stage run, so now I'll concentrate on getting more Ingersoll recorded. Also bought a new car today, so there's paperwork and new stuff to learn on that, but I'm still on track to get this book finished. Pagewise, we're a little over 1/3 done, so maybe early May...

Thanks for listening!

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by GlassMask »

Part two of Orthodoxy is now up: Section 6, 56:51, 52.1 Mb.

The next two seem to be reasonably short. I'm leaving town for the weekend, but I'll be back to try recording them on the new Mac Mini next week. Yay! Up next is Blasphemy!

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by GlassMask »

I'm uploading section 7 as I type this. It's the first one recorded (and uploaded) on the Mac, so I'm hoping someone can give it a listen and let me know if it sounds okay. It seemed okay here during the editing, but I just wanted to be sure...

Here are the specs:

Section 07, Blasphemy, 28:05, 25.7 Mb.

Back next week with the next file...

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by GlassMask »

Just a little late on this one, but Section 8 is up now. The link is in the magic box at the top of this forum. It runs 34:29, and is 31.5 Mb.

I've also updated the magic box to show that the next lecture, Intellectual Development, will be a two-parter. It's 28 book pages, but I think I can get it in two files.

I took a class in Voice Acting the other nite, and everyone in the class was thrilled to hear about LibriVox. I'm sure we'll get a few listeners, and maybe a reader or two from that bunch!

Thanks for listening,

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by GlassMask »

Hi, Folks,

I finished section 9 late last nite, and uploaded it this morning. The link is in the magic box for anyone who wants to give it a listen. I don't have the specifics handy, so I'll update them in the box again later tonite.

This marks the halfway mark of the book, and I'm planning to continue to post one section per week till we're done, so hang in there.

Woo-hoo! My previous five solo recordings just hit 120,000 downloads! Thanks, LibriVox, for giving me a place to do this, and thanks to all the listeners as well.

I'm auditioning for a short indie film Saturday morning. Only four days of filming, so it shouldn't affect the recordings. And Shakespeare auditions are coming up soon (Antony & Cleopatra), so I'll see what comes of that...

Thanks for listening,

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by chocoholic »

Hi, Ted, you're making good progress! Paul and Leon are both out for a while, busy with Real Life. I think you'll need a new PL'er (I'll go ahead and take Leon out of the database as DPL). Would you like me to post for one for you, or would you prefer to do it yourself?
Laurie Anne
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Post by GlassMask »

Yep, I guess so... I dropped a note to Leon, and after a week or so, I dropped one to Paul. It happens; real life is real sometimes. ^_^ Luckily, mine is still mostly surreal...

I'll put a post up in listeners wanted in the next day or so. I try to be pretty low-maintenance, proofing pretty carefully when I'm editing, so the files should be fairly clean. I can limp along until someone else is available.

Thanks for the heads up!

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by GlassMask »

Section 10 is uploading now. The link is in the Box o' Magic on the first page. I also updated the box to show the next few sections. They're short ones for a while, which is fine; I'll probably record several at one go, then edit and post them as I have a chance.

And I know there are a few folks listening in as new sections pop up. You can help me and LibriVox out by volunteering to be a proof-listener. All you really have to do is listen to the file, and send me a note if you spot some glaring error, like a line that's repeated or garbled. It's easy! Just post a request to proof-listen any section with the red letters next to them, and help us get finished up and out to the rest of the world sooner!

Thanks for listening,

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by GlassMask »

Here's this week's lecture. The link, as always, is in the magic box. It's only 25:07, which is primarily because at two points during the lecture a voice says "and then the speaker read a whole bunch of laws from every state, and commented on them... Then he said...". We have all been spared the reading of hundred year old laws, though many are doubtless still on the books...

Thanks for listening,

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by GlassMask »


Just checking in, since I missed last week's upload. The next section is recorded, and I'll try to get it edited and uploaded over the weekend. Sorry for the delay. I had a surprise visit to an oral surgeon who beat me up, and I had to wait a week or so before my mouth felt un-numbed enough to record. It sounded a little different to me as I was reading it; maybe it will sound okay when I listen to it, but it's the best I could do at the moment.

This week I'm learning lines for my little movie role, and filming starts next weekend, so I'll play it by ear for the next few chapters.

Thanks for listening,

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by chocoholic »

Ugh, dental work, never very compatible with a Librivox hobby. Hope you're all better soon! And what's this about a movie role?? That sounds cool!
Laurie Anne
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Post by GlassMask »

Section 12 is in the Magic Box now; a pair of short Lectures on Talmagian Theology. I've also added the next few chapter titles, all of which are varying lengths but will be one file each. There are actually an even dozen left in the book, though some of the later ones may be combined.

This was an odd one. My dental problems caused a little extra sibilance, but nothing too bad, though my over-enunciation seemed to make me sound snarkier than usual. Eh, snarky is a good fit for some Ingersoll pieces... It was a little jarring to hear several references to "the Jew Bible," especially in a lecture that was fairly sympathetic to the plight of the early jews.

Most interesting was a mention of the recent passing of Charles Darwin...

Thanks for listening,


P.S. I'll have more details about the movie in a week or two, after the first filming days. Not much to say right now...
"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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Post by GlassMask »

Here's an update. This weekend is scheduled as the first two days (of four) of filming for the movie. It's also scheduled for fog and thunderstorms, so I'm not 100% sure what we'll actually get done. Saturday is mostly outdoor work, Sunday is mostly indoors. My LibriVox recording mic will be used as one of the band's mics, so it will be packed away in the car for the shooting. If the weather cancels the shoot, I'll plug it back in and knock out a few chapters of recording. Otherwise, I'll get at least the next one done and uploaded early next week.

My request for a Proof Listener has over a hundred views, but no one yet has been willing to brave the possibility of eternal darnation in heckfire. Oh, well, we'll get it done. I do so much editing on the files before I upload them that it shouldn't be much work, so I'll find someone...

Thanks for listening,

"To those who accept their fate, happiness. To those who defy their fate, glory."
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