[PHILOSOPHY] History of Philosophy, by Alfred Weber -jo

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Post by InTheDesert »

History of Philosophy, by Alfred Weber (1835 - 1914) translated by Frank Thilly (1865 - 1934)

Volunteers outside the USA: Ralph Barton Perry died in 1957. This person's work may still be protected by copyright in countries where copyright duration is determined by the author's death date. In Europe this is 70 years; in Canada it is 70 years for authors who died after 1971; and in Australia it is 70 years for authors who died after 1955.
Philosophy is the search for a comprehensive view of nature, an attempt at a universal explanation of things. It is both the summary of the sciences and their completion; both general science and a specialty distinguished from science proper; and, like its elder sisters, religion and poetry, forms a separate branch among the manifestations of the human mind.

The different sciences have special groups of facts for their subject-matter, and seek to discover the causes of these phenomena, or to formulate the laws according to which they are produced. In philosophy, on the other hand, the human mind endeavors to rise beyond such groups and their particular laws, and to explain the wrorld as a whole, or the universal fact or phenomenon , by the cause of the causes, or the first cause. In other words, it attempts to answer the question, Why does this world exist, and how does it happen to be what it is? (Summary by Introduction)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://archive.org/details/historyofphiloso0000webe/

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Genres for the project: *Non-fiction/Philosophy; *Non-fiction/Philosophy/Ancient; *Non-fiction/Philosophy/Medieval; *Non-fiction/Philosophy/Early Modern; *Non-fiction/Philosophy/Modern

Keywords that describe the book: philosophy, Spinoza, plato, socrates, metaphysics, soul, Stoicism, aristotle, augustine, kant, abelard, descartes, Epicurus, Gorgias, pantheism, Scepticism, parmenides, hegel, hobbes, platonism, scotus, plotinus, proclus, diógenes, monads, heraclitus, anaxagoras, empedocles, scholasticism, leibniz, protagoras, philosophy -- history, history -- philosophy, euclides, anselm, teleology, philosophy modern -- history, duns scotus, philosophy -- history -- 19th century, anaximenes, aristippus, pyrrhonism, antisthenes, peripateticism, philosophy french -- history, philosophy german -- history, philosophy -- history ancient, philosophy english -- history, philosophy italian -- history, philosophy -- history -- italy, philosophy american -- history, philosophy medieval -- history, philosophy -- history -- france, philosophy -- history -- greece, philosophy -- history -- modern, philosophy -- history -- england, philosophy -- history -- 18th century, philosophy -- history -- great britain, philosophy -- history -- united states


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  • The German pronunciation of the author is Alfred Weber.
  • Footnotes are optional.
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"End of History of Philosophy, by Alfred Weber, translated by Frank Thilly."
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Last edited by InTheDesert on November 12th, 2024, 9:40 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by InTheDesert »

DPL sought. Projected total recording length: 21 hours

Section 59 onwards are by Ralph Barton Perry (1876 - 1957).

Sections (preclaims welcome):
  1. Introduction (1484 words)
  2. Greek Philosophy - First Period - Origin of Greek Philosophy — The School of Miletus. Thales, Anaximenes — The Problem of Change (1484 words)
  3. Greek Philosophy - First Period - Eleatic Philosophy. Xenophanes, Melissus, Zeno, Gorgias (2226 words)
  4. Greek Philosophy - First Period - Heraclitus (742 words)
  5. Greek Philosophy - First Period - The Pythagorean Speculation — Empedocles (2968 words)
  6. Greek Philosophy - First Period - Anaxagoras — Diogenes of Apollonia. Archelaus. Leucippus. Democritus. (3339 words)
  7. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Protagoras — Socrates — Aristippus and Hedonism. Antisthenes and Cynicism. Euclides and the School of Megara. (4452 words)
  8. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Plato - The Idea (4452 words)
  9. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Plato - Nature (1855 words)
  10. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Plato - The Highest Good (1484 words)
  11. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Aristotle (742 words)
  12. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Aristotle - First Philosophy (2226 words)
  13. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Aristotle - Second Philosophy, or the Philosophy of Nature Part 1 (2226 words)
  14. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Aristotle - Second Philosophy, or the Philosophy of Nature Part 2 (2226 words)
  15. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Epicurus (1484 words)
  16. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Stoicism — Sceptical Reaction. Pyrrhonism (1855 words)
  17. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Academic Scepticism — Sensationalistic Scepticism (2968 words)
  18. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - The Scientific Movement — Eclecticism (2226 words)
  19. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - Plotinus and Neo-Platonism (3710 words)
  20. Greek Philosophy - Second Period - The Last Neo- Platonic Polytheists. Porphyry, Jamblichus, Proclus (1113 words)
  21. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - First Period - Christian Platonism — St. Augustine — The Death Struggles of the Roman World. Barbarism. The First Symptoms of a New Philosophy (4452 words)
  22. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - First Period - Scholasticism — Scotus Erigena (2597 words)
  23. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - First Period - St. Anselm (2226 words)
  24. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - First Period - Realism and Nominalism — Abelard (2226 words)
  25. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - First Period - Hugo of St. Victor — The Progress of Free Thought (2226 words)
  26. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - Second Period - Growing Influence of the Philosophy of Aristotle — The Peripatetics of the Thirteenth Century (1484 words)
  27. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - Second Period - St. Thomas of Aquin — Duns Scotus (3339 words)
  28. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - Second Period - Reappearance of Nominalism. Durand, Occam, Buridan, D’Ailly — Downfall of Scholasticism. Revival of the Interest in Nature and Experimental Science. Roger Bacon. Mysticisms (2226 words)
  29. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - Second Period - The Revival of Letters — Neo-Platonism. Theosophy. Magic — Aristotle versus Aristotle, or the Liberal Peripatetics. Stoics. Epicureans. Sceptics (3710 words)
  30. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - Second Period - The Religious Reform — Scholasticism and Theosophy in the Protestant Countries. Jacob Bôhme — The Scientific Movement (3339 words)
  31. Modern Philosophy - First Period - Giordano Bruno — Tommaso Campanell — Francis Bacon (3710 words)
  32. Modern Philosophy - First Period - Thomas Hobbes (1113 words)
  33. Modern Philosophy - First Period - Descartes and the Method of Doubt (3710 words)
  34. Modern Philosophy - First Period - The Cartesian School (1113 words)
  35. Modern Philosophy - First Period - Spinoza - Definitions - Deductions — Theory of Substance — Theory of Attributes (2597 words)
  36. Modern Philosophy - First Period - Spinoza - Deductions — Theory of Modes (2968 words)
  37. Modern Philosophy - First Period - Leibniz Part 1 (2226 words)
  38. Modern Philosophy - First Period - Leibniz Part 2 (2597 words)
  39. Modern Philosophy - First Period - Leibniz Part 3 (2226 words)
  40. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - John Locke. Experience as the Source of Knowledge Part 1 (3339 words)
  41. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - John Locke. Experience as the Source of Knowledge Part 2 (2968 words)
  42. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - Berkeley and Subjective Idealism (1855 words)
  43. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - Condillac — Progress of Materialism Part 1 (2597 words)
  44. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - Condillac — Progress of Materialism Part 2 (2597 words)
  45. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - David Hume. The Culmination of Empiricism in Scepticism Part 1 (1855 words)
  46. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - David Hume. The Culmination of Empiricism in Scepticism Part 2 (2597 words)
  47. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - Kant. The Doctrine of Criticism Part 1 (2597 words)
  48. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - Kant. The Doctrine of Criticism Part 2 (1855 words)
  49. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - Kant. The Doctrine of Criticism Part 3 (3339 words)
  50. Modern Philosophy - Second Period - Kant. The Doctrine of Criticism Part 4 (2968 words)
  51. Modern Philosophy - Third Period - Kant and German Idealism (2226 words)
  52. Modern Philosophy - Third Period - Fichte — Schelling (4452 words)
  53. Modern Philosophy - Third Period - Hegel Part 1 (3339 words)
  54. Modern Philosophy - Third Period - Hegel Part 2 (1484 words)
  55. Modern Philosophy - Third Period - Hegel Part 3 (2226 words)
  56. Modern Philosophy - Third Period - Hegel Part 4 (4081 words)
  57. Modern Philosophy - Third Period - Herbart (2226 words)
  58. Modern Philosophy - Third Period - Schopenhauer. Will as the Fundamental Reality (4081 words)
  59. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - The State of Philosophy in 1860 Part 1 (1855 words) Author died 1957
  60. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - The State of Philosophy in 1860 Part 2 (2597 words) Author died 1957
  61. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - The Philosophy of Evolution. Darwin. Spencer. Haeckel. Ostwald Part 1 (3339 words) Author died 1957
  62. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - The Philosophy of Evolution. Darwin. Spencer. Haeckel. Ostwald Part 2 (2968 words) Author died 1957
  63. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Empirical Positivism. Comte. J. S. Mill (4452 words) Author died 1957
  64. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Methodological Positivism. Lange. Mach. Poincaré — Sociological Positivism. Durkheim (3710 words) Author died 1957
  65. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Spiritualism in Germany. Fechner. Lotze. Hartmann (3339 words) Author died 1957
  66. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Spiritualism in France. Maine de Biran. Cousin. Ravaisson. Boutroux (2597 words) Author died 1957
  67. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Idealism in France. Renouvier. Lachelier (2226 words) Author died 1957
  68. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Idealism in England. Green. Bradley (1855 words) Author died 1957
  69. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Idealism in America. Royce. Howison. Bowne (1855 words) Author died 1957
  70. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Critical Idealism in Germany. The Marburg School. Windelband. Rickert. Dilthey. Eucken. Simmel (3339 words) Author died 1957
  71. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Idealism in Italy. Croce (1113 words) Author died 1957
  72. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - The Will to Power. Nietzsche (1113 words) Author died 1957
  73. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - The Impulse to Life. Bergson (1855 words) Author died 1957
  74. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Pragmatism and the Will to Believe. James (1855 words) Author died 1957
  75. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Realism in Germany. Meinong. Husser (1855 words) Author died 1957
  76. Modern Philosophy - Fourth Period - Realism in England and America. Russell (2226 words) Author died 1957
Last edited by InTheDesert on November 7th, 2024, 7:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by silverquill »

A monumental volume!

Would you consider splitting Section 67?
I would be keen to read the first section on Royce and Bowne (Particular interests of my major professor) but not so keen on the German idealists. Combined this is a long section anyway. There are several others that I would be interested in reading for. I'll just have to see how this fits in with my other commitments.

PS: Considering that this will probably be an extended project, I would be interested in joining as DPL, if you will PL my sections.

~ Larry
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Post by InTheDesert »

silverquill wrote: November 7th, 2024, 1:29 pm A monumental volume!

Would you consider splitting Section 67?
I would be keen to read the first section on Royce and Bowne (Particular interests of my major professor) but not so keen on the German idealists. Combined this is a long section anyway. There are several others that I would be interested in reading for. I'll just have to see how this fits in with my other commitments.

PS: Considering that this will probably be an extended project, I would be interested in joining as DPL, if you will PL my sections.
Done! Split. I can certainly get someone to PL your sections if you like and any that are PD for me I can do.

Thanks for coming onboard!
Orations Volume 3 99% 1 left! "Against the Force Bill Part 7 - John C. Calhoun"
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Letters to a German Princess
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Post by knotyouraveragejo »

Sorry, messed up a little here entereing this one, but I'll sort it out.

Edited to Add: OK should be good to go. If you see anything odd, let me know!
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Post by Owlivia »

May I claim
Section 30, Philosophy of the Middle Ages - Second Period - The Religious Reform — Scholasticism and Theosophy in the Protestant Countries. Jacob Bôhme — The Scientific Movement,

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Post by pnagami »

May I claim Section 1, "Introduction"?

Alfred Weber was a German who wrote in German, French, and Latin. I'll pronounce his name in German.

Unless you direct me otherwise, I will omit the long footnote.

My best,

"Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm."

Robert Louis Stevenson
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Post by InTheDesert »

Owlivia wrote: November 8th, 2024, 6:09 pm May I claim
Section 30, Philosophy of the Middle Ages - Second Period - The Religious Reform — Scholasticism and Theosophy in the Protestant Countries. Jacob Bôhme — The Scientific Movement,
Orations Volume 3 99% 1 left! "Against the Force Bill Part 7 - John C. Calhoun"
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Letters to a German Princess
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Post by InTheDesert »

pnagami wrote: November 8th, 2024, 7:50 pm May I claim Section 1, "Introduction"?

Alfred Weber was a German who wrote in German, French, and Latin. I'll pronounce his name in German.

Unless you direct me otherwise, I will omit the long footnote.

My best,

Great, thankyou, Pam!

I will add your suggestions into the project notes.
Orations Volume 3 99% 1 left! "Against the Force Bill Part 7 - John C. Calhoun"
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Post by pnagami »

Thanks, InTheDesert!

"Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm."

Robert Louis Stevenson
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Post by pnagami »

Hi InTheDesert,

It may be you want an author pronunciation link for both his first and last name:


My best,

"Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm."

Robert Louis Stevenson
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Post by pnagami »

"Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm."

Robert Louis Stevenson
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Post by InTheDesert »

pnagami wrote: November 9th, 2024, 7:08 am Hi InTheDesert,

It may be you want an author pronunciation link for both his first and last name:


My best,

Good find!
Orations Volume 3 99% 1 left! "Against the Force Bill Part 7 - John C. Calhoun"
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Letters to a German Princess
Posts: 1332
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Post by Owlivia »

I know I haven't yet turned in my first section, but may I claim
47 - Modern Philosophy - Second Period - Kant. The Doctrine of Criticism Part 1, too?

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Post by silverquill »

May read Sections 35,36,69,73,74

~ Larry
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