[SOLO] Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean Pierre de Caussade - brrot

Upcoming books being recorded by a solo reader
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Post by mmelhart »

Abandonment to Divine Providence, by Jean Pierre de Caussade (1675 - 1751)
This spiritual classic by an 18th century Jesuit priest contains advice and direction on how to abandon oneself to the will of God. (Summary by Mel Hart)
Source text (please read only from this text!): https://archive.org/details/abandonmenttodiv00causuoft/page/n3/mode/2up

Target completion date: 2025-12-31

Prooflistening level: Standard
Prospective PLs, please see the Guide for Proof-listeners.

IMPORTANT - soloist, please note: in order to limit the number of languishing projects on our server, we ask that you post an update at least once a month in your project thread, even if you haven't recorded anything. If we don't hear from you for three months, your project may be opened up to a group project if a Book Coordinator is found. Files you have completed will be used in this project. If you haven't recorded anything yet, your project will be removed from the forum (contact any admin to see if it can be re-instated).

Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process unless you are the BC or PL. Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

Magic Window:

BC Admin
This paragraph is temporary and will be replaced by the MC with the list of sections and reader (Magic Window) once this project is in the admin system.
  • Project Code: NKUEfWMD
  • Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Pierre_de_Caussade (Jean Pierre de Caussade)
  • Link to title on Wikipedia (if available):
  • Number of sections (files) this project will have: 47
  • Does the project have an introduction or preface: Yes
  • Original publication date (if known): 1861
  • If you are a new volunteer, how would you like your name (or pseudonym) credited in the catalog?
  • Do you have a URL you would like associated with your name?:

Genres for the project: *Non-fiction/Religion/Christianity - Commentary

Keywords that describe the book: religion, Christianity, prayer, Catholic, Catholicism, spirituality


LibriVox recording settings: mono (1 channel), 44100 Hz sample rate, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3. See the Tech Specs

Intro to recording:
Leave 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning.

For the first section, say:
"Section (or Chapter) # of Abandonment to Divine Providence. This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "Abandonment to Divine Providence, by Jean Pierre de Caussade, translated by E.J. Strickland. Section Title."
For the second and subsequent sections, you may use the shortened intro if you wish:
"Section (or Chapter) # of Abandonment to Divine Providence, by Jean Pierre de Caussade, translated by E.J. Strickland. This LibriVox recording is in the public domain." [Optional: "Read by your name."] "Section Title."
End of recording:
"End of section (or chapter) #." [Optional, and if not stated in the intro: "Read by your name, city, date."]
If you are recording the final section of the book, add:
"End of Abandonment to Divine Providence, by Jean Pierre de Caussade, translated by E.J. Strickland."
Leave 5 seconds of silence at the end.

Filename: abandonmenttodivineprovidence_##_decaussade_128kb.mp3 where ## is the section number. (e.g. abandonmenttodivineprovidence_01_decaussade_128kb.mp3)

Upload to the LibriVox Uploader: https://librivox.org/login/uploader

MC to select: brownrottger

Copy and paste the file link generated by the uploader into the relevant Listen URL field in the Section Compiler, enter the duration in the Notes field, and post in this thread to let your PL and MC know that you have uploaded a file. You may also post the file link in the thread.
in the morning!
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 11316
Joined: May 11th, 2021, 5:00 pm
Location: Westford, Massachusetts USA

Post by brownrottger »

I will MC this for you. Your MW is in place. If you don't have a DPL, you will need to put a ~ before the project name.
Posts: 75
Joined: August 23rd, 2019, 6:54 am

Post by mmelhart »

brownrottger wrote: November 2nd, 2024, 11:14 am I will MC this for you. Your MW is in place. If you don't have a DPL, you will need to put a ~ before the project name.
Thank you. How do I change the title of the thread?
in the morning!
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 11316
Joined: May 11th, 2021, 5:00 pm
Location: Westford, Massachusetts USA

Post by brownrottger »

mmelhart wrote: November 4th, 2024, 10:58 am
brownrottger wrote: November 2nd, 2024, 11:14 am I will MC this for you. Your MW is in place. If you don't have a DPL, you will need to put a ~ before the project name.
Thank you. How do I change the title of the thread?
Just click on the pencil icon top left of first post. A field will appear above the main post. That is the title field. Add the ~ there . :D
LibriVox Admin Team
Posts: 11316
Joined: May 11th, 2021, 5:00 pm
Location: Westford, Massachusetts USA

Post by brownrottger »

I added it and moving to Going Solo.
Posts: 75
Joined: August 23rd, 2019, 6:54 am

Post by mmelhart »

thank you!
in the morning!
Posts: 836
Joined: November 19th, 2013, 7:28 pm
Location: Cambridge, Ontario

Post by jpercival »

Hello, this book sounds really interesting. I'd love to DPL it for you if you'll have me.
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