[COMPLETE][SOLO][Spanish]La Guerra y la Paz: Primera Parte. Antes de Zilvitt (1805-1807), por Leo Tolstoy - kit

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Post by Epachuko »

He comparado con aguna version en inges que han utiizado en grabaciones de ibirvox y no lo entiendo, michos capitulos no conciden, o son un numero por detras,,, imagino que sera por diferencias a a hora de traducir u organizar e texto

He hecho una comparacion entre a fuente nuestra de a BDH http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000294366&page=1 y otra fuente (que no se si es muy fiable) que es de a Bibioteca Universal (BU) https://biblioteca.org.ar/libros/133591.pdf

bibioteca universa pag 13 se corresponde con BDH pag 49 que es inicio de seccion 7
pag 14 acaba a seccion 7 BDH pag 53 es e fin de a seccion7 e inicio de 8, ero no soy capaz de encontrar e inicio de a seccion 8 en as 4 o 5 secciones siguientes en a version de a bibioteca universa
BU pag 19 empieza seccion 10 coincide BDH pag 65 es inicio de seccion 12 "Natalia se habia deteni"
BU pag 24 empieza seccion 13 coincide BDH pag 79 es inicio de seccion 14 "a Condesa Rostov,,,"
BU pag 28 empieza seccion 15 coincide BDH pag 93 es inicio de seccion 18 "Mientras se baiaba,,,"

El contenidos de la BDH entre a 52 y a 65 no se a que corresponde, no lo encuentro en los capitulos de a version de a bibioteca universal, y luego los capitulos ya no coinciden en numero, lo que es un misterio es donde han ido a parar las 4 secciones perdidas

No se como lo veis, si no es una version muy fiable quizas debamos dejarlo hasta que encontremos otra fuente de dominio publico que nos de mas garantias
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Post by Kitty »

it could be that in translations they leave whole chapters out. Maybe they left out the world-philosophy chapters and only included the proper storyline. It could be an editorial choice to only have the novel in continuity and not the philosophical musings of Tolstoy, to make it more interesting to the audience. One could check whether those are such chapters that are missing.

So the text in those pages is continuous ? No strange sentences running over the pages ?

Or maybe they only made a typo in the chapter numbers, I've had that with books before, but not on such a large scale.

It would be worthwile to maybe write an email to the library and ask them to confirm that the text is complete and specify your pages. If they confirm, we could make a note to the reader that those chapters are missing.

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Post by Dulcamara »

Qué rápido lo has hecho, amigo!

Esperaba que el contenido de las cuatro secciones desaparecidas estuviera agrupado bajo otra numeración en la otra edición, es muy posible que las numeraciones no coincidan, pero de ahí a que cuatro secciones desaparezcan...

No se qué pensar. Será que esta edición en español fue intencionalmente así, las dejaron fuera por alguna razón?

Consultemos a Sonia.

Este misterio es harto misterioso...

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Post by Dulcamara »

Thank you, Sonia!

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Post by Dulcamara »

Epachuko, it seems it was an editorial decision. (and so we could use this version )

This article acknowledges the confusion arising from different Spanish editions of this novel.


You were spot on, Sonia!

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Post by Epachuko »

Oh my god!!

I have been written a long message (I dont have "l" nor "p" on my computer, I have to copy+paste them) and now is ost,,, :oops:

FIRST, THANK YOU Sonia and Jasna, for your help in this adventure
SECOND, I have been checking with two other sanish versions, It made me crazy and tired,,, well, finally I found that the way the editions is buit is very different,

the version of Bibioteca Universal (https://biblioteca.org.ar/libros/133591.pdf) has 20 sections for chapter 1 and our Cosmos editorial has 25, that happens with all the chapters, The edition we use in BDH has 25 sections in chapter 1, 16 in chapter 2, 16 in chapter 3,,, and the other ony 20 for chapter 1, 11 for chapter 2, 10 for chapter 3,,, BUT when a chapter starts, they start in the same way, the differences are in the way the sections are structured in sections and what they contain

So, seeing that there are not pages missing in the BDH edition, and with the information Jasna provides about the differents versions and structures of the book in russian, engish, and spanish,,,(with full chapters, and characthers erased even in recently editions) I think we can read this versions as it is, remarking that we are recording version 1889 COSMOS EDITORIAl

Another example, I have read the same two sections in differents versions and,,, sometimes they tell the same, but in one version it took one page, and in the other one paragrah, in another they tell a whole funny story, and in the other version one character say a brief summary of that story with several different detail but essentially make the point,

Checking the english librivox recording of "War and peace", we can find that in some versions chater 1 has 28 sections (Maude trasation), and in other 26 (Dole transation)

Being this point clear thanks to this team effort :clap: what shoud be do with the sections missing in the magic window¿ :lol:
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Post by Kitty »

Dulcamara wrote: September 8th, 2024, 1:34 amEpachuko, it seems it was an editorial decision. (and so we could use this version )
This article acknowledges the confusion arising from different Spanish editions of this novel.
You were spot on, Sonia!
yes I think even the English version compared to the Russian version had different chapter titles.

What is strange is that they skip the chapter numbers...if they decide to leave out chapters, they could also have just left out the chapter numbers and renumbered them consequetively.

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Post by Kitty »

Epachuko wrote: September 8th, 2024, 2:27 amI have been written a long message (I dont have "l" nor "p" on my computer, I have to copy+paste them) and now is ost,,, :oops:
ok that is very bizarre...how come you don't have those letters ?
the version of Bibioteca Universal (https://biblioteca.org.ar/libros/133591.pdf) has 20 sections for chapter 1 and our Cosmos editorial has 25, that happens with all the chapters, The edition we use in BDH has 25 sections in chapter 1, 16 in chapter 2, 16 in chapter 3,,, and the other ony 20 for chapter 1, 11 for chapter 2, 10 for chapter 3,,,
but if they leave out some numbers and jump from 9 to 13, then it's not 25 chapters in total...
I think we can read this versions as it is, remarking that we are recording version 1889 COSMOS EDITORIAl
yes I think that is what you can do and maybe write a note that it was an editorial choice to leave out some chapters.

I would even suggest you read the chapter numbers in the right order, and not make a jump. So you read chapter 9, then 10, then 11, instead of 9, 13, 14. It would be less confusing. We can write a note that the chapter numbers in the book are off. You could even write in the MW. "Capitulo 1. Parte 10 (13 in libro)" but you don't have to say it in the intro.
Another example, I have read the same two sections in differents versions and,,, sometimes they tell the same, but in one version it took one page, and in the other one paragrah, in another they tell a whole funny story, and in the other version one character say a brief summary of that story with several different detail but essentially make the point,
yes that is a translation problem, some translator stick very close to the text and others prefer to paraphrase. I guess the version you are reading will be "only the story" and lots of tedious descriptions of the battlefield or the philosophy will be cut out. :lol:
Being this point clear thanks to this team effort :clap: what shoud be do with the sections missing in the magic window¿ :lol:
I suggest, check how many chapters you have and then I delete the rest.

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Post by Epachuko »

So, we write the number of the section in order, not the "section number" that appear in the text. So, it make 23 sections in Chapter 1.

If we do that way, Sonia can remove from MW sections 10, 11, 22 and 23 and I will rename the others.

I chapter 2 I see no mistakes or sections missing
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Post by Kitty »

Epachuko wrote: September 8th, 2024, 5:05 amSo, we write the number of the section in order, not the "section number" that appear in the text. So, it make 23 sections in Chapter 1.
yes I think it's less confusing to say the numbers correctly in order. I know if we read part 9 and then part 12, people will think that we left something out. :lol:
If we do that way, Sonia can remove from MW sections 10, 11, 22 and 23 and I will rename the others.
ok I delete them now

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Post by Dulcamara »

Guys, this is going to be a very interesting trip. :thumbs: :lol:

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Post by Epachuko »

primer paso de este largo viaje, disfrutemos de las vistas, de la compañia, del proceso, del camino, pues el dia que lleguemos a la ultima estacion de nuestro destino,,, el viaje con sus dificutades y su magia, habra llegado a su fin,,,

Seccion 1 :thumbs:
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Post by Epachuko »

I have link all the sections, and there are no more mistakes or erased sections or "number sections" in this first volume :9:
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Post by Epachuko »

sections 1 to 5
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Post by Dulcamara »

:clap: :D

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