IP - Listeners WANTED: [ROMANCE] Rosaleen Among the Artists by Elizabeth Sanxay Holding-br

All languages: Advertise for proof-listeners or help with editing in ongoing projects.
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Joined: November 19th, 2013, 7:28 pm
Location: Cambridge, Ontario

Post by jpercival »

[ENGLISH: ROMANCE] Rosaleen Among the Artists by Elizabeth Sanxay Holding
A romance following Rosaleen Monahan, a young woman adopted out of poverty into a loveless middle-class family, as a young adult, through her career as an artist, and her misadventures in romance, particularly with one Nick Landry. (Summary by Jessie Percival)
This project is looking for prooflisteners. A DPL (Dedicated Proof Listener) would be preferred, but until one is found, we need prooflistening for completed sections. They are marked in the Magic Window below as Ready for PL.

Please follow this link and post in the project thread if you can help with proof-listening:
Project thread: viewtopic.php?t=103869

Text: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/68767

New to prooflistening? Please read this FAQ.

Level of PL: Standard
Please consider these points during proof-listening and comment on them as appropriate:
  • Does the intro match the one specified in the first post of the project thread (below the Magic Window)?
  • Are there any long silences or pauses that ought to be edited out? If so, note the time.
  • Are there any stumbles or repeats that ought to be edited out? If so, note the words and the time.
  • Is there excessive background noise, a constant hiss or buzz that detracts from the reading?
  • Did you need to turn your volume up unusually high to listen to the recording? (Or did you find the recording too loud?)
  • Does the ending match the one specified in the first post of the project thread?
  • Are there 5 seconds of silence at the end of the file?

Magic Window:

BC Admin
Jessie Percival
Formerly Known as Ancilla
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Readers wanted:Story of the Bagpipe