[COMPLETE] When the Birds Fly South by Stanton A. Coblentz - ans

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by Newgatenovelist »

Chapter 5 is PL OK. Why does he think it's a good idea to get on Yulada's bad side?
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Post by eggs4ears »

Thanks! Here comes Chapter 6, ready for PL!

https://librivox.org/uploads/annise/birdsflysouth_06_coblentz_128kb.mp3 - 16:20

Good question! And why are the villagers so secretive? And where are their wings???
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Post by Newgatenovelist »

Chapter 6 is PL OK. One note for a teachable moment:

...and, in my ignorance, I overlooked completely the meaning behind his meager, succinct phrases.
This is a quibble, but I didn’t hear the hard K sound in the middle of the word – I’m not sure this one is worth changing, but it probably is worth noting for future reference.

I'm shallow and/or more curious about the biology. Are their wings like that of one kind of bird in particular? Are they all of the same species of bird, or is one person like a pigeon, another like a crow, maybe someone else an egret?
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Post by eggs4ears »

Thanks, I've corrected that and changed Ch 6 to ready for spot PL. The 'k' sound was there but only just, so I replaced it with a louder one.

I'm getting ahead with recording so I have something to take away to edit over the holiday weekend - the last of the summer. You may have to wait a while for the answers to your wings questions. Still no sign of them in Chapters 7 or 8, despite the title of Chapter 8!
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Post by Newgatenovelist »

Section 6 is spot PL OK. I wasn't trying to second guess your recording, though now I am second guessing my ears!

It's hard not to want to rush to see the birds because we know part of what's coming. Depending on things like blurbs and cover art, maybe the original readers didn't know, and he's doing a good job of keeping up the mystery. But if he is by himself in the winter, he should probably get into a better mindset before the snows come!
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Post by eggs4ears »

https://librivox.org/uploads/annise/birdsflysouth_07_coblentz_128kb.mp3 - 23:08 - Ready for PL!

Yes, I guess listeners may not know that they are all going to fly away, especially if I don't tell them in the summary :) But I think the question is still open as to whether he will have to stay or fly away with them. They are telling him to prepare, but they don't seem to be sure about what is going to happen themselves. As for the wings, my money is on something like eagles' wings.
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Post by Newgatenovelist »

Heh, I wasn't thinking of your summary, just encountering it *before* it was part of the Newcastle series or some other giveaway. As for them not telling him, I don't know yet how much of this is down to prophecy they don't like speaking of and how much is just them following instincts when they migrate, or something along those lines. We'll find out soon!

One note to check for chapter 7:
"I wonder," she mused, as she absently toyed [heard toiled] with the decaying dead leaves that coated the rich dank soil.
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Post by eggs4ears »

Ch. 7 ready for spot PL, and Ch. 8 ready for PL!

https://librivox.org/uploads/annise/birdsflysouth_08_coblentz_128kb.mp3 - 14:36

I'd forgotten that I grabbed the summary from Wikipedia - I'll need to edit and remove spoilers. But let's let him get on within telling the story!
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Post by Newgatenovelist »

Chapters 7 and 8 are PL OK.

I wasn't having a go at the summary. If it's any consolation, though, I struggle with that. Spoilers shouldn't be an issue with any book long out of copyright buuuuut if it's not terribly well known I'm always torn between putting in some little giveaway or enticing bit and keeping it completely mysterious so that it really does come as a surprise. There are no easy answers!
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Post by eggs4ears »


I know you were not having a go at the summary. I was talking to myself, really, having realised that I copied what is there now from Wikipedia without knowing that it actually goes deep into the book. I am up to Chap. 10 and much of what is in the summary has not happened yet (they are getting married?). I guess with a plot-driven book like this, which most listeners will probably pick up as a fairly light adventure, the summary should give away as little as possible.
Newgatenovelist wrote: January 28th, 2024, 2:22 pm I wasn't having a go at the summary. If it's any consolation, though, I struggle with that. Spoilers shouldn't be an issue with any book long out of copyright buuuuut if it's not terribly well known I'm always torn between putting in some little giveaway or enticing bit and keeping it completely mysterious so that it really does come as a surprise. There are no easy answers!
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Post by eggs4ears »

Chapter 9, ready for PL! We are getting there...

https://librivox.org/uploads/annise/birdsflysouth_09_coblentz_128kb.mp3 - 25:52
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Post by Newgatenovelist »

Chapter 9 is PL OK. He's going to find out soon enough, since I think it's getting on into autumn...
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Post by eggs4ears »

Thanks! Chapter 10 ready for PL! They are off! And that's the end of Part 1.

https://librivox.org/uploads/annise/birdsflysouth_10_coblentz_128kb.mp3 - 26:01
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Post by Newgatenovelist »

Notes for section 10:

3.11, omission
...if I were dreaming. [Stranger than any tale I had ever read in the Arabian Nights,] stranger than any fancy my fevered mind had ever beckoned forth, was the reality that set the Ibandru apart from all other peoples on earth.

22.53, omission
"You make me sad, [very sad]," she sighed...

24.33, omission
...I plunged out of the cabin, [regardless of the gale,] regardless of the snow...

I kind of assumed that they would travel in much larger groups, rather than slipping away by twos and threes. Certainly the migrating birds I see travel in very large groups to help aid the aerodynamics (or maybe there are other reasons, but that's the one I've heard).
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Post by eggs4ears »

Thanks! Ch 10 corrected and ready for spot PL (Some lazy editing on my part!). And Ch. 11 ready for PL!

https://librivox.org/uploads/annise/birdsflysouth_11_coblentz_128kb.mp3 - 20:34

I am enjoying your ornithological reading! No bird information in this chapter, I'm afraid, but they'll be back in 'The Birds Fly North', I imagine.
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