[COMPLETE] L'Atlàntida, by Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló - kaz

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by cordajungfrau »

Hi, llunaemporda,
I forgot to apply noise reduction to the previous audio -it is certainly much cleaner now.
I’ve tried changing the pronunciation of the pronoun ‘lo’ to ‘lu’ and I’m very happy with the result.
So, please find attached the new link below:
Thank you!
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Post by llunaemporda »

Great! PL OK
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Post by jpujolar »

Benvolgudes Llunaempordà, Cordajungfrau,

Per l'audioedició podeu comunicar-vos en català, si voleu.

Joan Pujolar

Projectes en català
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Post by llunaemporda »

Hi, Joan,
Thanks for your offering (the possibility to use Catalan language when me and cordajungfrau are talking to each other). In this case I feel better using English, as it is a language that all of us can follow, while Michael probably can't follow Catalan very well. Using English allows all of us to be present in any moment, as much in an active as in a passive way (according to each moment), and I prefer that sensation. I find it simply fairer and more transparent.
Anyway, if somewhen in the process we would need to use Catalan, your observation gives us freedom enough to do that, and then we could follow it.
Let's see what says cordajungfrau about this subject.
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Post by cordajungfrau »

I agree with llunaemporda. Thanks, Joan, for your information. 
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Post by Kazbek »

Thanks for you consideration, everyone. As MC, I don't need to follow your discussions among yourselves. Also, I can usually get the gist of Catalan conversations we see in the forums, based on my knowledge of other Romance languages and a pass through a Catalan grammar a few years ago -- sadly, mostly forgotten by now. In short, you're welcome to use Catalan, English, or any combination of them, as you prefer. :)

One procedural note: we need to have the duration of each track in the Notes column, so we can use it for verification when we catalog the project. Normally, it's entered/updated for every upload, which also helps the PL to budget their time.

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Post by cordajungfrau »

I was going to write the time in the notes when I saw that the time for the first section was already written and all the titles in addition. Great!
Thanks to the one of you that has done it.
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Post by Kazbek »

cordajungfrau wrote: February 3rd, 2023, 2:24 pm I was going to write the time in the notes when I saw that the time for the first section was already written and all the titles in addition. Great!
Thanks to the one of you that has done it.
Joan has been helping to keep the Magic Window up to date, but you have access it to as well, if you'd like to make changes. First, you would need to set up a password to log into the system:

How to log in to the workflow system for the first time

Further instructions for updating the MW can be found on this wiki page, though some of the details discussed there are mostly relevant for group projects:


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Post by cordajungfrau »

Here’s the second section (Cant Primer: L’incendi dels Pirineus):
Corda Jungfrau
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Post by llunaemporda »

Let's go on! :thumbs: PL OK
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Post by jpujolar »

Hola llunaempordà i Corda Jungfrau,

És una gravació molt maca, realment. Un parell de comentaris:

Al nom de pila de Verdaguer, Jacint, la "c" es pronuncia sorda, Jassssint, no "Jazint", la bona és la s de "caça", i no la de "casa". Hi ha gent que són sensibles a aquestes coses.

Després he donat un cop d'ull a les ones de so. En el punts quan Corda Jungfrau hi posa més èmfasi i veu, hi ha moments que el senyal és tan fort que entra en distorsió. Crec que en aquesta gravació no hi haurà problema perquè són fraccions de segon. Però és un risc.

Segurament això es deu a què Corda Jungfrau té el micròfon a la distància raonable per a la veu normal; però quan aixeca la veu, o bé quasi toca el micròfon, o bé l'aparell no és prou bo per aguantar la intensitat.

L'única solució és pensar a allunyar-se una mica del micròfon quan cal aixecar la veu. Especialment si voleu fer gravacions d'una tirada, suposo que val la pena no trobar-se amb haver de repetir per una cosa així. Un repte més, doncs. :wink:
Joan Pujolar

Projectes en català
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Post by cordajungfrau »

Moltes gràcies, Joan, per les teves indicacions.
En les pròximes gravacions tindré en compte el tema de la pronúncia del nom de pila de Verdaguer i pararé encara més atenció a les variacions de volum.
Qüestió: les dues gravacions que he enviat fins ara ja estan penjades i jo no puc despenjar-les. No tinc problema a canviar les caràtules si algú m'indica el procediment per substituir les gravacions que ja estan penjades per nous àudios corregits. Saps com ho he de fer?
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Post by jpujolar »

Hola Corda,

Per què ho vols canviar? Per això de la pronúncia de Jacint? No sé si cal.

Però bé. No cal que facis res amb les gravacions ja carregades. Simplement tornes a carregar les noves i ja està. Només cal assegurar que el nom dels documents sigui el correcte (el mateix), i la versió anterior desapareixerà.

Joan Pujolar

Projectes en català
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Post by cordajungfrau »

D'acord. Fantàstic!
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Post by cordajungfrau »


I’ve uploaded the third section (Cant segon: L’hort de les Hespèrides) and here’s the link:


On the other side, from sections 1 and 2 I’ve already changed (as suggested by Joan) the pronunciation of the first name of the author (Jacint) right at the beginning.
Link to section 1: https://librivox.org/uploads/kazbek/atlantida_01_verdaguer_128kb.mp3
Link to section 2: https://librivox.org/uploads/kazbek/atlantida_02_verdaguer_128kb.mp3

Corda Jungfrau
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