[ITALIAN] 1 Section orphaned - Divina Commedia - Il Purgatorio di Dante Alighieri - tg

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Post by KevinS »

La Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321)

This is an abandoned solo, brought back to life as a group project.
Dante Alighieri racconta in questa opera il suo viaggio nei tre regni dell'oltre tomba. Il viaggio, avvenuto durante la settimana santa dell'anno 1300, inizia con lo smarrimento della corretta via e l'incontro della sua guida "Duca, Segnore, e Maestro" Virgilio. Virgilio condurrà Dante attraverso l'inferno prima, dove incontrerà le anime dannate divise nei vari cerchi a seconda delle loro colpe, e il purgatorio poi, dove incontrerà le anime che stanno espiando le loro pene in attessa di giungere in paradiso. Nell'ultima parte del viaggio, dalla cima della montagna del purgatorio fino all'empireo dove vedrà Dio, Dante verrà condotto da Beatrice, musa che lo ha ispirato durante tutta la composizione dell'opera.
L'opera è divisa in tre cantiche, come tre sono i regni visitati durante il viaggio. Morfologicamente, l'inferno è rappresentato come una cavità sotterranea che raggiunge il centro della terra dove Lucifero è intrappolato. Il purgatorio è una montagna che sorge dall'altra parte della terra rispetto a Gerusalemme, e culmina alla sommità con il paradiso terrestre. Il paradiso, infine, è composto dai cieli che girano intorno alla terra, e dall'empireo dove Dio risiede con tutti gli angeli. (Riassunto di Filippo Gioachin)
Fonte (per la lettura usa solo questo testo!): https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/1012 or https://archive.org/details/ladivinacommedia01012gut

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MC da selezonare: TriciaG

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Last edited by KevinS on March 12th, 2024, 6:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by TriciaG »

OK, Kevin, I think this is all ready for you. :)
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Post by KevinS »

TriciaG wrote: December 14th, 2022, 12:52 pm OK, Kevin, I think this is all ready for you. :)
Thank you!
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Post by KevinS »

Have we decided what to do about the current sections with PL Notes?
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Post by TriciaG »

I didn't look to see what the PL notes were. If they're fixable, we can fix them. If they're not, we can ditch them.
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Post by KevinS »

TriciaG wrote: December 14th, 2022, 12:57 pm I didn't look to see what the PL notes were. If they're fixable, we can fix them. If they're not, we can ditch them.
I'll have a look.
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Post by KevinS »

Sections 54 and 55 might be corrected by another Italian speaker, but I would just assume have a newcomer redo them.

Sections 57 and 58 have an annoying distortion throughout and I feel they should be abandoned and re-recorded by one of our new volunteers.

I will leave them all in place as they are for the time being until we receive opinions from our Italian speakers.

Google translation:

Le sezioni 54 e 55 potrebbero essere corrette da un altro relatore italiano, ma presumo solo che un nuovo arrivato le abbia rifatte.

Le sezioni 57 e 58 hanno una fastidiosa distorsione e penso che dovrebbero essere abbandonate e ri-registrate da uno dei nostri nuovi volontari.

Li lascerò tutti così come sono per il momento fino a quando non riceveremo pareri dai nostri relatori italiani.
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Post by novelreader »

Thank you for setting this up.
I haven't worked on a group project for a while and won't be able to dedicate a lot of time to this until after the Christmas holidays, so if others are ready, i don't want to hold them back. Does someone want to be in the lead for organising the process/task allocations? I thought I would let you know my skills and then we can work to our strengths. This project is a bit of a marathon....I PL each recording, the accuracy of pronunciation required is quite demanding, both for a mother tongue speaker and second language, as many words will have a different meaning by changing a vowel sound, easily done halfway through a recording, hence I would suggest a thorough PL by a native speaker and taking time for a quality recording.
I will be happy to PL generally and record a few canti, plenty for everyone to do. If other people want to PL, happy to support them if required, so we can keep a consistent standard from the start.
I might be a bit slower around the Librivox processes as i haven't used them recently and may need a little support from the admin team, so happy for someone else to keep track of everything for this project, if you are ready to start and i can catch up in late December/early January.
Many thanks and happy holidays! Buon Natale :clap:
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Post by KevinS »

novelreader wrote: December 15th, 2022, 12:12 am Thank you for setting this up.
I haven't worked on a group project for a while and won't be able to dedicate a lot of time to this until after the Christmas holidays, so if others are ready, i don't want to hold them back. Does someone want to be in the lead for organising the process/task allocations? I thought I would let you know my skills and then we can work to our strengths. This project is a bit of a marathon....I PL each recording, the accuracy of pronunciation required is quite demanding, both for a mother tongue speaker and second language, as many words will have a different meaning by changing a vowel sound, easily done halfway through a recording, hence I would suggest a thorough PL by a native speaker and taking time for a quality recording.
I will be happy to PL generally and record a few canti, plenty for everyone to do. If other people want to PL, happy to support them if required, so we can keep a consistent standard from the start.
I might be a bit slower around the Librivox processes as i haven't used them recently and may need a little support from the admin team, so happy for someone else to keep track of everything for this project, if you are ready to start and i can catch up in late December/early January.
Many thanks and happy holidays! Buon Natale :clap:
Excellent. Thank you!

I might add here that it was Dante who led me to LibriVox. I was looking to hear the Italian and ... well, here I am now for some three years or so.
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Post by TriciaG »

novelreader wrote: December 15th, 2022, 12:12 am Thank you for setting this up.
I haven't worked on a group project for a while and won't be able to dedicate a lot of time to this until after the Christmas holidays, so if others are ready, i don't want to hold them back. Does someone want to be in the lead for organising the process/task allocations? I thought I would let you know my skills and then we can work to our strengths. This project is a bit of a marathon....I PL each recording, the accuracy of pronunciation required is quite demanding, both for a mother tongue speaker and second language, as many words will have a different meaning by changing a vowel sound, easily done halfway through a recording, hence I would suggest a thorough PL by a native speaker and taking time for a quality recording.
I will be happy to PL generally and record a few canti, plenty for everyone to do. If other people want to PL, happy to support them if required, so we can keep a consistent standard from the start.
I might be a bit slower around the Librivox processes as i haven't used them recently and may need a little support from the admin team, so happy for someone else to keep track of everything for this project, if you are ready to start and i can catch up in late December/early January.
Many thanks and happy holidays! Buon Natale :clap:
I will give you access to the Magic Window, but will have you not show as DPL. That way others won't hesitate to help PL.

Here were the PL notes on the sections marked as "See PL Notes". Do you think they can be fixed, or should we open them up to new readers?

Canto 20
1:22 discenda/disceda
2:02 che poverta'/ con poverta'
4:54 non molto poco/non molto dopo
8:23 era io sol/non era io sol

Canto 21
2:26 mostrarli/mosterrolli
5:39 bel tempo/tempo

21 ficcava io- distorsione del microfono
32 padre mi dicea -distorsione del microfono
43 passo -distorsione del microfono
non ho piu' segnato perche' ci sono distorsioni ogni 10 secondi dall'inizio, forse e' meglio se lo ascolti dinuovo. Io uso un laptop senza speakers esterni e grattano con quelle parole.

dopo 3:20 ci sono sporadici gracchi fino a circa 7', ricominciano dopo 8' fino alla fine
3:42 spita/spira
8:04 ristetti/ristretti
10:18 giusto/gusto
School fiction: David Blaize
America Exploration: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
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Post by Iunta4Ios »

KevinS wrote: December 14th, 2022, 1:34 pm Sections 54 and 55 might be corrected by another Italian speaker, but I would just assume have a newcomer redo them.

Sections 57 and 58 have an annoying distortion throughout and I feel they should be abandoned and re-recorded by one of our new volunteers.

I will leave them all in place as they are for the time being until we receive opinions from our Italian speakers.

Google translation:

Le sezioni 54 e 55 potrebbero essere corrette da un altro relatore italiano, ma presumo solo che un nuovo arrivato le abbia rifatte.

Le sezioni 57 e 58 hanno una fastidiosa distorsione e penso che dovrebbero essere abbandonate e ri-registrate da uno dei nostri nuovi volontari.

Li lascerò tutti così come sono per il momento fino a quando non riceveremo pareri dai nostri relatori italiani.
Kevin, Sara and TriciaG, I propose to try to take care myself of these sections (54,55,57 and 58).
My idea is to save, as far as possible, the original recording at least for sections 54 and 55, as a tribute to the very good work done up to that point by Filippo Gioachin and a sign of continuity with his work in this re-started project, and just add some addition, where necessary, as a new contribution.
But , if you agree to the idea, I will examine more in details the sections 54, 55, 57 and 58 and revert with more detailed proposals, starting from am attempt of a re-adjusted section 54.
Last edited by Iunta4Ios on December 15th, 2022, 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 67
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Post by novelreader »

TriciaG wrote: December 15th, 2022, 8:10 am
novelreader wrote: December 15th, 2022, 12:12 am Thank you for setting this up.
I haven't worked on a group project for a while and won't be able to dedicate a lot of time to this until after the Christmas holidays, so if others are ready, i don't want to hold them back. Does someone want to be in the lead for organising the process/task allocations? I thought I would let you know my skills and then we can work to our strengths. This project is a bit of a marathon....I PL each recording, the accuracy of pronunciation required is quite demanding, both for a mother tongue speaker and second language, as many words will have a different meaning by changing a vowel sound, easily done halfway through a recording, hence I would suggest a thorough PL by a native speaker and taking time for a quality recording.
I will be happy to PL generally and record a few canti, plenty for everyone to do. If other people want to PL, happy to support them if required, so we can keep a consistent standard from the start.
I might be a bit slower around the Librivox processes as i haven't used them recently and may need a little support from the admin team, so happy for someone else to keep track of everything for this project, if you are ready to start and i can catch up in late December/early January.
Many thanks and happy holidays! Buon Natale :clap:
I will give you access to the Magic Window, but will have you not show as DPL. That way others won't hesitate to help PL.

Here were the PL notes on the sections marked as "See PL Notes". Do you think they can be fixed, or should we open them up to new readers?

Canto 20
1:22 discenda/disceda
2:02 che poverta'/ con poverta'
4:54 non molto poco/non molto dopo
8:23 era io sol/non era io sol

Canto 21
2:26 mostrarli/mosterrolli
5:39 bel tempo/tempo

21 ficcava io- distorsione del microfono
32 padre mi dicea -distorsione del microfono
43 passo -distorsione del microfono
non ho piu' segnato perche' ci sono distorsioni ogni 10 secondi dall'inizio, forse e' meglio se lo ascolti dinuovo. Io uso un laptop senza speakers esterni e grattano con quelle parole.

dopo 3:20 ci sono sporadici gracchi fino a circa 7', ricominciano dopo 8' fino alla fine
3:42 spita/spira
8:04 ristetti/ristretti
10:18 giusto/gusto
Hello, sorry trying to figure out how to reply to a message further up the thread.... just wanted to say that the corrections to the canti at a number lower than 50 were unlikely not to be implemented, as far as I can remember, but I am happy to double check the above, if it would help. I thought they read Pl ok, maybe the notes were not removed by mistake?
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Post by novelreader »

Iunta4Ios wrote: December 15th, 2022, 8:18 am
KevinS wrote: December 14th, 2022, 1:34 pm Sections 54 and 55 might be corrected by another Italian speaker, but I would just assume have a newcomer redo them.

Sections 57 and 58 have an annoying distortion throughout and I feel they should be abandoned and re-recorded by one of our new volunteers.

I will leave them all in place as they are for the time being until we receive opinions from our Italian speakers.

Google translation:

Le sezioni 54 e 55 potrebbero essere corrette da un altro relatore italiano, ma presumo solo che un nuovo arrivato le abbia rifatte.

Le sezioni 57 e 58 hanno una fastidiosa distorsione e penso che dovrebbero essere abbandonate e ri-registrate da uno dei nostri nuovi volontari.

Li lascerò tutti così come sono per il momento fino a quando non riceveremo pareri dai nostri relatori italiani.
Kevin, Sara and TriciaG, I propose to try to take care myself of these sections (54,55,57 and 58).
My idea is to save, as far as possible, the original recording at least for sections 54 and 55, as a tribute to the very good work done up to that point by Filippo Gioachin and a sign of continuity with his work in this re-started project, and just add some addition, where necessary, as a new contribution.
But , if you agree to the idea, I will examine more in details the sections 54, 55, 57 and 58 and revert with more detailed proposals, starting from am attempt of a re-adjusted section 54.
Thank you Pier, sounds like a great idea.
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Location: Solar system, third planet from the sun, Italy

Post by Iunta4Ios »

I just unloaded , as a first attempt:
I just named it....commedia_r_2... adding "r", as revised, in order not to cancel for now the original recording.
I just tried to make the corrections not too conspicuous, but of course my voice, even if slightly altered, is different from the original. Im my opinion the thing is not too evident for a listener and therefore acceptable. What do you think?
In case I have still a small doubt: leave the initial disclaimer as it us: " read by Filippo..." or add "revised in 2022" or something similar.
Waiting your opinion,
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Location: Solar system, third planet from the sun, Italy

Post by Iunta4Ios »

An additional remark:
Gutenberg is now unfortunately not always accessible from Italy for copyright reasons.
Do you think it could be useful to add a note or an alternative download access to our text for any Italian reader having this problem?
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