[COMPLETE][Indonesian][Adventure]Mengelilingi Doenia Dalam 80 Hari, J. Verne - kit

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by hasoinna »

Kitty wrote: June 19th, 2022, 5:38 am
hasoinna wrote: June 19th, 2022, 3:04 amHere's my recording :D

Sorry it took longer to upload it, the total length is 12:52. Looking forward to getting your feedback on it :D
thank you so much, Hasta, and don't worry about "taking longer". In fact, I think you were very fast for your first section, and it was not a short section after all. The usual deadline for a section is 2 months, so anything we can get earlier is a bonus. :9:

And your reading was excellent, and the pacing was nice too. You did not leave too long pauses, but you also didn't rush through it. Sometimes it was a bit fast for me to follow with the text, but I don't speak Indonesian, so I am sure that native speakers who listen to this will follow along just fine.

The text was word-perfect (as far as I can judge ;) ). Technical settings all ok too.

There is only one small thing to edit right at the start:

> at the beginning: we recommend between 0.5 and 1 second of silence maximum, you have nearly 2 which seems a bit long for the audio to start, I would cut to under 1 here.

Nothing else needs to be changed, this was a perfect job for a first section. :clap:

I do have a question though, out of curiosity: in the beginning you leave out the word "jang" in "Bab Jang Kesepoeloeh", later you say it, is that important ? Or is it like saying "number" in English, which we also can leave out ? :hmm:

Just reupload with the exact same filename, then the old one will get replaced by the new one and I can have another look.

I hope you enjoyed the recording and editing process and that I can tempt you to another chapter here. :mrgreen:

Thank you so much, and have a good Sunday still (probably evening where you are located).

Hi Sonia!

Thank you for taking the time to check my first-ever recording as well as the feedback given to it. I found your feedback both comforting and appreciative, it's very nice of you :wink:
I've cut the beginning part as suggested, does it suffice already?


Regarding the word "jang", to my knowledge, it definitely can be left out without giving any different meaning nor signification. That being said, do I still have to incorporate it into the updated recording so that it "fully" adheres to the title?

You have a good day too!

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Post by Kitty »

hasoinna wrote: June 19th, 2022, 3:53 pmThank you for taking the time to check my first-ever recording as well as the feedback given to it. I found your feedback both comforting and appreciative, it's very nice of you :wink:
I've cut the beginning part as suggested, does it suffice already?
:thumbs: yes perfect now, and PL ok. Congratulations to your first PL ok section. :birthday:
Regarding the word "jang", to my knowledge, it definitely can be left out without giving any different meaning nor signification. That being said, do I still have to incorporate it into the updated recording so that it "fully" adheres to the title?
no if it's the same meaning you don't need to go and change that now. It's good that you say it in the "title" but in the intro it's ok like that.

Thank you, and see you soon again I hope :)

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Post by hasoinna »

Kitty wrote: June 19th, 2022, 11:19 pm :thumbs: yes perfect now, and PL ok. Congratulations to your first PL ok section. :birthday:
Thank you! :D
no if it's the same meaning you don't need to go and change that now. It's good that you say it in the "title" but in the intro it's ok like that.
I've been planning to do another chapter in this project :wink: just asking, would you prefer me to incorporate "jang" in the intro of my next recording as well or I can leave it as I did in the first recording?

Anyway, I want to read "Bab 26. Peri meriwajatkan orang naiik keréta expres sepandjang Stille Zuid-zee-spoorweg (djalan keréta api Laoetan Tedoeh sebelah selatan)"

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Post by tarabatubara »

Kitty wrote: June 14th, 2022, 12:09 am
tarabatubara wrote: June 13th, 2022, 8:10 amI bring my recording,
length 16:52
yay, wonderful, and so fast, thank you so much, Tara :9:

so I had a listen now to the chapter, and you read very nicely, not too fast to follow and at a good pace. And concerning the text, I think you managed it word-perfect, from what I could hear. :thumbs: Very well done.

There are a few small edits I would suggest however, and a bit of a problem is the sound. :?

> the volume is a bit low. I know Checker tells you it's 87 dB, which would be fine, but this is an average, and many parts of your file are much lower, for example the whole intro, checked alone, only has 80 dB, which is too low. The ending after 14:00 is much louder in comparison.
The reason is you have some high peaks, which you can see in the long spikes in your recording. These won't let you amplify the whole without clipping (cutting off the peaks).
But I would suggest amplifying it all with +5 to make it a bit louder. You can tick the box "Allow clipping", then Audacity will let you do it. Usually we should not allow clipping as it may distort the audio, but I tried here and it is still ok.
If you need a step-by-step on how to do this, please let me know.
I was wondering whether maybe you did too much noise-cleaning ? Could you tell me what exactly you did in the noise-cleaning phase ?

Other things to edit inside the text:

> in the beginning: you start a bit abruptly, we recommend leaving between 0.5 to 1 second of silence, so that the audio doesn't get cut by some audioplayers. It doesn't matter so much for one recording, but I mention it for your future recordings ;)

> from 3:32 to 3:34: between "sekali dalam hatinja" and "Orang dapat mengetahoei" – could you shorten the long pause here a bit, over 2 seconds feels a bit long to wait for the text to continue

> at 16:31: "Akhir Bab Jang Ketiga Poeloeh Lima" – at the end you don't have to say the whole title, just say the number of the chapter, you can cut the title

> at 16:41: may I ask what you say here, it sounds like "kota panju malay", what does it mean ? :hmm: (just curious)

> at the end: you have nearly 10 seconds of silence, we ask for a standard of 5 seconds, (see first post for details) so you can cut half of it here as well

Thank you Tara, this was a really good first section. I hope you liked the recording process and are willing to stay around. 8-)

Just reupload with the exact same filename, then the old recording gets replaced by the new one.

Dear Sonia,
How are you? :)

Sorry, I take a long time to reply to you, and I will repair my recording next week because I have exams these days.
Yes, I did many times noise-cleaning (with noise removal wizard: background traffic noise, old or low-quality recording) because I do not know how to get a tranquil moment to record myself, in the day there are too many vehicles, and at night crickets and frogs don't want to leave me :lol: . I have tried to record in the best time and place, but still, there is no silence at all. If not because of too much noise here, maybe I can record many times a week.

"kota panju malay" is Kota Tanjungbalai = Tanjungbalai City. It's a city in North Sumatera Province, Sumatera Island. I see that it is allowed to be mentioned.
Thank you so much for the detailed corrections :)
I am trying not to make the same mistakes anymore, you must be tired in listening, especially in a language you don't speak.

I wish you are always in good condition :thumbs:
Whoever has faith in God, He will 'rightly' guide their hearts 'through adversity'. Quran 64:11
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Post by Kitty »

hasoinna wrote: June 20th, 2022, 7:27 pmI've been planning to do another chapter in this project :wink:
happiness :9:
just asking, would you prefer me to incorporate "jang" in the intro of my next recording as well or I can leave it as I did in the first recording?
well if it's really the same meaning then I won't insist if you prefer to leave it out, but please say it in the title part after the intro, because then we read the text as written in the book :)
Anyway, I want to read "Bab 26. Peri meriwajatkan orang naiik keréta expres sepandjang Stille Zuid-zee-spoorweg (djalan keréta api Laoetan Tedoeh sebelah selatan)"
I'll reserve you this section. Thank you so much for helping more 8-)

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Post by Kitty »

tarabatubara wrote: June 20th, 2022, 9:08 pmSorry, I take a long time to reply to you, and I will repair my recording next week because I have exams these days.
your exams take priority ! Don't worry about this project for now, we are still not ready for the catalogue, so you have time to do your edits.
Yes, I did many times noise-cleaning (with noise removal wizard: background traffic noise, old or low-quality recording)
I don't know this program, but you are using Audacity to record, don't you ? Audacity has a good noise cleaning function as well. I suspect you overdid the cleaning, you say "many times". Maybe it was too aggressive and that's why the sound is a bit corrupted.

We can work on this together if you wish. Could you send me a sample file where you record just half a minute, with the usual traffic and nature noise, without cleaning it first ? Then I can have a look how "bad" it is and how I would clean it and let you know.
"kota panju malay" is Kota Tanjungbalai = Tanjungbalai City. It's a city in North Sumatera Province, Sumatera Island. I see that it is allowed to be mentioned.
yes I thought maybe it was your city :) of course you can leave it in if you wish.
I am trying not to make the same mistakes anymore, you must be tired in listening, especially in a language you don't speak.
oh no actually I find it relaxing to concentrate on a text I don't understand, it helps me to focus on the words more. It helps of course if it's not too fast for me to follow :lol:

Good luck with the exams ! And I'll see you after that then :)

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Post by hasoinna »

I'll reserve you this section. Thank you so much for helping more 8-)
Hi Sonia!
Thanks for having reserved it for me. Just want to inform you that I might have finished recording that section :lol: :lol:

Please kindly check:

Total length of the recording is 13:58. Please kindly let me know if there's any revision needed here and there.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

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Post by Kitty »

hasoinna wrote: June 26th, 2022, 4:02 amThanks for having reserved it for me. Just want to inform you that I might have finished recording that section :lol: :lol:
Please kindly check:
Total length of the recording is 13:58. Please kindly let me know if there's any revision needed here and there.
thank you so much, Hasta, and you recorded it that fast already. 8-) Another great reading and word perfect too it seemed to me. Very well done.

I would only suggest doing three small edits:

> from 1:38 to 1:40: between "hari sahadja lamanja" and "Dalam tahoen" - this pause feels too long, I would cut a bit there, to get under 2 seconds of silence

> from 2:45 to 2:47: between "habis dipasangnja" and "Djalan keréta api" - also here, cut the silence a bit shorter

> at 4:02: "sehingga segala lingkoengan djalanpoen boléh ditoeroetnja dengan moedahnja" - in this sentence there is a disturbing background noise, especially at the first few words (maybe a bird screeching ?). Maybe it might benefit from re-recording this part

thank you, and see you around soon, I hope :)

Have a good start in the new week

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Post by hasoinna »

thank you so much, Hasta, and you recorded it that fast already. 8-) Another great reading and word perfect too it seemed to me. Very well done.
Thanks for the kind words, it means a lot to me!
> at 4:02: "sehingga segala lingkoengan djalanpoen boléh ditoeroetnja dengan moedahnja" - in this sentence there is a disturbing background noise, especially at the first few words (maybe a bird screeching ?). Maybe it might benefit from re-recording this part
You guess it clearly! What an astute observer you are, I'm impressed :clap:

I've made some changes based on your input, please kindly check and kindly confirm whether it suffices :D


Thank you!

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Post by Kitty »

hasoinna wrote: June 26th, 2022, 6:45 amYou guess it clearly! What an astute observer you are, I'm impressed :clap:
:lol: tell him to be quiet next time you record ;)
I've made some changes based on your input, please kindly check and kindly confirm whether it suffices :D
the new sentence is super well read and inserted :thumbs: yes now it sounds much clearer. Thank you

PL ok now

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Post by tarabatubara »

tarabatubara wrote: June 20th, 2022, 9:08 pm
Kitty wrote: June 14th, 2022, 12:09 am
tarabatubara wrote: June 13th, 2022, 8:10 amI bring my recording,
length 16:52
yay, wonderful, and so fast, thank you so much, Tara :9:

so I had a listen now to the chapter, and you read very nicely, not too fast to follow and at a good pace. And concerning the text, I think you managed it word-perfect, from what I could hear. :thumbs: Very well done.

There are a few small edits I would suggest however, and a bit of a problem is the sound. :?

> the volume is a bit low. I know Checker tells you it's 87 dB, which would be fine, but this is an average, and many parts of your file are much lower, for example the whole intro, checked alone, only has 80 dB, which is too low. The ending after 14:00 is much louder in comparison.
The reason is you have some high peaks, which you can see in the long spikes in your recording. These won't let you amplify the whole without clipping (cutting off the peaks).
But I would suggest amplifying it all with +5 to make it a bit louder. You can tick the box "Allow clipping", then Audacity will let you do it. Usually we should not allow clipping as it may distort the audio, but I tried here and it is still ok.
If you need a step-by-step on how to do this, please let me know.
I was wondering whether maybe you did too much noise-cleaning ? Could you tell me what exactly you did in the noise-cleaning phase ?

Other things to edit inside the text:

> in the beginning: you start a bit abruptly, we recommend leaving between 0.5 to 1 second of silence, so that the audio doesn't get cut by some audioplayers. It doesn't matter so much for one recording, but I mention it for your future recordings ;)

> from 3:32 to 3:34: between "sekali dalam hatinja" and "Orang dapat mengetahoei" – could you shorten the long pause here a bit, over 2 seconds feels a bit long to wait for the text to continue

> at 16:31: "Akhir Bab Jang Ketiga Poeloeh Lima" – at the end you don't have to say the whole title, just say the number of the chapter, you can cut the title

> at 16:41: may I ask what you say here, it sounds like "kota panju malay", what does it mean ? :hmm: (just curious)

> at the end: you have nearly 10 seconds of silence, we ask for a standard of 5 seconds, (see first post for details) so you can cut half of it here as well

Thank you Tara, this was a really good first section. I hope you liked the recording process and are willing to stay around. 8-)

Just reupload with the exact same filename, then the old recording gets replaced by the new one.

Dear Sonia,
How are you? :)

Sorry, I take a long time to reply to you, and I will repair my recording next week because I have exams these days.
Yes, I did many times noise-cleaning (with noise removal wizard: background traffic noise, old or low-quality recording) because I do not know how to get a tranquil moment to record myself, in the day there are too many vehicles, and at night crickets and frogs don't want to leave me :lol: . I have tried to record in the best time and place, but still, there is no silence at all. If not because of too much noise here, maybe I can record many times a week.

"kota panju malay" is Kota Tanjungbalai = Tanjungbalai City. It's a city in North Sumatera Province, Sumatera Island. I see that it is allowed to be mentioned.
Thank you so much for the detailed corrections :)
I am trying not to make the same mistakes anymore, you must be tired in listening, especially in a language you don't speak.

I wish you are always in good condition :thumbs:
Hello dear,
How have you been?
Sorry, I take a long time to repair my audio, for the first file, I tried to record with my phone. And for this one, I record with audacity. I beg your pardon if it adds to your work dear.
length 15:45
Whoever has faith in God, He will 'rightly' guide their hearts 'through adversity'. Quran 64:11
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Post by Kitty »

tarabatubara wrote: July 14th, 2022, 7:25 pmSorry, I take a long time to repair my audio, for the first file, I tried to record with my phone. And for this one, I record with audacity. I beg your pardon if it adds to your work dear.
:? ok I understand correctly that you re-recorded from scratch ? This was not at all necessary as you only had 2 or 3 errors to correct.

We always encourage spot-correcting/editing, so save time for both the reader and also the prooflistner. In the case of a totally new recording, we have to relisten to it all from scratch. And often there may be other errors, which were not in the original recording. Learning how to edit is very important, especially with long sections.

Ok, so I did relisten to it all again, and the volume is more equalized throughout, so it's louder.

There are a few spots to correct still. But please: do not re-record it all again a third time ! Just correct the few time stamps that I mention here below:

> at the beginning: this time you leave 5 seconds of silence, which is too long before the audio starts. We only need 0.5 to 1 second maximum at the beginning, just so that it doesn't start too abruptly

> at 8:53: please insert missed line (underlined part): toeannja itoe; diintainja dari loebang koentji hendak mengetahoei apa-apa hal dalam bilik toeannja itoe, karena ia

> at 15:33: you can cut the full title, please end only with "Bab Jang Ketiga Poeloeh Lima"

> at the end: here you stop abruptly, at the end we need a standard of 5 seconds of silence

If you are unsure how to spot-edit, don't hesitate to ask :) It's not difficult in Audacity. With a bit of practice you'll get the hang of it soon.

Thank you

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Post by tarabatubara »

Hello Sonia, really sorry for what I have done. Thank you so much for your kindness dear.
I have repaired my recording. But, there was a problem I didn't know how to resolve, when I inserted the missed sentences, the voice sounded different.

length 15:45
Whoever has faith in God, He will 'rightly' guide their hearts 'through adversity'. Quran 64:11
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Post by Kitty »

tarabatubara wrote: July 15th, 2022, 7:17 amI have repaired my recording. But, there was a problem I didn't know how to resolve, when I inserted the missed sentences, the voice sounded different.
it's not that much of a difference and for one small part one can quickly forget this again when the rest of the recording goes on. Don't worry about this.

What I do for re-recording and inserting a missing sentence is this:

> I listen a few times to the old recording, a sentence before and after, to get into the correct intonation
> then I re-record the missing sentence, in a NEW Audacity window, with a sentence before and after, so it sounds more fluent
> noise-cleaning and amplifying the new sentence
> cutting the missing sentence and pasting it on the right spot in the master recording
> then I listen once more to the sentence before and after, and if the volume is a bit different, I maybe adjust by amplifying a bit more or decreasing

With some practice that will get better and better. But as I said, it sounded already very good this time.

I'll mark your first official section PL ok now :clap: Thank you so much for helping us out here.

There is only one more point: at the end the 5 seconds of silence were still missing. I inserted them now for you, so it's fine for this time. But maybe you did something wrong there ? How did you insert the silence ? It's a simple matter of copying one second of silence at the end, and pasting it again 4 more times. Did you do something different ? :hmm:

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Post by tarabatubara »

:shock: Sorry, I missed adding the silence at the end.
Thank you so much for your patience with me. I have noted your tips in adding a missing sentence. :9:

And I am ready for chapter 20 :)
Whoever has faith in God, He will 'rightly' guide their hearts 'through adversity'. Quran 64:11
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