[COMPLETE] Ausiàs March some poems - kaz

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by Kazbek »

Hola Carles and Maria Josep,

Espero que disfrutéis de vuestras vacaciones! Cuando estéis listos para continuar, estaremos aquí para ayudaros a completar el proyecto. :)

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Post by carlesroset »

Hello Sonia and Michael,
Finally our hollydays toke a bit longer than we expected. After coming back home I took again the remaining tasks with you and Librivox. As it was difficult for Maria Josepa to make the new short recordings I made those myself. I expect this won't be a problem.
After, I did the edit tasks: I changed the intro and the outro with my recordings, I shortened the silences between paragraphs under 1,5 seconds and I added the 5 seconds standard silence at the end of every poem. Also I tried to arrange some noise problems that Sonia and myself detected. I save the new files with the names Sonia proposed.
It remains the two minor textual errors Sonia detected:
- "Por de morir, ne de fer vida streta" in this sentence "ne" does not mean the oposite than "o" (or) because this word means "and not" and joins two negative concepts as "Por de morir" means "Fear of death", and the poet declare itself far from this fear.
- "c'altre no pensa" means likely the same tans "c'altre no abasta" as "abasta" means to reach, but here referts to reach with the mind, and its meaning is very close to "pensa" that means to think.
I think that those little differences are not really important and maybe we can publish our recordings as they are now. For the moment I uploaded the new files and changed the links.
Are now our project ready to publish? Thanks for all and sorry for my poor english.
Carles and Maria Josepa
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Post by Kazbek »

carlesroset wrote: August 16th, 2021, 4:53 am Hello Sonia and Michael,
Finally our hollydays toke a bit longer than we expected. After coming back home I took again the remaining tasks with you and Librivox. As it was difficult for Maria Josepa to make the new short recordings I made those myself. I expect this won't be a problem.
Hello Carles and Maria Josepa,

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your vacation. :)

Unfortunately, we do ask that each reader read their own intro and outro, and especially the part which indicates the reader's knowledge that their recording is in the public domain and will be distributed by LibriVox. So, we would need Maria Josepa to record at least the part that says "Aquesta gravació de LibriVox és de domini públic" (and ideally the rest). If you like you could use the site https://vocaroo.com/, where Maria Josepa can record it online, send you, Carles, the link, and you can include it in the recordings.

When you make those changes, please be sure to update the durations in the Magic Window. :)

Let us know if you have any other questions.

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Post by carlesroset »

Hello Michael and Sonia,
Finally Maria Josepa could record the intros and outros and we changed them and we uploaded to your site. Also we changed the durations in the magic window. We are sorry for the delays of every thing we may do because we spend many time in a place without internet connection.
We would be happy if this time our work is ok for publish on your site.
Thanks for all your atention.
Maria Josep and Carles
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Post by Kazbek »

Hi Maria Josep and Carles,

Great! Once Sonia PLs the changes, we'll be ready for the catalog.

After the project is cataloged, a volunteer will "claim" (sign up to make) the "cover", which is a set of files with images that are displayed for the project in the catalog and elsewhere. The covermaker gets to decide what the cover looks like. A BC or soloist who wishes to make the cover themselves can "pre-claim" it before the project is cataloged. If you would like to pre-claim the cover, you can do so by posting the project number and project title in the Volunteer CD Covers Working Thread:


To find out the project number, log in to the MW and look at the URL. To find out the project title, look at the soloist's reader page. Please note that one can't claim a cover for someone else to make. Additional information about LV covers can be found here:


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Post by Kitty »

carlesroset wrote: August 22nd, 2021, 11:50 amFinally Maria Josepa could record the intros and outros and we changed them and we uploaded to your site.
thank you, Maria Josepa and Carles, for the changes. The intros and outros are now all ok and I see you shortened the silences a bit, which sounds more fluent now. :thumbs: I believe you that the small textual deviations don't make much of a change, so we can leave them as they are.

However, now your technical settings have reverted back to Stereo and 44,800 Hz Sample Rate. We need Mono and 44,100 Hz. Before they were ok, so I don't know what happened there. :hmm:

Normally the reader should correct this as well, but since I had the poems opened on my computer anyway, I quickly changed them for you this time, so you don't have to reupload it again. But please make sure your settings are back to the correct standard ones for any future LV recordings.

Michael, could you please download all the files once more and check that they are all Mono and 44,100 Hz, so that I didn't miss any of them ?

After that, yes we are ready for the catalogue. :clap: It was interesting listening to the poems and Maria Josepa is a very good reader. Thank you

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Post by carlesroset »

Hello Sonia and Michael,
We are happy to have soon the project in the catalog and we want to thanks you very much for all your help and comments!
Finally I decided to claim for make myself the cover of the project.
Our kind regards!
Maria Josepa and Carles
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Post by Epachuko »

Hi Maria Josepa and Carles!

Just to let you know:


Gutenberg Proyect has just liberate this month a book in spanish about Ausias March. :wink:

Congratulations for your furts project!!
Grabaciones de Epachuko
Colabora leyendo secciones en español con nosotros en el foro Readers Wanted Languages other than English El Periquillo Sarniento vol III y IV- Cuentos y fábulas populares (África)
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Post by Kazbek »

Thanks, everyone! I've checked the specs and all the sections are now PL OK. I'll start cataloging tonight.

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Post by Kazbek »

carlesroset wrote: August 23rd, 2021, 7:58 am We are happy to have soon the project in the catalog and we want to thanks you very much for all your help and comments!
Hola Maria Josepa and Carles,

Me acabo de dar cuenta de que no tenemos una descripción del proyecto. Podéis escribir algunas frases para el catálogo? Puede ser en catalán, en inglés o en ambos idiomas.

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Post by carlesroset »

Hola Michael,
He pensado el siguiente texto para la presentación del proyecto:

(Texto en catalán) Lectura d'un petit conjunt de poemes del poeta valencià Ausiàs March que s'han popularitzat pel fet d'haver estat musicats per cantautors, particularment per Raimon. Maria Josep Altadill ha fet la lectura dins de la campanya "Donants de veu" impulsada per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya per augmentar la presencia de la literatura en català al mon dels audiollibres.
Ausiàs March és el màxim exponent de la poesia en català de l'edat mitjana amb una extensa obra que es va difondre a la seva època (segle XV) i posteriorment més enllà del domini lingüístic català.

(Texto en inglés) Reading of a short numbert of the valentian poet Ausiàs March poems widly known as famous singer Raimon used them for his songs. Maria Josep Altadill read them into the campaign "Donants de veu" promoted by Open University of Catalonia for increase the catalan literature amount of audiobooks.
Ausiàs March is the main figure of midle age catalan poetry with a wide production well known at his time (15th century) and after beyond catalan language domain.

Seguramente el texto en inglés necesitaria alguna corrección :hmm: . Por favor sugiéreme cualquier cambio que creas oportuno.
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Post by Kazbek »

Hola Carles,

Por favor echa un vistazo a esta versión del texto en inglés y avísame si está bien.
This audiobook contains several poems by the Valencian poet Ausiàs March, well known for being set to music by the famous singer Raimon. The poems have been read by Maria Josep Altadill for the campaign "Donants de veu", organized under the auspices of the Open University of Catalonia in order to make Catalan literature more widely available in audiobook format. Ausiàs March is the leading figure of Medieval Catalan poetry, whose wide-ranging body of work was well known in his time (15th century) and remained popular in Catalan-speaking areas afterwards.
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Post by carlesroset »

Hola Michael,
Perdona por no responder antes. Esta versión en inglés que has escrito me parece muy bién y he pensado seguir tu misma idea para la versión en catalán. De todos modos me he permitido hacer dos pequeños cambios a tu versión en inglés que me parecían más claros para un posible lector que no supiera nada de Ausiàs March. Las dos versiones tal como me parecerían bién a mi quedarían así:

(inglés) This audiobook contains several poems by the Valencian poet Ausiàs March. Those poems are well known for being set to music by the famous singer Raimon. This selection have been read by Maria Josep Altadill for the campaign "Donants de veu", organized under the auspices of the Open University of Catalonia in order to make Catalan literature more widely available in audiobook format. Ausiàs March is the leading figure of Medieval Catalan poetry, whose wide-ranging body of work was well known in his time (15th century) and remained popular in the whole Hispanic literature afterwards.
(catalán) Aquest audiollibre conté diversos poemes del poeta valencià Ausiàs March. Aquests poemes són especialment coneguts per haver estat musicats pel cèlebre cantautor Raimon. Aquesta tria ha estat llegida per Maria Josep Altadill per a la campanya "Donants de veu", impulsada per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya amb l'objectiu d'augmentar la presència de la literatura en català en el mon de l'audiollibre. Ausiàs March és la figura capdavantera de la poesia medieval en català, l'obra extensa del qual va ser àmpliament coneguda al seu temps (segle XV) i posteriorment en el conjunt de les literatures hispàniques.

Gracias por todo!
Un saludo,
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Post by Kazbek »

Muy bien, Carles. Terminaré la catalogación pronto.

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Post by Kazbek »

This project is now complete. All audio files can be found on our catalog page: https://librivox.org/alguns-dels-poemes-dausias-march-by-ausias-march/

Enhorabona! :clap:

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