[COMPLETE] The Creeds of Christendom - tg

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Post by InTheDesert »

The Creeds of Christendom, by Various

This project is now complete! All audio files can be found on our catalog page: https://librivox.org/the-creeds-of-christendom-by-various/
This is based on <a href="https://librivox.org/author/6784">Philip Schaff's</a> Creeds of Christendom taking only the creeds that he selected, using the translations he supplied where possible but rearranged chronologically (using the dates he supplied) but excluding his commentary and notes.

"He who wishes to grow strong in his religious life, let him, I say, next to the Bible, feed himself on the great Creeds of the Church. There is a force of religious inspiration in them which you will seek in vain elsewhere. And this for good reasons. First, because it is ever true that it is by the truth that sanctification is wrought. And next, because the truth is set forth in these Creeds with a clearness and richness with which it is set forth nowhere else. For these Creeds are not the products of metaphysical speculation, as many who know infinitesimally little about them are prone to assert, but are the compressed and weighted utterances of the Christian heart.<br><br>

I do not think I go astray, therefore, when I say to you in all seriousness that the second and third volumes of Dr. Schaff’s Creeds of Christendom have in them more food for your spiritual life — are “more directly, richly and evangelically devotional” — than any other book, apart from the Bible, in existence." (Summary by B.B. Warfield, "Spiritual Culture in the Theological Seminary", p.84-85)
Source text (please read only from this text!): Various. See Post 2 and MW

Deadline: Please submit your recording within 2 months of placing your claim. If you cannot complete the recording within this time, please post in the thread to relinquish your claim or to ask the BC for an extension. If your recording is not completed by the deadline, your claim may be reassigned at the BC's discretion.

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Please read the notes column carefully so that you record the correct text and not the extra notes. All texts have a direct link in the MW. The page numbers in the MW refer to the printed page number, not the archive.org page number. If there is a problem with the readability of the scans, please post in the thread. Please only read the English translations and the creed only, none of the commentary.

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"[Title of Work], by [Author]" "This is a Librivox recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer, please visit Librivox.org"
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"End of [Title], by [Author]". [Optional: "Read by your name."]
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"End of The Creeds of Christendom"
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Filename: creedschristendom_##_various_128kb.mp3 where ## is the section number. (e.g. creedschristendom_01_various_128kb.mp3)

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MC to select: TriciaG

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Last edited by InTheDesert on April 12th, 2021, 8:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 8265
Joined: August 20th, 2019, 8:25 pm

Post by InTheDesert »

This is a very large group project, but I think I have done sufficent work in advance to get it off the ground. I will DPL.

Philip Schaff produced 2 (actually 3) volumes of something called "The Creeds of Christendom" with creeds from throughout Christian church history, spanning many branches of the church. It contains lots of notes and commentary which can be a bit tedious so I have modified the book as follows:
  • Joined volumes 2 and 3 together.
  • Rearranged the order chronologically. He grouped the creeds by branches of the church (Roman creeds, Protestant creeds etc.) but I think it is both more interesting and more neutral to simply follow the dates.
  • Found English translations for creeds that he left untranslated (because he assumed his readers could all read German, Latin etc.). I don't think that is a safe assumption any more. I have use the translations in his book wherever possible but linked to other PD translations where he did not supply one. The only exception is the First Helvetic Confession which I cannot find translated into English anywhere. As such I'll read it in German.
  • Noted which pages to read from in order to skip the notes.
  • Divided the longer sections into logical and manageable parts.
  • I have not added anything that he did not include nor have I subtracted anything.
As such, this is not a recording of Schaff's The Creeds of Christendom but a collection with the title "The Creeds of Christendom".

I am aware that a number of things in this collection have been recorded before for LV.

Here is what will go into the MW:

Code: Select all

Scripture Confessions	p.3-7	30	Deuteronomy, Nathanel, Peter, Thomas, Baptismal Formula, Eunich, One God and One Lord, Mystery of Godliness, Elementary Articles.	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n18/mode/1up
Ignatius, of Antioch A.D. 107	p.11-12	107		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n25/mode/1up
Ireanaeus of Gaul A.D. 180	p.13-16	180	Read "First Form", "Second Form", "Third Form"	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n27/mode/1up
Tertullian, of North Africa A.D. 200	p.17-20	200	Read "First Form", "Second Form", "Third Form"	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n31/mode/1up
Origen, of Alexandria. A.D. 230	p.22-23	230		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n36/mode/1up
Cyprian, of Carthage. A.D. 250	p.20	250		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n34/mode/1up
Novattan, of Rome. A.D. 250	p.21	250		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n35/mode/1up
Gregory Thaumaturgus, of Neo-Cesarea A.D. 270	p.24-25	270		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n38/mode/1up
Lucian, of Antioch A.D. 300	p.26-28	300		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n40/mode/1up
The Apostles' Creed	p.45-50	300	Read "Received Form", "THE OLD ROMAN AND AFRICAN FORM OF THE APOSTLES' CREED", "AN OLD ITALIAN (pseudo-Ambrosian) FORM OF THE APOSTLES' CREED" 	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n59/mode/1up
Eusebius, of Caesarea in Palestine A.D. 325	p.29-30	325		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n43/mode/1up
The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed A.D. 325 and 381	p.58-59	325	Read only "The Received Text of the Protestant Churches" (only English version)	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n72/mode/1up
The Private Creed of Arius A.D. 328	p.28-29	328		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n42/mode/1up
Cyril, of Jerusalem A.D. 350	p.31-32	350	Read "Longer Formula", "Shorter Formula"	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n45/mode/1up
Epiphanius, of Cyprus A.D. 374	p.33-38	374	Read "First Formula", "Second Formula"	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n47/mode/1up
The Creed of Chalcedon A.D. 451	p.62-63	451	Read only "The Symbol of Chalcedon"	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n76/mode/1up
The Athanasian Creed	p.66-70	470		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n80/mode/1up
The Creed Of The Sixth Œcumenical Council, Against The Monothelites A.D. 680	p.345	680	Read from "defining all this we..." to "according to the most wise Athanasius"	https://archive.org/details/selectlibraryof189014scha/page/345/mode/1up
The Sixty-Seven Articles of Ulrich Zwingli A.D. 1523	p.111-117	1523		https://archive.org/details/selectedworksofh00zwin/page/111/mode/1up
The Ten Theses of Berne A.D. 1528	p.104-105	1528		https://archive.org/details/historyofchristi07schauoft/page/104/mode/1up
Luther's Catechism Part I-II A.D. 1529	p.74-80	1529		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend02schagoog/page/n88/mode/1up
Luther's Catechism Part III A.D. 1529	p.80-92	1529		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend02schagoog/page/n94/mode/1up
The Augsburg Confession Part First A.D. 1530	p.3-27	1530		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend02schagoog/page/n16/mode/1up
The Augsburg Confession Part Second A.D. 1530	p.28-73	1530		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend02schagoog/page/n42/mode/1up
The First Helvetic (or Second Basle) Confession A.D. 1536		1536	Please read the German. No English PD translation exists	https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/211/mode/1up
The Anglican Catechism A.D. 1549, 1662	p.517-522	1549		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/517/mode/1up
The Gallican Confession A.D. 1559	p.356-382	1559	Don't read the footnotes	https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/356/mode/1up
The First Scotch Confession Article I-XV A.D. 1560	p.437-457	1560		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/437/mode/1up
The First Scotch Confession Article XVI-XXV A.D. 1560	p.458-479	1560		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/458/mode/1up
The Belgic Confession A.D. 1561	p.383-436	1561		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/383/mode/1up
The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 3-5 A.D.1563 	P.77-88	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n91/mode/1up
The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 6 A.D.1563 	p.89-118	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n103/mode/1up
The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 7 A.D.1563 	p.118-126	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n132/mode/1up
The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 13 A.D.1563 	p.126-139	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n140/mode/1up
The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 14 A.D.1563 	p.139-170	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n153/mode/1up
The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 21 A.D.1563 	p.170-186	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n184/mode/1up
The Canons and Dogmatic Decrees of the Council of Trent Session 23-25 A.D.1563 	p.186-206	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n200/mode/1up
The Heidelberg or Palatinate Catechism Question 1-74 A.D. 1563	p.307-331	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/307/mode/1up
The Heidelberg or Palatinate Catechism Question 75-129 A.D. 1563	p.332-355	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/332/mode/1up
The Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England A.D. 1563 and 1571	p.487-516	1563		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/486/mode/1up
The Profession of the Tridentine Faith A.D. 1564	p.207-210	1564		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n221/mode/1up
The Second Helvetic Confession Chapter I-XIV A.D. 1566	p.831-	1566		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/831/mode/1up
The Second Helvetic Confession Chapter XV-XX A.D. 1566	p.862-891	1566		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/862/mode/1up
The Second Helvetic Confession Chapter XXI-XXX A.D. 1566	p.891-909	1566		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/891/mode/1up
The Formula of Concord Article I-II A.D. 1576	p.94-	1576		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend02schagoog/page/n107/mode/1up
The Formula of Concord Article III-VI A.D. 1576	p.114-135	1576		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend02schagoog/page/n128/mode/1up
The Formula of Concord Article VII-IX A.D. 1576	p.135-160	1576		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend02schagoog/page/n149/mode/1up
The Formula of Concord Article X-XII A.D. 1576	p.160-180	1576		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend02schagoog/page/n174/mode/1up
The Second Scotch Confession A.D. 1581	p.480-485	1581		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/480/mode/1up
The Saxon Visitation Articles A.D. 1592	p.181-189	1592		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/181/mode/1up
The Lambeth Articles A.D. 1595	p.523-524	1595		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/523/mode/1up
The Arminian Articles A.D. 1610	p.545-549	1610		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/545/mode/1up
The Irish Articles A.D. 1615	p.526-544	1615		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/526/mode/1up
The Canons of the Synod of Dort A.D. 1619	p.581-597	1619		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/581/mode/1up
The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church Part 1 A.D. 1643	p.12-92	1643		https://archive.org/details/cu31924029363094/page/n19/mode/1up
The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church Part 2 A.D. 1643	p.93-123	1643		https://archive.org/details/cu31924029363094/page/n100/mode/1up
The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church Part 3 A.D. 1643	p.124-162	1643		https://archive.org/details/cu31924029363094/page/n131/mode/1up
The Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter I-XV A.D. 1647	p.600-633	1647		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/600/mode/1up
The Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter XVI-XXIX A.D. 1647	p.633-667	1647		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/633/mode/1up
The Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter XXX- A.D. 1647	p.667-673	1647		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/667/mode/1up
The Westminster Shorter Catechism A.D. 1647	p.676-704	1647		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/676/mode/1up
The Confession of the Waldenses A.D. 1655	p.757-770	1655	Read only the confession beginning "A BRIEF CONFESSION..."	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/757/mode/1up
The Savoy Declaration Preface AD. 1658	p.708-718	1658		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/708/mode/1up
The Savoy Declaration Confession of Faith and Platform of Discipline AD. 1658	p.718-729	1658	Read "Note:" "As the Savoy Declaration is merely a modification of the Westminster Confession...and reads as follows:" "End note". Read only the text under "Savoy Declaration" in the columns, not WCF or American Revision. Read the interspereced notes like "In Chap. XXV., 'Of Marriage,' the Savoy Declaration omits"	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/718/mode/1up
The Confession of Dositheus, or the Eighteen Decrees of the Synod of Jerusalem A.D. 1672	p.185-215	1672	Do read the scripture references after each section.	https://archive.org/details/actsanddecreess00lucagoog/page/n197/mode/1up
The Confession of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers A.D. 1675	p.789-798	1675	Read from "Theses Theologicæ"	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/789/mode/1up
The Confession of 1688 (the Philadelphia Confession)	p.738-741	1688	Don't read the initial note in smallest font. Do read "In Chapter XX., ' Of Christian Liberty…" etc. "B.C." can be read "of the Baptist Confession"	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/738/mode/1up
The Easter Littany of the Moravian Church A.D. 1749	p.799-806	1749		https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/799/mode/1up
The Methodist Articles of Religion A.D. 1784	p.807-813	1784	Don't read the initial note in smaller font	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/807/mode/1up
The Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England American Revision A.D. 1801	p.487-514	1801		https://archive.org/details/creedschristendo03scha/page/486/mode/1up
The Confession of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (American) A.D. 1829	p.771-775	1829	Read the initial text "The Confession of the Cumberland" until "Perseverance is essentially retained". Then only read the Cumberland Confession text.	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/771/mode/1up
The Declaration of the Congregational Union of England and Wales A.D. 1833	p.730-734	1833		https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/730/mode/1up
The Longer Catechism of the Russian Church, prepared by Philaret, Revised and Approved by the Most Holy Synod A.D. 1839	p.445-455	1839		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n459/mode/1up
The Nine Articles of the Evangelical Alliance A.D. 1846	p.827-828	1846		https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/827/mode/1up
The Confession of the Free Evangelical Church of Geneva A.D. 1848	p.781-786	1848	Read only the confession.	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/781/mode/1up
The Decree of Pope Pius IX on the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary A.D. 1854	p.211-212	1854		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n225/mode/1up
Papal Syllabus of the Principal Errors of our Time A.D. 1864	p.213-233	1854	Don't read the small text giving the sources, only the large text following the numbers	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n227/mode/1up
The Declaration of the Boston National Council A.D. 1865	p.734-736	1865	Don't read the initial note in smaller font	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/734/mode/1up
The Free-will Baptist Confession A.D. 1868	p.749-756	1868	Don't read the initial note in smaller font	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/749/mode/1up
The Dogmatic Decrees of the Vatican Council concerning the Catholic Faith and the Church of Christ (the Infallibility of the Pope) A.D. 1870	p.234-256	1870	Some pages are close to the margins but almost all letters are preserved	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n248/mode/1up
First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ	p.256-271	1870		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n270/mode/1up
The Confession of the Free Italian Church A.D. 1870	p.786-788	1870		https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/786/mode/1up
The Declaration of the Oberlin National Council A.D. 1871	p.737	1871		https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/737/mode/1up
The Fourteen Theses of the Old Catholic Union Conference with Greeks and Anglicans A.D. 1874	p.545-550	1874	Read the preliminary article which begins "We agree that the way in which the "Filioque""	https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n559/mode/1up
The Old Catholic Agreement on the Filioque Controversy A.D. 1875	p.552-554	1875		https://archive.org/details/creedschristend05schagoog/page/n566/mode/1up
The Reformed Episcopal Articles of Relgion (American) A.D. 1876	p.814-826	1876	Don't read the initial note in smaller font	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/814/mode/1up
The Auburn Declaration (American) A.D. 1887	p.777-780	1887	Read the headings from "[Permission of Sin]"	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/777/mode/1up
The New Hampshire Confession AD. 1888	p.742-748	1888	Don't read the footnotes	https://archive.org/details/creedsofchristen187803scha/page/742/mode/1up
Would it be permissible to not list/name the authors in the recording if it is not very clear? Or would it be better (in most cases) to say "by Various" or "by Unknown". I think it's a possible solution but not very elegant. Alternatively, we could create a bunch of new authors in the catalogue that would do the job.
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Post by TriciaG »

I think I understand where you're going with this, and I think it's okay.

I think if the author is unknown or various, we can probably leave that out of the audio. But the catalog page still shows a spot for an author, so in the metadata for each section, I think you should still put either "Unknown" or "Various" or whatever fits best.

I think your summary/intro should mention some of what you said in your post: that these texts are taken from Schaff's "The Creeds of Christendom" but are rearranged and with the extra notes omitted.

Do you have links available for the translations you found? I suppose the text links for those sections would be to the translation rather than to Schaff's untranslated text.

I'll get you a MW. You're going to have some work setting all this up. :lol:

P.S. Are you sure you want Standard PL? I'd probably make it Special (Standard plus noting textual differences that affect the meaning).
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Post by InTheDesert »

TriciaG wrote: February 23rd, 2021, 10:39 am I think I understand where you're going with this, and I think it's okay.

I think if the author is unknown or various, we can probably leave that out of the audio. But the catalog page still shows a spot for an author, so in the metadata for each section, I think you should still put either "Unknown" or "Various" or whatever fits best.

I think your summary/intro should mention some of what you said in your post: that these texts are taken from Schaff's "The Creeds of Christendom" but are rearranged and with the extra notes omitted.

Do you have links available for the translations you found? I suppose the text links for those sections would be to the translation rather than to Schaff's untranslated text.

I'll get you a MW. You're going to have some work setting all this up. :lol:

P.S. Are you sure you want Standard PL? I'd probably make it Special (Standard plus noting textual differences that affect the meaning).
Thanks Tricia. I'll get to this soon once I've wrangled the MW (which is a big task!). All text links are in my second post but I'll be putting them in soon! Everything is solidly PD :)
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Post by InTheDesert »

TriciaG wrote: February 23rd, 2021, 10:39 am I think I understand where you're going with this, and I think it's okay.

I think if the author is unknown or various, we can probably leave that out of the audio. But the catalog page still shows a spot for an author, so in the metadata for each section, I think you should still put either "Unknown" or "Various" or whatever fits best.

I think your summary/intro should mention some of what you said in your post: that these texts are taken from Schaff's "The Creeds of Christendom" but are rearranged and with the extra notes omitted.

Do you have links available for the translations you found? I suppose the text links for those sections would be to the translation rather than to Schaff's untranslated text.

I'll get you a MW. You're going to have some work setting all this up. :lol:

P.S. Are you sure you want Standard PL? I'd probably make it Special (Standard plus noting textual differences that affect the meaning).
And we're ready for claims!

I'll add the metadata more slowly.
Could you add the following authors for me? There will be more eventually once I've figured out who wrote stuff.

I'll modify the summary.

That's a good point about the PL. It makes it less attractive if I have to follow along but it's probably important in this case.
Last edited by InTheDesert on February 23rd, 2021, 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dronald »

Ah. I'll take Tertullian and Origen just to remain consistent.

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Joined: August 20th, 2019, 8:25 pm

Post by InTheDesert »

dronald wrote: February 23rd, 2021, 7:13 pm Ah. I'll take Tertullian and Origen just to remain consistent.

"Voice of the heretics"? ;)

Both assigned to you. If you have any questions about which bits to read, just post in the thread.
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Post by dronald »

InTheDesert wrote: February 23rd, 2021, 7:22 pm
dronald wrote: February 23rd, 2021, 7:13 pm Ah. I'll take Tertullian and Origen just to remain consistent.


"Voice of the heretics"? ;)

Both assigned to you. If you have any questions about which bits to read, just post in the thread.
Ahem ;)

Will do!
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

May I read 23, 24, 68? We'll see how that goes before I think about taking on any more ...
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Post by InTheDesert »

MaryAnnSpiegel wrote: February 23rd, 2021, 9:48 pm May I read 23, 24, 68? We'll see how that goes before I think about taking on any more ...
Yes! And I've even fixed the spelling of litany for you... Shout out if the instructions are confusing on what text to read. For the Moravian litany, you don't need to mention an author in the intro. FOr the Augsburg Confession, you can make it Philip Melanchton since he was its editor.

I'll go through and add the authors tonight.
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Post by TriciaG »

InTheDesert wrote: February 23rd, 2021, 7:10 pm
I'll add the metadata more slowly.
Could you add the following authors for me? There will be more eventually once I've figured out who wrote stuff.

I'll modify the summary.

That's a good point about the PL. It makes it less attractive if I have to follow along but it's probably important in this case.
I've added these authors.
School fiction: David Blaize
America Exploration: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
Serial novel: The Wandering Jew
Medieval England meets Civil War Americans: Centuries Apart
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Post by TriciaG »

Moving this to Readers Wanted!
School fiction: David Blaize
America Exploration: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
Serial novel: The Wandering Jew
Medieval England meets Civil War Americans: Centuries Apart
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Post by KevinS »

This may apply just to the first section, but I see it contains original text along with the English translation. Are you looking for the reader to record both?

And are there footnotes throughout the selections? (I'm sorry I haven't gone wading into them yet.) May we read those that are particularly interesting? Or maybe you've told us not to read any of them. (I'm not really at full speed yet. Sorry for all the questions.)
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Post by TriciaG »

School fiction: David Blaize
America Exploration: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci
Serial novel: The Wandering Jew
Medieval England meets Civil War Americans: Centuries Apart
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