Here are some more of Ann Putney's chapters.
I know her Chapter 3 was already marked PL OK, but as I read more about Shep I realized that I had called him "Step" at second 57in Chapter 3. That is what was written in the text given, but as the dog is Shep everywhere else, I think this must be a Gutenberg misprint. I've made the correction at second 57 and reuploaded the file. (2:32)
I've also read in the next 3 chapters. Here they are:
Chapter 4 (1:28):
I am aware that I have left out two lines which were marked as ine in Ch. 4. That's because I think they should be Aunt Abigail's lines, though I may have misunderstood. Here's the passage:
Narrator: As she led the stupefied little girl along toward the door Aunt Abigail came after them and put a big sugar-cookie into the child's hand.
Ann: "Maybe you'll like to eat that for your recess time,"
Narrator: she said.
Ann: "I always did when I went to school."
--The first-named "she" in the first sentence is clearly Ann, who is matter-of-factly packing Betsy off to school, but the last female named before the "she" diaolgue tag is Aunt Abigail, and since she gave the cookie it makes more sense to me that she would say these lines. But let me know if you want me to read them, and I'll go back and put them in.
Chapter 6 (0.31):
Chapter 7 (3:24):
Before I go on, there's one thing I realize I need to know--is 'Lias pronounced LEE-as or LIE-as?
Back from a low-internet no-Librivox year in Georgia. Glad to be with you again.