'Thank You' messages for LibriVox readers - continued

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Helsbelles (Helen Taylor) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Please thank Helen Taylor for her wonderful reading of Vanity Fair. She really brought the novel alive and she is a pleasure to listen to.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Epachuko (Epachuko) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Quería felicitar a este lector por su lectura del libro “La Regenta”. Magistral lectura. Muchas gracias.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for AndreaFiore (Andrea Fiore) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Your voice is a blessing and struck a cord in my spiritual ear to your readings; notably those of ‘The Path of Prosperity’ and ‘Byways to Blessedness’, both by James Allen.

Thank you,


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Post by adonis »

icequeen wrote: April 23rd, 2019, 9:35 pm Praise received for adonis (Tony Addison) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Thanks to Tony Addison for his reading of “The Woman in White” by Wilkie Collins. His voicing of the different characters was excellent. Perhaps it was too good: I really wanted to strangle Mr. Fairlie, and he wasn’t even one of “the” villains.



Thanks for your perceptive criticism as a result of which I went and tried out my longest Fairlie chapter - what a hoot. Try The Moonstone. It will repay your efforts.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for neckertb (Nadine Eckert-Boulet) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I would like to thank you Nadine Eckert-Boulet for her “FANTASTIQUE” reading of "Madame Bovary”. By means of her voice I could appreciate the beauty of this wonderful masterpiece of French literature in its original language.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Adrian (Adrian Praetzellis) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
The readings of "Kim" and "Midshipman Easy" absolutely incredible!
Both my nephew and I were totally absorbed by your two readings

Dave Miller UK

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for ekzemplaro (ekzemplaro) from our 'Thank a reader' feature regarding his recording of Meian:
I have no clue who the reader is of this book. However my dad is dieing of a neurological disorder. My dad has been listening to his books every single day. He use to be a news reporter for NHK In Japan. We live in the USA. My mother died 3 months ago and my dad has no friends here in the USA. On top of that he can no longer speak. He can hear and understand. However he can no longer reply or move on his own. He has trouble swallowing and soon his breathing will stop. I know my dad is very thankful to the reader who reads these books in Japanese. Seriously would donate a lot of money to you. However we are poor. Anyway you are doing an excellent job and we really appreciate all you are doing.
Ken and Seikichi

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Roger (Roger Melin) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Hello Roger Melin, Hello Librivox,

I would like to thank you for your fantastic reading of Fathers and Sons by Ivan TURGENEV. I'm really enjoying in your expressive reading and pleasant voice. Since English is my second language I also like appropriate pace, not too quick and not too slow.

Thank you!,
Best regards,
(from Croatia)

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for NKWhitley (Nick Whitley) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I am a huge fan of Anthony Trollope, and look forward eagerly to Doctor Thorne. Thanks for the excellent Barchester Towers. It was a delight!

Hilo, Hawaii

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for m8b1 (Maria Therese) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hello Maria Therese,

I want to thank you for the wonderful readings you have done for
Librivox. So far I have listened to three of the books you have recorded
(Murder at St. Denis, Sister Simon's Murder Mystery, and most recently
Murder Takes the Veil.) I listened to Sister Simon's first and was so
impressed by your delivery and lovely voice that I looked for other
books that you had recorded. Margaret Ann Hubbard is one of my favorite
authors so I was delighted to find that they were also recorded by you.

I know it takes a good deal of time to read a book and to do it for
someone else's pleasure is a truly generous gift of both your time and
talent. I want you to know how very much this listener appreciates it.
Now I am going to Librivox to look for another of "your" books to listen
to next. Thank you again!

Kindest regards,


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for barbara2 (Barbara Baker) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
For your reading of Horace Walpole's Letters: A Selection. Though a voracious reader of 18th century English literature, I may not have read Walpole's personal letters as soon as I did had you not made this beautiful recording. Having it allowed me to listen at work, and I have since listened many times and purchased a complete volume of his letters. You have such beautiful enunciation and expression, and are perfectly suited to that wonderfully writer. I'll be downloading Hieroglyphic Tales next!

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Post by icequeen »

Praises received for MARTIN GEESON (Martin Geeson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I am an American who loves 18th century English literature, especially audio books, and your reading of Peregrine Pickle Vol 1 is among my favorites. It is tragic that more people don't know Tobias Smollett these days, and your recording made it possible for me to immerse myself in an author who can, at first, be a little challenging. Listening to your recording is a true pleasure and I have to marvel that you never stumble over the many long, intricate passages. I have listened many times, and never fail to laugh out loud when Peregrine learns about love by way of geometrical principles. Your reading adds tremendously to the joy of the book for me. Needless to say so I would LOVE to have a reading of the second volume by you, but I'm sure there was a reason for abandoning the project. Thanks again!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for eggs4ears (Phil Benson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Mr. Benson,
The first reading of yours I heard was about the astral plane. Stellar selection! Loved it! And everything in between! I'm listening to the Fates now.
We are blessed to have u at librivox!
Thank for all u do !

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Alys (Alys Attewater) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
I'd like to thank Alys Attewater for reading ragged dick and fame and fortune to me. They have become my favorite.
But I sent an email requesting mark the matchboy, which I've I had a hard time finding, and I found it there today!!!! So thank you tori Faulder also!!!!

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for gioachin (Filippo Gioachin) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:
Caro Filippo,
Ho appena finito di ascoltare la tua lettura di Cuore del De Amicis.
Complimenti, per una bellissima lettura.
Non ci posso credere che questa e’ l’unica versione di un audiobook di
questo libro stupendo. Complimenti nel aver colmato un vuoto nel mercato.
Io sono un anglo-fiorentino residente a Londra per moilti anni. Visto dal
mio punto di vista, questo libro dovrebbe essere una base per grande
orgoglio per gli italiani e dovrebbe certamente essere anche letto da un
attore italiano e reso disponibile da acquistare su cd. Mi domandavo, tu
cosa ne pensi?
Non credo che il libro sia neanche tradotto in altre lingue. Chissa' perche'.
Grazie mille per la tua dedizione, energia e tempo impiegato nel fare
questa registrazione meravigliosa. Averlo anche fatto gratuitamente mostra
che hai un "cuore grande" un cuore di cui il De Amicis stesso lodarebbe
La tua voce sembra piuttosto giovane. Quanti anni avevi quando l’hai
Ti auguro Buona Pasqua, Filippo!
Dr Simon

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