COMPLETE [Weekly Poem] The Panther by Rainer Maria Rilke - dl

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by aradlaw »

The Panther by Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 - 1926).

All audio files can be found on our catalog page:
René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke, better known as Rainer Maria Rilke, was a Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist. He is "widely recognized as one of the most lyrically intense German-language poets". He wrote both verse and highly-lyrical prose. Several critics have described Rilke's work as inherently "mystical". His writings include one novel, several collections of poetry and several volumes of correspondence in which he invokes haunting images that focus on the difficulty of communion with the ineffable in an age of disbelief, solitude and profound anxiety. These deeply existential themes tend to position him as a transitional figure between the traditional and the modernist writers. ( Wikipedia)
Each week a poem is chosen to be recorded by as many LibriVox volunteers as possible!
This week's poem can be found here.

Set your recording software to:
Channels: 1 (Mono)
Bit Rate: 128 kbps
Sample Rate: 44100 kHz

Have questions on "how"?
Check LV's Recording Notes thread before recording. If this is your first recording, you'll also find this Newbie Guide to Recording useful.
Begin your reading with the abbreviated LibriVox disclaimer:
No more than 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning of the recording!
The Panther by Rainer Maria Rilke, read for by [your name].
[Add, if you wish, date, your location, and/or your personal url.]
Then read the poem:
His weary glance, from passing by the bars,
Has grown into a dazed and vacant stare;
It seems to him there are a thousand bars
And out beyond those bars the empty air.

The pad of his strong feet, that ceaseless sound
Of supple tread behind the iron bands,
Is like a dance of strength circling around,
While in the circle, stunned, a great will stands.

But there are times the pupils of his eyes
Dilate, the strong limbs stand alert, apart,
Tense with the flood of visions that arise
Only to sink and die within his heart.

At the end of your reading, leave a space and then say:
End of poem. This recording is in the public domain.

Please leave 5 seconds of silence at the end of your recording.
Save your recording as an mp3 file using the following filename and ID3 tag format:
File name - all in lowercase: panther_rilke_your initials in lowercase_128kb.mp3
(e.g. panther_rilke_klh_128kb.mp3 )

ID3 tags (Version 2.30): ID Tags are completed during Cataloging

*Readers, please check back in a day or so for any feedback regarding your reading.

Transfer of files (completed recordings) Please always post in this forum thread when you've sent a file. Also, post the length of the recording (file duration: mm:ss) together with the link.
  • Upload your file with the LibriVox Uploader:
    (If you have trouble reading the image above, please message an admin)
  • You'll need to select the MC, which for this project is: aradlaw - aradlaw
  • When your upload is complete, you will receive a link - please post it in this thread.
  • If this doesn't work, or you have questions, please check our How To Send Your Recording wiki page.
When you post your link, please include your name as you would like it credited on the catalogue page and any URL by which you would like it accompanied. (Note: This is only necessary if you have not done so for another project.)
(If you wish to contribute, please have your readings submitted by 0600 GMT Sunday, July 22, 2018 (12:00AM CDT)

Please don't download files belonging to projects in process (unless you are the BC or PL). Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!<p>

Magic Window:

BC Admin
(And remember, anyone can suggest a poem for a certain week and/or coordinate an upcoming weekly poem! If you'd like to suggest a poem or coordinate a future Weekly Poetry project, please visit this thread.)
David Lawrence

* Weekly & Fortnightly Poetry - Check out the Short Works forum for the latest projects!
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Post by tovarisch »

  • reality prompts me to scale down my reading, sorry to say
    to PLers: do correct my pronunciation please
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Post by GregGiordano »

Is anyone having problems uploading to this project? I received the following error message:

The upload destination folder does not appear to be writable.

This is the second project that this has happened to me today. I did not see any reports on the forum but will make one now. At first I thought it may have been a problem with the previous project but two errors on two different projects leads me to think otherwise.

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Post by Claire »

I'm having trouble, Greg. I just tried twice to upload and
received an error message.
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Post by GregGiordano »

Claire wrote: July 15th, 2018, 1:19 pm I'm having trouble, Greg. I just tried twice to upload and
received an error message.
Thanks. I posted it on the error report board and was told there have been other reports of the same issue.

Take care,

Posts: 5790
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Location: New Port Richey, Florida

Post by GregGiordano »

Here is my contribution to this project -

Run time is 1:12

Take care,

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Post by grs2905 »

Algy Pug
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Post by Algy Pug »

Algy Pug

My Librivox page

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Post by pschempf »

Hi David -

Here's mine for this week -
Track length: 1:05

"A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labors of a spasmodic Hercules."

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Post by Claire »

GregGiordano wrote: July 15th, 2018, 1:33 pm
Claire wrote: July 15th, 2018, 1:19 pm I'm having trouble, Greg. I just tried twice to upload and
received an error message.
Thanks. I posted it on the error report board and was told there have been other reports of the same issue.

Take care,

Thanks, Greg!
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Post by Claire »

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Post by Foon »

Foon - Real life is getting in the way of LV, will be slow until all is back on track, please bear with me!

Readers needed:
Dramatic Reading: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Folklore/legends: Arabian Nights Vol. 11
Play: Zeus the Tragedian
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Post by Nedge »

"Ready, willing, and vaguely competent." -- Sandra Boynton, 2021
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Post by allanrtate »


Here is my reading of this poem. This is my first recording for LibriVox besides the audio check.


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Post by msfry »

Interesting poem, especially to us LSU alumni, as our mascot is a magnificent Bengal/Siberian tiger of huge dimensions. We are on our 7th tiger now, who's habitat gets larger and more luxurious every decade or so, yet he prowls the bars, panting, with what looks like patient boredom on his face, looking through the people not at them, and I always assume he's looking for a way out. 1:13
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