'Thank You' messages for LibriVox readers - continued

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Post by redaer »

Leben und Taten des scharfsinnigen Edlen Don Quixote von la Mancha, Band 1

Herzlichen Dank für das ausgezeichnete Vorlesen dieses Klassikers, Boris. Das Zuhören hat mir große Freude bereitet.
Es wäre schön, wenn es auch den zweiten Band als Hörbuch von Dir geben würde.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Peter Why (Peter Yearsley) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Listening to Richard II, picked it up in the middle of act 1, and thought to myself, "Hell's bells, I can read Shakespeare better than this crew." Then I heard your Richard.

I crept away into a dark closet and hid.

You are phenomenal.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Alondra (Sandra Cullum) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Dear Sandra-

I just want to let you know what a delight it is to listen to Tish: The Chronicle of Her Escapades and Excursions by Mary Roberts Rinehart. I love that you have chosen to read the book in its entirety, and that your voice is very easy to listen to. Your cadence is well-suited to the subject matter. Although I’ve listened to a few books on librivox, this is the first time I am writing a thank you message. I couldn’t keep on enjoying listening to the book without letting you know how much I am enjoying how well you are reading it; I am only on Chapter 5, but am looking forward to hearing the rest of the book. I will be looking to listen to other books that you have read.

Thank you.



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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for neustar (Bob Neufeld) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hi. I want to express my gratitude to everyone at Librivox for the incredible public service you provide.

I particularly want to express my thanks to Bob Neufeld for his work on Emerson’s Essays. (I can’t send him a PM because I haven’t participated in any forum discussions.)

Emerson’s writing is very important to me, and it has become even more so since listening twice through to Mr. Neufeld’s brilliant readings.

I think the greatest praise I can offer is that I believe Emerson would be delighted to hear those recordings. If America designated national treasures the way some countries do, I would nominate them.

If Mr. Neufeld had the time and inclination, I'd be grateful if he’d consider recording a version of Emerson’s The Conduct of Life, his last masterpiece and a book that deserves a wider audience.

Thanks again to Mr. Neufeld and to Librivox. I have donated and will do so again.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for eggs4ears (Phil Benson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Susan Schrader
Jun 8
to me
To Phil Benson:

I have just finished listening to "Excursions to the Lakes of Westmoreland" and want to tell you how much I enjoyed it. It is amazing how you managed to keep the clarity of the narrative while in the settings described in the book. I think that the chirping birds, the honking geese (or ducks), and the thunder and water sounds added a perfect touch to the narration.

I have also enjoyed the other travel books you have narrated, such as "Things Seen in Venice" and "Things Seen in Florence." And since a good ghost story is always a treat, I enjoyed "The Haunted Woman" also.

Since I can no longer read books, I greatly appreciate all the time you have given to narrating these books. Thank you so very much.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise receive for Jessi (Jessi) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I would like to send a message to Jessi. I found the way she read Rilkes "Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge" intriguing, charming and very suitable for the unusual poetic style of RIlke.
I also liked her reading of “Schnee” by Alexander Lange Kielland very suitable. I saw strong criticism re her reading of “Grosstadt” by Dora Duncker. I find her accent and intonation unusual and
more engaging, and it keeps me wanting to go on listening. Thank you, Jessi.
I wonder, if she is German, and if so, from which state. May I be told?
In any case, please ask her to continue reading German literature.


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for simonevers (Simon Evers) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hello Mr Evers

It is always with delight (like today- another Arnold Bennett - Lillian ) when I look in the new arrivals and see that you have taken the trouble to read yet another novel. Not only do I enjoy your voice, intonation and your obvious personal enjoyment of literature but your choice of what to read is superb and is in total accord with my own love of literature. Would you mind if I had the temerity to suggested one to you? You have read 3 of the four in the Clayhanger series but not the first one. I have downloaded the last three in the series but have refrained from listening to them hoping that one day you would read the first one so the whole series could be enjoyed in one luxurious sequence! Whilst applauding all the wonderful efforts of all the Librivox volunteers, for English ears the English Classics are an even greater treat with an English reader - especially one who so understands the English Classics.
I imagine you reading these novels in a lovely setting - very occasionally I hear seagulls in the background which always makes me smile!
Please be assured that your sterling efforts are greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Adrian (Adrian Praetzellis) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Dear Sir,

Several years ago at the advanced age of 67 I moved to France, because I love the people, the culture, the language and the fact that two of my grandchildren live here.
I have found all of these things and more, but there’s always been a lingering nostalgia for the deeply rooted parts from my first life, being read to through long hours by my mother, myself reading to my children and grandchildren.
Books-on-tape, audible, and other things filled the gap but the older, more classical literature has always been my true guilty pleasure, Dickens, Edgar Wallace, children’s classics, you get the sort of things.

Then I discovered Livrivox and the wonderful world of my kind of stories, and then, you as a reader. My love afraid began with your reading of, "The wind in the Willows", the first book I bought my unborn older daughter at Foyles in London nearly 50 years ago.
From there to "The 39 steps" and through all the books you’ve read. I do not listen as a glutton, but intersperse your books with others so I don’t spend all the richness at once. Growing up on a sailboat I was brought to the experience by Joshua Slocum, a lifelong hiker and amateur botanist, John Muir and on and on.

France is right outside my door, but inside, I listen hypnotized by one after another of your readings. My wish is that I’ll never come to the end of them.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Kaffen (Mark F. Smith) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Dear Mark F Smith,

I just finished listening to The Point of Honor by Joseph Conrad, and previously listened to Beast, Men and Gods by Ferdinand Ossendowski. Both were previously unknown to me, and I found them fascinating and entertaining. Your narration makes it easy and enjoyable to follow the story. I am impressed with your ability to pronounce foreign words and names so smoothly, especially evident in Ossendowski's book. Listening to both of these books prompted me to do follow up research into the history behind each of them, which was interesting in its own right.

I have often thought while listening to your recordings that you should do this professionally. And I looked at your website just recently and found that you are indeed doing so. Well deserved.

If you take requests for future Librivox recordings, I would propose two books by Nathaniel Bishop: "The Voyage of the Paper Canoe" and "Four Months in a Sneak Box". Both are in the public domain and both are autobiographical stories of amazing journeys by Bishop. Also, any books by Enos Mills, a founder of Rocky Mountain National Park would be welcome. A couple have already been recorded, but there are several more in the public domain.

Thanks for your time, and Librivox efforts. Keep on talkin'!

Cheers, Dodge

Dear Mr. Smith,
I am unable to tell you how many times I have listened to your reading of Treasure Island. I stumbled upon Librivox shortly before experiencing several major changes in my life. I chose Treasure Island because it was a "children's classic" that I had never read. I began listening to the recording so that when I turned off the light at night I could focus on a story and gradually fall asleep. Awakening in the night, I would hear your voice and it soothed me back to sleep. I had no idea the story was so good until the bits and pieces of your narration came together over many nights. Your narration was the clincher. You remind me of Dick Estell and I hope you view that as a compliment. Your calm, soothing voice and beautiful reading has seen me through the illness and death of my dad, separation from my mom for the first time in my life (physically and emotionally), the death of my brother, and, now, the death of my sister. I turned to you once again last night and you gave me a story to concentrate on and a voice of reassurance. I hope that nothing I have said here has offended you. Many narrators are actors and I can see how such comments could be viewed negatively. But I can never thank you enough for your work. I'm going to send this email, turn off the light, and go to sleep listening to you, now. Best wishes, always.
Mary in North Carolina

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Caro59 (Caroline Driggs) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:


Re: https://librivox.org/consequences-by-e-m-delafield/

I've recently read your audio narration of Consequences by E M Delafield at LibriVox. I had come across the name of the author somewhere online recently but had never read her books or heard anything about her. The book was wonderful & I wanted to say thank you so much for your reading. I am no longer able to read print & your voice gave me access to this wonderful author I'd not have been able to read without your help.

I can only begin to imagine the amount of work that goes into producing one of these books & I'm so grateful to you for doing it. I will look forward to enjoying your other audio narrations.

Best wishes,

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for sjmarky (Mark Nelson) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Mr. Nelson,

I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your reading of Right Ho, Jeeves. You did an excellent job. Several times I had to pause the reading from laughter. When I read I can’t usually read the same book twice. I get bored because I know what’s going to happen. However, I have listened to your reading of this book several times. You do the personalities and voices wonderfully! Its not overdone just perfect. I have enjoyed it so much and I’m sure I will several more times. I am looking for others read by you. Thank you so much, please keep reading!


Little Lilly
Sjmarky - aka Mark Nelson - Thank you for your contributions.

Please do more Science Fiction short stories!


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for clifford (Nicholas Clifford) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the many hours/days of pleasure and thought provoking listening you have given me, a little old lady with challenged vision living on a small island of the coast of British Columbia, Canada.

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for RuthieG (Ruth Golding) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

After leading an extremely active lifestyle for the first 6 decades of my life, I was recently confined to bed following a difficult spinal surgery, with nothing to do, unable even to sit upright for long periods, so I was delighted to discover Librivox. I listened to several readers but found Ruth Golding to be the best. Not only is her voice of such a soothing quality that it all by itself reduces my need for as much painkiller, but her enunciation is perfect and her ability to change her voice to as many as 6 distinctly different and easily identifiable characters, is phenomenal. I have been listening to her entire "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (version 2) stories, and will search for others by Ms Golding when I have finished those. I just had to stop long enough to Thank you so much for what you do!

Virginia Tech (USA)

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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for Titurel (Titurel) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Dear Titurel,

I want to thank you for taking the time to read "The Fall of Troy" by Quintus SMYRNAEUS. You have a wonderful voice and all 9 hours, 16 minutes and 26 seconds were read with a dynamic quality and entertaining to listen to. I listen to audio books while I work and usually get them from montanalibrary2go. There was something wrong with their server and I couldn't check a book out so I went to LibriVox. I was far from disappointed with my second choice. Thanks to your efforts, I plan on listening to more classics so in that case, LibriVox will be my first choice.

With much appreciation,


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Post by icequeen »

Praise received for pointysticks (Brenda Dayne) from our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Hi Brenda Dayne,

Ik very much appreciated and admired your beautiful performance of The Age of Innocence. Everything came very much alive and the calm, precise tempo made it possible to really enjoy Wharton's style.

I hope you will read more solo work in the future.

All of Brenda's recordings!

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