[COMPLETE-DEUTSCH] Jenseit des Tweed, Fontane-mas

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Post by RiDi »

Jenseit des Tweed von Theodor Fontane (1819 - 1898).

This project is now complete. All audio files can be found on our catalog page: https://librivox.org/jenseit-des-tweed-by-theodor-fontane/

Fontane's report of his travel to Scotland with his Friend Bernhard von Lepel. In Fontane's characteristic style, the narrative encompasses a mixture of description of places and people, folk tales and historical facts. It is also a reverence to his idol Sir Walter Scott. (RiDi)

Fontanes Bericht über seine Reise nach Schottland mit seinem Freund Bernhard von Lepel. In dem für Fontane charakteristischen Stil umfasst die Erzählung eine Mischung aus Beschreibungen von Land und Leuten, Volksgeschichten und geschichtlichen Ereignissen. Sie ist gleichzeitig eine Hommage an den von ihm verehrten Sir Walter Scott. (RiDi)
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  4. Wo finde ich den Text? Quelltext (Bitte nur von diesem Text lesen!): https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_BURCAAAAcAAJ
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    Genres für das Projekt: Travel Fiction

    Schlagwörter die das Buch beschreiben: scotland, sir walter scott, mary stuart, edinburgh, schottland, scottish history, culloden, inverness, abbotsford, linlithgow, oban, stirling castle, iona, staffa, perth, caledonian canal

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    BC - Ricarda (RiDi)
    MC - MaryAnn Spiegel (MaryAnnSpiegel)
    Dedicated Proof Listener - Ricarda (RiDi)
    Cover Design - schrm

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Last edited by RiDi on December 16th, 2018, 7:25 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

I'd be happy to MC this for you. I'll get your MW set up.
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Post by RiDi »

That would be great! :thumbs: I will be glad for any help, as this is my first BC project.

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Post by RiDi »

Hello Mary Ann,
I saw your PM, but the mailserver would not process my reply, so I am answering via this post.

I am pretty sure that the book is PD.
Will this link do?

I chose the geman Gutenberg site as reference site, because most of german readers seem to prefer the modern type over the old german type.

You will have difficulties in finding it on Archive.org by using the search, because archive.org got the title wrong: "jenseits" instead of "jenseit".

I very much hope that this information will help you in ascertaining the copyright status.

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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »


That source would be great. I realize the font is more difficult to read. Would you be willing to DPL against that source? So we let people read from either Archive or PD DE, and then during Proof Listening, we confirm what's read against the Archive source (which we know is PD in the US)?

If we find that the sources are different, then we can tell people that they need to brush up their Fraktur and read from the Archive source.

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Post by RiDi »

I would be ok with that, actually, I intended to suggest myself as DPL.
Do you think it advisable to include this information regarding the PL speciality in the project launch pad? ( I mean the first post with all he basic information for the volunteers)
Or should I rather change the status of PL from Standard Proof listening to word-by-word listening?
Thank you.

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Post by moniaqua »

MaryAnnSpiegel wrote: January 14th, 2018, 4:32 pm I realize the font is more difficult to read.
There are the very ancient, old people who can do that, like me ;) It is not that bad after all; I taught it to myself at the age of at around 8 when I run out of books with normal font in a vacation :lol:
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »


I suggest you leave the PL status as "standard". Following along with the text is not to make sure the reader is perfect, but to spot if there are differences between the two sources. There are some people (like me) who choose not to read if a project requires "word perfect" PLing. :) I suggest you do "standard" PLing so you don't scare those people off.

Monika, you crack me up! You sound like a very precocious child (and a voracious reader) . . . :D

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Post by moniaqua »

MaryAnnSpiegel wrote: January 15th, 2018, 7:45 am Monika, you crack me up! You sound like a very precocious child (and a voracious reader) . . . :D
The precocious child I don't know but the voracious reader as child I have to admit :oops: My dad once limited the allowed number of books from the library to 4. Fortunately he didn't specifiy "library" and we had about three I could visit... :lol:
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Post by RiDi »

Hello Mary Ann, :help:
sorry to bother you, but I checked the Gutenberg.DE version against the Archive.org version and found discrepancies.
You were so right to make me check on this more closely and now I am very embarassed that I didnt do it before! :oops: but I guess, that's part of the growing up process.
There is one whole chapter in the Gutenberg.DE version, which is not included in the Archive.org version :shock: , and besides that, there are several discrepancies in the Chapter headings and the numbering of the chapters as well along with a lot of literal errors.

So I decided that the source shall be archive.org only and the german volunteers (or I) will have to cope with the font as good as possible.

How difficult would it be to alter the numbering of the sections? i.e. I would now prefer a number 0 for the Preface. - I did not think it necessary before, because I thought it wise to accord the numbering to the Gutenberg.DE version, but as I won't use this, I would rather have a clean sheet and start correctly this time from the beginning.

I would not mind filling in the project template again, if this is the price I should have to pay for my negligence :wink: , but I do not want to bother you more than necessary.

Alternative: I could include the Preface into Section 1, together with Chapter I, which would not be too great a problem as the preface is very short and has no proper chapter number. Would that meet LV standards?


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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

Wow, that's a lot of changes! Glad you took the time to check it now.

I can easily change the first section to 0.

We are now in Readers Wanted, and you are welcome to speak with prospective readers in German or English, as you wish. (Ich schreibe nicht Deutsch, aber ich verstehe ein wenig. Nur Kinderdeutsch. :wink: )

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Post by moniaqua »

Ok, after I stepped in already in the launchpad :oops: I feel bound to claim a section. I'll take 0 :D

Text-link in the MW is to Gutenberg at the moment, but I guess I should read from archive, right? :)

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Post by RiDi »

Hey Sassenachs!

Moniaqua und Claudia: ich habe Euch eingetragen, vielen Dank! :clap:

Ja, der Text muss von archive.org gelesen werden.

Es gibt vereinzelt Fußnoten in den Kapiteln. Ich fände es schön, wenn Ihr die mitlesen würdet. Ich schlage vor, am Ende des Satzes zu sagen:
[Fußnote - Fußnotentext - Ende der Fußnote]

Ich freue mich über dieses schöne Projekt und hoffe auf Eure Geduld und Euer Verständnis, wenn was nicht so rund läuft. Dies ist mein erstes BC-Projekt, habe noch ganz wackelige Knie vom Ausfüllen des Templates und des MW. :roll:

Viel Spaß!

Ingenious, really, how many ways muggles have found of getting along without magic. (Arthur Weasley)

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Post by lorda »

Hallo zusammen,

ich würde gerne die schottische Geschichts-Tabelle (29) übernehmen. :)

Grüße aus der Pfalz.
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Post by MaryAnnSpiegel »

Maybe you should remove the links to the text in the MW? Or change them to point to Archive? [I've seen Rapunzelina do that for the National Geographic Magazine projects, but I don't know how to go to a specific page of an Archive text. Should I ask her how?]
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