[COMPLETE][Deutsch][Märchen]Kinder- und Hausmärchen - Grimm - kit

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by ElPiet »

Kinder- und Hausmärchen von Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm (1785 - 1863).
This project is now complete! All audio files can now be found on the catalog page for this project https://librivox.org/kinder-und-hausmaerchen-by-jacob-wilhelm-grimm-2/
Grimms Märchen nennt man volkstümlich die berühmte Sammlung Kinder- und Hausmärchen, in der Forschungsliteratur auch als KHM abgekürzt, die Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, genannt die Brüder Grimm, von 1812 bis 1858 herausgaben.

Die Brüder sammelten auf Anregung der Romantiker Clemens Brentano, Achim von Arnim und Johann Friedrich Reichardt ursprünglich für deren Volksliedersammlung Des Knaben Wunderhorn ab 1806 Märchen aus ihrem Bekanntenkreis und aus literarischen Werken. Sie waren ursprünglich nicht nur für Kinder gedacht, sondern entstanden vor allem aus volkskundlichem Interesse und erhielten entsprechende märchenkundliche Kommentare. Wilhelm Grimms sprachliche Überarbeitungen schufen daraus einen Buchmärchenstil, der bis heute das Bild von Märchen prägt. ( Wikipedia)
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  4. Wo finde ich den Text? Quelltext (Bitte nur von diesem Text lesen!): http://www.zeno.org/nid/20004903552
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    BC Admin
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    Kanäle: 1 (Mono)
    Bit-Rate: 128 kbps
    Samplefrequenz: 44.1 kHz
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    " [Buchtitel], von [Autor]. Abschnitt [Nummer]"

    Für den zweiten und alle weiteren Abschnitte kannst du auch den verkürzten Disclaimer verwenden:
    "Abschnitt [Nummer] von Kinder-und Hausmärchen von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm. Diese LibriVox Aufnahme ist in der Public Domain."
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    "Aufgenommen von [Dein Name], [optional: Stadt, Dein Blog, Podcast, Webseite]"
    Nur wenn zutreffend sage:
    "[Titel des Abschnittes]"

    ENDE der Aufnahme:
    Am Ende jedes Abschnittes sage:
    "Ende von Abschnitt [Nummer]"
    Wenn Du möchtest, sage:
    "Aufgenommen von [Dein Name], [Stadt, Dein Blog, Podcast, Webseite]"
    Am Ende des Buches sage (zusätzlich):
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    Speichere die Dateien als 128 kbps MP3
  9. Example filename maerchen_###_grimm_128kb.mp3 (all lower-case) where ## is the section number (e.g. maerchen_001_grimm_128kb.mp3)

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I wish to start the project of recording all Grimm Fairy Tales in German. I started two weeks ago to record them as good night stories and thought it might be a great oppurtunity to share this work.
Also this is the complete Work of the brothers Grimm and so far I could only find selected works in German, so it might be a nice addition to the catalogue.
I hope I filled out everything correctly. If not I hope for constructive Feedback on the issue.
Last edited by ElPiet on October 21st, 2016, 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lezer »

Hello ElPiet,
I was looking at your project; it has been left in the Launch Pad for a while. Partly it is because of the big system failure and recovery effort we're going through at the moment, partly also because this is a very big project for a new volunteer to tackle on his own, although you are right, it is good to have the complete Grimm Fairy Tales in German in the collection.
I see you did the 1-minute test and it was OK, and you have done a bit of PL-ing in another project - so that is very good! Usually we recommend people also contribute a recording to a group project to get the feel of it, before starting on a solo recording, especially such a big one as this. 194 sections will be a lot of work - if you do 3 a week, consistently (which would be a big effort probably), you'll still be working for more than a year on this project. And you do realize that in a solo, you are also your own BC, so taking care of the Magic Window etc? I remember as a new volunteer that I didn't realize these things take such a long time. And because we see so many new volunteers take on more than they can handle in their first enthusiasm, and then disappear...
But perhaps you have a lot of time and you will do it all. So let's say: if you either do a recording in another project, or you upload the first chapter of this to this thread (upload it to my folder) - I'll be happy to be your MC on this project, and will set up the MW at that time, so that you can move forward.
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Post by lezer »

PS I'm not good at writing in German, but I do understand it, so you can write in it if you like - and if you get a DPL, feel free to write in German in the thread, I'll be able to follow.

PS2: we do have the Fairy Tales in German as a group project: https://librivox.org/group/545 - so you can see it is about 30 hours finished audio.
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Post by ElPiet »

Hi, thanks for pointing me towards this group project. There is pretty much all the stuff I am recording as well and thought too share.
Also big thanks for being up to MC this project. I do 7 Sections ( Tales) a week so far and 20 are already ready for PL. I just need to edit on some and add the disclaimer.

As agreed here is the first section

https://librivox.org/uploads/lezer/schoenstenkinderundhausmaerchen_01_grimm.mp3. Dauer: 00:04:06

Also quick Information on my side, I am going on a short Vacation, so I am not able to record until tuesday. I am able to work on the MW in this time ( adding Section titles) or other needed stuff.

Btw. Is there a shorter Disclaimer for the subsequent sections of a book? And if yes where can I find the german Version?
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Post by J_N »

Hallo, ich hake mich mal ein.

Du hast versehentlich das Englische Template zum Erstellen des Projekts benutzt. Im Deutschen hättest du folgende Info bekommen:
Am ANFANG der Aufnahme (Intro):
"Abschnitt [Nummer] von [Buchtitel]. Dies ist eine Librivox Aufnahme. Alle Librivox Aufnahmen sind lizenzfrei und in öffentlichem Besitz. Weitere Informationen und Hinweise zur Beteiligung an diesem Projekt gibt es bei: librivox PUNKT org"
Wenn Du möchtest, sage:
"Aufgenommen von [Dein Name], [optional: Stadt, Dein Blog, Podcast, Webseite]"
" [Buchtitel], von [Autor]. Abschnitt [Nummer]"

Für den zweiten und alle weiteren Abschnitte kannst du auch den verkürzten Disclaimer verwenden:
"Abschnitt [Nummer] von [Buchtitel] von [Autor]. Diese LibriVox Aufnahme ist in der Public Domain."
Wenn Du möchtest, sage:
"Aufgenommen von [Dein Name], [optional: Stadt, Dein Blog, Podcast, Webseite]"
Nur wenn zutreffend sage:
"[Titel des Abschnittes]"

ENDE der Aufnahme:
Am Ende jedes Abschnittes sage:
"Ende von Abschnitt [Nummer]"
Wenn Du möchtest, sage:
"Aufgenommen von [Dein Name], [Stadt, Dein Blog, Podcast, Webseite]"
Am Ende des Buches sage (zusätzlich):
"Ende von [Buchtitel], von [Autor]. "
Viel Spaß und schönen Urlaub! :)

PS: Ich würde einen kürzeren Dateinamen empfehlen. (zB: maerchen_01_grimm_128kb.mp3 <-- 128kb ist wichtig im Dateinamen fehlt aber leider immer im Template.)
PPS: War neugierig und habe kurz in deine Aufnahme reingehört - du hast mMn eine sehr angenehme Stimme und liest super. :thumbs:
Julia - Introverts, unite! Seperately... in your own homes.

Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you're supposed to. ― Susan Cain

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Post by ElPiet »

Hey, vielen Dank für das template. Habe mir das ungefähr so aus anderen Projekten zusammengeschustert. Ja kürzere Dateinamen wären super. Habe den genommen, den das template angab. Falls es möglich ist, würde ich den entsprechend abkürzen
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Post by J_N »

Bei einem Solo kannst du prinzipiell selbst entscheiden, wie der Dateiname lautet. Es muss nur dann für alle Aufnahmen der gleiche bleiben.

Dein MC kann am Server den Dateinamen umbenennen, du musst also die 1. Aufnahme nicht nochmal hochladen - nur eine entsprechende Info erteilen.
Julia - Introverts, unite! Seperately... in your own homes.

Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you're supposed to. ― Susan Cain

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Post by lezer »

Thanks, guys! I was away for the day (my niece had her 4th birthday today, at the other side of the country, so that was very important ;) ). I will go and set up the MW, and check your first post. Will be back later.
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Post by lezer »

Hi ElPiet,
The MW is ready for you - as you have worked as a DPL already, I think you know how to get into the MW and work in it - here are some tips for soloists: http://wiki.librivox.org/index.php/Soloists:_How_to_update_the_Magic_Window. You can add the section titles as you go along, or do it in the beginning, just what you prefer - as long as they are correct at the time of cataloguing, so in the end.
I've made the changes in the first post for the shorter file name and the German disclaimer.

I suggest we leave the project here in the Launch Pad for a few more days, to see whether a DPL-er comes along (who is welcome to communicate in German all the way as I wrote before).

Let me know if you have any questions or run into any problems. I look forward to working with you on this project.
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Post by Kitty »

I can be DPL, will be interesting to get to know all of Grimm's fairy tales and not only the famous ones. :) I realize this will be a lengthy project. You prefer me to do my notes in English or German ? I'm ok either way.

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Post by ElPiet »

Hey, welcome aboard. Thanks for your commitment
You can make the notes either way I can work fine with both.
As for the project lengths, I am planning to be done within the next 6 months.
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Post by lezer »

Great - welcome to the project kitty/Sonia!
I'll move us to "Going Solo".
ElPiet, if you add your sections to the MW, Sonia can start to PL them - have a good vacation.
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Post by ElPiet »

Awesome, things are going along quite well.
Quick updates from my side:

1. I was made aware by Kitty, that the text I picked is not necessarily PD, because the publisher is making some claims to it.
In order to be 100% sure I switched the source from which I am going to read ( it is litereally the same text).
The first source was missing a couple stories, so now the count went to 210 sections.

Also since I assume I have to record the existing preface, I would need to have a separate intro or should preface be Section 1?
I already added some Titles to the sections, but will wait, until I know what to do with the preface.

2. I will start uploading on wednesday, since I have to add the Librivox disclaimer to all sections I already have and need to check if they are the same with the new text source I am using now.
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Post by lezer »

OK, I've changed your source text from Gutenberg.de to Zeno. I've increased the section count, and add a section 0, that you can use for the "Vorrede". It is easy to add or delete sections, so don't worry about that.
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Post by ElPiet »

Perfect thanks.
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