'Thank You' messages for LibriVox readers - continued

Comments about LibriVox? Suggestions to improve things? News?
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for ezwa (Ezwa) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
This is in reference to Public Domain Hymns 01, section 01, subsection 7. I used a brief sample of Ezwa's singing as the basis for a piece of music, which can be heard here:


I am grateful for the use of this sample, and for Ezwa's lovely singing and reading throughout the recording.

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Post by Carolin »

Praise for neustar (Bob Neufeld) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
Mr. Neufeld:

"Heart of Darkness" was my book group's selection, and I dreaded it. But your reading made it come alive. I was only sorry that it had to end. Many thanks!

Heart of Darkness
All of Bob's recordings

Post by redaer »

The Chemical History of A Candle

Thank you for the educational “The Chemical History of A Candle”, Availle. Well read!
I also enjoyed very much “Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane”, “Bushido The Soul of Japan”, “Der Arme Spielmann” and “Das Kloster bei Sendomir”.


PM sent to Availle
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for all volunteers involved in producing The Heroines of History via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
I'd like to thank the readers of The Heroines of History by John S. Jenkins: David Lawrence, Christine H. Aubrey Anne, AmandaJQ, Matthew Reece, Availle, LivelyHive, Kalynda, Ruth Golding and S R Colon

I really enjoyed listening to this book.

The Heroines of History
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for uther (Maria) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
I'd like to thank Maria for reading the book Story of My Life by Helen Keller.

Maria, you read beautifully, thank you

The Story of my Life
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for kayray (Kara Shallenberg) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
Thank you Kara Schalanburg (Sorry for the most likely misspelling of your last name!) for a delightful reading of both Poems Every Child Should Know by Mary E. Burt and all 5 parts of This Country of Ours by H.E. Marshall. We listened to Poems Every Child Should Know many times and were delighted to hear your voice again as we started This Country of Ours. It is an odd thing to be so familiar with someone's voice whom we've never seen. My boys know your name well and recite it along with you at each intro. Your work will carry your name forward. Thank you again for sharing such wonderful books with us.


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Post by Carolin »

Praise for wildemoose (Arielle Lipshaw) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
Thank you for your dramatic readings of the Anne series. I've been at home sick with a migraine and these readings have kept me entertained. They are some of my favorite books and you read Anne delightfully. Hope you do the rest!
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for chocoholic (Laurie Anne Walden) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
A great job on Diary from Dixie. You made Mary Chesnut come alive.
A Diary from Dixie
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for Hokuspokus (Hokuspokus) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
Liebe Frau hokuspokus,

für Ihre herausragenden Lesungen möchte ich Ihnen meinen
allerhezlichsten Dank sagen! Sie sind ja viel besser als selbst die
meisten Lesungen im Radio. Das ist ein wunderbares Geschenk, das Sie uns
Hörbuch-Freunden gemacht haben. Seit ich Sie "entdeckt" habe, ist
LibriVox für mich erst wirklich attraktiv. Ich verdanke Ihnen viele
Stunden Hörgenuss und freue mich auf mehr, da ich noch längst nicht
alles habe hören können, das Sie aufgezeichnet haben.

Da Sie offensichtlich viel Liebe zu und Erfahrung mit Geschichten aus
dem 19. Jahrhundert haben, darf ich mich vielleicht noch mit einer Frage
an Sie wenden. Als Kind hat mich eine Geschichte sehr berührt, auf die
ich in einem alten Lesebuch (Schulbuch?) gestossen war. Sie handelt von
einem kleinen Mädchen, das einem alten einsamen Mann, der allein in
seinem Haus wohnt, zu Weihnachten eine Freude machen will. Sie legt ein
Geschenk vor seine Zimmertür und stellt noch eine Kerze dazu; bei dem
Versuch, diese anzuzünden, setzt sie das Haus in Flammen. In Panik
findet sie den Ausgang nicht.mehr. In der nächsten Szene stehen Leute
vor dem lichterloh brennenden Haus, darunter auch der alte Mann, der
sich retten konnte. Man hält das Haus für menschenleer, doch plötzlich
sieht man im oberen Stockwerk am Fenster das Mädchen. Alle sind starr
vor Entsetzen, doch der alte Mann rennt in das Feuer. Letzte Szene: Das
Mädchen erwacht im Spital aus der Bewusstlosigkeit und erfährt, dass ihr
Retter in den Flammen umgekommen ist. - Kennen Sie es? Ich würde mich
freuen zu erfahren, wer der Autor dieser Geschichte ist und wie sie

Nochmals herzlichen Dank!
Dear Ms Hokuspokus,

for your outstanding readings I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! They are so much better than even most readings on the radio. This is a wonderful gift you have given us audiobook friends. Since I have "discovered" you, LibriVox is really attractive to me. I owe you many hours of listening pleasure and look forward to more, because I still have not been able to listen to all that you have recorded.

Since you obviously have a lot of love for and experience with stories of the 19th century, maybe I should ask you a question. As a child I was very touched by a story that I encountered in an old reading book (? Textbook). It is about a little girl who wants to make a lonely old man happy for christmas, who lives alone in his house. She puts a gift in front of his door and
puts a candle next to it; in an attempt to light the candle, she sets the house on fire. In a panic, she cannot find the exit of the house anymore. In the next scene, people are standing in front of the brightly burning building, including the old man who could save himself. One thinks the house deserted, but suddenly you can see in the upper floor by the window the girl. All are frozen with horror, but the old man runs into the fire. Last scene: The girl wakes up in the hospital from the unconsciousness and learns that her rescuer perished in the flames. - Do you know it? I would love to know who is the author of this story and how it was called.

Thank you again!

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Post by Carolin »

Praise for gloriana (Elizabeth Klett) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
To Elizabeth Klett:
Thank you very much for reading Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. You did a wonderful job of consistently and believably delivering the different voices of the characters and really made them come to life for me.

Thank you! Your reading of Jane Eyre has helped me to sleep the past few weeks which is a good thing! I would wake up chapters and hours later, and would have to find my spot again.I just finished listening this morning-love this story! Thank you so much for your lovely reading!
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for sallymc (SallyMC) and SusieSA (SusieSA) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
To Sally and Susie,
Thank you very much for reading Jock of the Bushveld by Percy Fitzpatrick. It was very entertaining and authentic.

Jock of the Bushveld
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for neustar (Bob Neufeld) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
​A very special thank you to Bob Neufeld’s for his wonderful reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for Mermaid (Mil Nicholson) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
Thank you for the recording at the following page https://librivox.org/little-dorrit-by-charles-dickens-2/

I thought Mil Nicholson did a fantastic job.

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Post by Carolin »

Praise for Claire (Lee Ann Howlett) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
I so enjoyed this little story and your reading of the book just added to the fun. Thank you for taking your time to do this.

The Mystery of Mary
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Post by Carolin »

Praise for Ponyfeathers (Caitlin Kelly) via the 'Thank a reader' feature:
Dear Caitlin,
Thank you for your great reading of The Wild Sheep in John Muir's The Mountains of California. Your descriptions of the illustrations were just fantastic. I really loved those. I'm dying to know if you wrote the descriptions or if they come from another source.

Warmest wishes,
The Mountains of California
All of Caitlin's recordings
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