[Arabic] طبائع الاستبداد ومصارع الاستعباد

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Post by iGeo »

Hi there,

I would like to suggest reading this book. I don't know exactly how to transform its name to English letters. I think it might be something like this "tabaea al estebdad wa masarea al esteabad" , but I'm not sure. The name translation might be something like "tyranny natures and demise slavery" or something in the same meaning. The book generally is about "Political despotism". I hope it meet your requirements. And I wish -of course- to read it , but I would - very much- welcome anyone who wants to help.

here is a link to the book page at hindawi

and the pdf file, which is in the same page

Added by Admin: suggestion completed here: https://librivox.org/tabai-al-istibdad-wa-masari-al-istibad-by-abd-al-rahman-al-kawakibi/

السلام عليكم

كتاب طبائع الاستبداد ومصارع الاستعباد لعبد الرحمن الكواكبي


عن الكتاب :عاش عبد الرحمن الكواكبي خلال النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر، وهي فترة عانت الأمم العربية فيها الكثير من الضعف والهوان، فهمَّ المستعمِر بها يغتصب أراضيها، ويستنزف مواردها، وقد شخص عبد الرحمن الكواكبي في كتابه «طبائع الاستبداد ومصارع الاستعباد» سبب هذا الداء الذي رآه يتمثل في الاستبداد السياسي، بأنواعه الكثيرة، ومنها استبداد الجهل على العلم، و استبداد النفس على العقل، فهو يقول: إن الله خلق الإنسان حرّا، قائده العقل، فكفر وأبى إلا أن يكون عبدًا قائده الجهل، و يرى إن المستبد فرد عاجز، لا حول له ولا قوة إلا بأعوانه أعداء العدل وأنصار الجور، وأن تراكم الثروات المفرطة، مولِّدٌ للاستبداد، ومضرٌ بأخلاق الأفراد، وأن الاستبداد أصل لكل فساد، فيجد أن الشورى الدستورية هي دواؤه.

عن المؤلف
عبد الرحمن الكواكبي: أحد رواد النهضة العربية ومفكريها في القرن التاسع عشر، وأحد مؤسسي الفكر القومي العربي، اشتهر بكتاب «طبائع الاستبداد ومصارع الاستعباد»، الذي يعد من أهم الكتب العربية في القرن التاسع عشر التي تناقش ظاهرة الاستبداد السياسي.

عبد الرحمن أحمد بهائي محمد مسعود الكواكبي، ولد عام ١٨٥٥م، يرجع نسبه إلى الإمام علي بن أبي طالب كرم الله وجهه. توفيت أمه وهو بعد في السادسة من عمره، فتكفلت به خالته وأدخلته المدارس الأهلية الابتدائية. تعلم التركية والفارسية إلى جانب لغته العربية، بالإضافة إلى دراسته العلوم الشرعية بمدرسة الكواكبية المنسوبة لأُسرته، ونال الإجازات من علمائها كما دَرَّس فيها. ولم تقتصر دراسة الكواكبي على اللغة والعلوم الشرعية بل امتدت لتشمل الرياضة والطبيعة والمنطق والسياسة، إضافة إلى بعض الفنون الأخرى.

عندما بلغ عبد الرحمن الكواكبي الثانية والعشرين من عمره، الْتحق كمحرر بجريدة «الفرات»، وكانت جريدة رسمية تصدر بحلب، ولكن إيمانه بالحرية وروح المقاومة لديه دفعته لأن يؤسس هو وزميله السيد هشام العطار أول جريدة رسمية عربية خالصة وهي جريدة «الشهباء»، ولم تستمر سوى خمسة عشر عددًا؛ حيث أغلقتها السلطات العثمانية بسبب المقالات النقدية اللاذعة الموجهة ضدها، والتي كانت تحيي الضمائر وتشحذ الهمم. وقد اشتغل الكواكبي بالعديد من الوظائف الرسمية، فكان كاتبًا فخريًّا للجنة المعارف، ثم مُحرِّرًا للمقالات، ثم صار بعد ذلك مأمور الإجراءات (رئيس قسم المحضرين)، كما كان عضوًا فخريًّا بلجنة القومسيون. وكذلك كان يشغل منصب عضو محكمة التجارة بولاية حلب، بالإضافة إلى توليه منصب رئيس البلدية.

سافر الكواكبي إلى الهند والصين، وسواحل شرق آسيا وسواحل أفريقيا، كما سافر إلى مصر حيث لم تكن تحت السيطرة المباشرة للسلطان العثماني عبد الحميد، وذاع صيته هناك، وتتلمذ على يديه الكثيرون، وكان واحدًا من أشهر العلماء. وقد أمضى الكواكبي سنين حياته مُصْلِحًا وداعيةً إلى النهوض والتقدم بالأمة العربية ومقاومة الاستبداد العثماني، وهو الأمر الذي ضاق به السلطان العثماني عبد الحميد الثاني ذرعًا، فاستأجر بعض العملاء الذين دسوا للكواكبي السم في فنجان القهوة، ليفارق بعدها الحياة، وذلك في عام ١٩٠٢م.
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Post by RuthieG »

I cannot (and I suspect very few here can) read Arabic, unfortunately. When was this book published, please?

EDITED TO ADD: Someone has kindly pointed out to me the following:
Author: Abdul Rahman al Kawakibi (1855-1902)
on page 5 of the pdf linked above is the following statement in English.

Cover Artwork and Design Copyright © 2011 Hindawi
Foundation for Education and Culture.
All other rights related to this work are in the public domain.
So that's OK, though it would still be helpful to know the publication date, so that we can be sure that it is also in the US Public Domain.

Let's hope that there are other Arabic readers here who can get this off the ground :).

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Post by iGeo »

Thank you for the quick response, I do know that its difficult to find some other Arabic readers, but still I don't wish to go solo here.

The exact publishing date is unknown to me, yet I am sure the book is in the public domain. Mostly , for old arabic books there is no rights for any one. If a publisher wanted to republish a book, 5hen he just find a good copy of it and put it in the marked, only very few books keep there rights.

note : most of the old arabic authors wrote the books just to spread the knowledge, and they meant for the books to be published for free. most of them give classes to spread the same knowledge they put in the books, and the classes were also for free.

I would like -if possible- to be the book coordinator.
would you please tell me, what to do next?
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Post by RuthieG »

To be honest, I don't think it is a good idea to BC any project until you have much more experience of how things work here. The BC is in charge of the project, and must be able to advise other readers about any problems they may have.

Unfortunately, I know of only one regular reader who has recorded in Arabic, and he doesn't seem to be around so much these days.

In the meantime, keep recording and getting experience, and these pages on the Wiki may help you:

My LV catalogue page | RuthieG's CataBlog of recordings | Tweet: @RuthGolding
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Post by iGeo »

Dear Ruth

I totally agree with you that one should have some more experience, before taking over BC responsibility. But.... if you consider that the book is in Arabic, and that librivox have - actually - only "ONE" book in Arabic. Here Kitab Adab al-Dunya w'al-Din (The Ethics of Religion and of this World)
Now the reader of that book Youssef Safiljil (Dr. Fighter) has only that one book, and he was the BC!
I don't want to change any rolls here, I'm just saying that for Arabic book; you need a native Arabic reader - who are extremely rare here - that's because Arabic is a very difficult language. And I wish to push this book forward by myself - if I couldn't find any readers to help -. I don't want to do it right away. I will take time to read the wiki and gain some more experience and after one month or so I shall ask for this responsibility again.

thank you very much
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Post by Availle »

iGeo, he is the BC because his book is a solo.

You are suggesting a group recording, which is a completely different animal; more readers, more responsibility for the BC. We always ask potential BC's of a group recording to gather more experience here, so they are confident enough to run the project on their own.

Even if you want to do a solo recording, we usually ask people do gather some more experience. Reading the wiki might just do it :wink: Have you considered recording a short contribution to our Multilingual Short Story collection here:

We have two more multilingual projects going here:

and even a language learning collection for Arabic here:

Good luck!
Cheers, Ava.
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Post by Zaineb »

Hello there

I am a native Arabic speaking and would like to participate in reading this book

Hope the project will go ahead so I can start claiming chapters

Many thanks
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Post by iGeo »

I've read almost all the available manuals, guidelines, and tutorials here. And I wish to carry on with the project. I know that I don't have so much experience, but considering the language we are using. And I am almost sure there will NOT be any other readers around. I suggest - again - to be the BC. I shall record as much as I can and Zaineb will PL. And the same for her. And I do believe the project will work fine.
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Post by aminminou »

:D I think I can help fellows :9:
we learn from the past.we forgive for every sad moments.
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Post by annise »

iGeo wrote:Hello!
I've read almost all the available manuals, guidelines, and tutorials here. And I wish to carry on with the project. I know that I don't have so much experience, but considering the language we are using. And I am almost sure there will NOT be any other readers around. I suggest - again - to be the BC. I shall record as much as I can and Zaineb will PL. And the same for her. And I do believe the project will work fine.
It won't be easy - projects with new languages seldom are - but if we never start it will never get easy. You will need to go to the New Projects Launch pad and set up a template - read the sticky at the top for how to

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Post by Availle »

What Anne said above. You will need to decide on who will be the official BC (book coordinator) - preferrably the one with the most experience. :wink:

In the meanwhile, it would be good if all of you do their 1 minute test - if you did not do that already - and get an OK for it, and maybe even to read a little short piece before (in Arabic, English, French... whatever language you are comfortable with) so you know what awaits you.

Good luck!
Cheers, Ava.
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Post by Nicholas19 »

I MC-ed the last Arabic book recorded here (mentioned above). However, I wouldn't have time / energy to MC another project like that at the moment. I agree with comments above that it is quite ambitious to take on a full book in Arabic if you are beginners at recording here. I would suggest you record some smaller chapters from books or short stories in Arabic before you take on anything larger.

There are several Arabic "readers" on Internet Archive which contain texts in Arabic, sometimes with a translation in English. These include short stories and sections from the Qur'an. Such sections could be recorded either for the Multilingual Short Works Collection or the LibriVox Language Learning Collection, Vol. 005. There is also an Arabic Language Learning Collection but the first volume is almost full up. I haven't decided yet whether to do a volume 2. Here are some examples of things you could read (not the whole books, but sections from them of course):

Arabic Reading Lessons by Duncan Forbes

Arabic reading lessons: consisting of extracts from the Koran, and other sources, grammatically analysed and translated; with the elements of Arabic grammar by N. Davis

The Maqámát of Harírí; for the degree of honor examination in Arabic, for officers in the military and civil services (1882)

Modern Arabic tales (1905) by Enno Littmann

Chrestomathy of Arabic prose-pieces (1895) by Rudolf-Ernst Brünnow

Selections from Arabic geographical literature (1907) by M. J. de Goeje

And, of course, it's always possible to read short surahs or extracts from the Qur'an:

[The Koran] (1900)

Best regards,
Nicholas J. Bridgewater

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Post by carolb »

iGeo wrote: I don't know exactly how to transform its name to English letters.
This is what Google Translate made of it: Naturally, Tyranny and Slavery Wrestler
:hmm: Google Translate has been known to be rather creative, but I guess you'll know if that sounds right.

Good luck, I hope someone comes along who will help you to achieve your goal, Geo.

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Post by Nicholas19 »

carolb wrote:
iGeo wrote: I don't know exactly how to transform its name to English letters.
This is what Google Translate made of it: Naturally, Tyranny and Slavery Wrestler
:hmm: Google Translate has been known to be rather creative, but I guess you'll know if that sounds right.

Good luck, I hope someone comes along who will help you to achieve your goal, Geo.

As an EFL teacher, I know well the perils of Google Translate, which always gives bizarre and unusable translations.

In Wikipedia, it appears as "The Nature of Despotism" and is transliterated as Tabai al-Istibdad wa-Masari al-Isti’bad. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abd_al-Rahman_al-Kawakibi

The full title, however, translates as "The Nature of Despotism and the Struggle Against Enslavement". Source: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Abd+Al-Rahman+Al+Kawakibi

Best wishes,
Nicholas J. Bridgewater

"The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens."
- Baha'u'llah
See: http://bahai.org/

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Post by Carolin »

nicholas, we used the title as transliterated by wikipedia (Tabai al-Istibdad wa-Masari al-Isti’bad).

the volume is in the meantime underway here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=52351 (only three more sections open!)
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