(COMPLETE) A Lover's Diary, by Gilbert Parker - philc

Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners
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Post by msfry »

A Lover's Diary by Gilbert Parker (1862 - 1932).

This project is now in our catalog at http://librivox.org/a-lovers-diary-by-gilbert-parker/
A collection of 83 rather besotted love sonnets by Gilbert Parker, written early in his career, with an accompanying interesting and someone apologetic Introduction by the author himself. Sir Gilbert Parker, as he came to be known, went on to become politically active, as well as a great story-teller, prolific novelist, and mature poet, centering his stories in the area of Quebec, Canada. See more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_Gilbert_Parker,_1st_Baronet( Michele Fry)
    1. How to claim a part, and "how it all works" here To find a section to record, simply look at point 5. below at the sections. All the ones without names beside them are "up for grabs." Click "Post reply" at the top left of the screen and tell us which section you would like to read (include the section number from the left-most column in the reader list, please). Read points 6. to 8. below for what to do before, during and after your recording.
    2. New to recording? Please read our Newbie Guide to Recording!
    3. Is there a deadline? We ask that you submit your recorded sections within 1-2 months of placing your claim. Please note that to be fair to the readers who have completed their sections in a timely way, if you haven't submitted your recording(s) after two months, your sections will automatically be re-opened for other readers to claim, unless you post in this thread to request an extension. Extensions will be granted at the discretion of the Book Coordinator. If you cannot do your section, for whatever reason, just let me know and it'll go back to the pool. There's no shame in this; we're all volunteers and things happen.Please do not sign up for more sections than you can complete within the two month deadline.
    4. Where do I find the text? Source text (please only read from this text!): http://gutenberg.org/ebooks/6274
    5. Please claim sections (the numbers in the first column below)! If this is your first recording, please let me know under which name or pseudonym you'd like to appear in the LibriVox catalogue. We can also link to a personal website/blog.

      Level of prooflistening: special. Michele Fry will DPL and follow the text exactly. Information on Proof Listening can be found here in the Listeners Wanted forum: viewtopic.php?p=318667#p318667
      and on our Wiki, "Proof Listening Tips and Quiz": http://wiki.librivox.org/index.php/ProofListening_tips_and_quiz

      NOTE: Sonnets, in written form, have a particular form, (14 lines, 5 beats per line, 4 quatrains with a particular rhyme scheme, either abab cdcd efef gg or some variation thereof). In reading, not so much. For readers who wish to familiarize themselves with sonnet variations, here are a few links:

      Please don't download or listen to files belonging to projects in process (unless you are the BC or PL). Our servers are not set up to handle the greater volume of traffic. Please wait until the project has been completed. Thanks!

      Magic Window:

      BC Admin
      This paragraph is temporary and will be replaced by the MC with the list of sections and reader (Magic Window) once this project is in the admin system.
      • Project Code: DGB9uVI8
      • Link to author on Wikipedia (if available): (Gilbert Parker) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilbert_Parker
      • Link to title on Wikipedia (if available):
      • Number of sections (files) this project will have: 84
      • Does the project have an introduction or preface [y/n]: Yes
      • Original publication date (if known): 1894
      • If you are a new volunteer, how would you like your name (or pseudonym) credited in the catalog? Do you have a URL you would like associated with your name?:

      Genres for the project: Poetry/Single author

      Keywords that describe the book: Love poems, sonnets, Gilbert Parker, Canada, Quebec

    6. BEFORE recording: Please check the Recording Notes: http://librivox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=6427#6430

      Set your recording software to:
      Channels: 1 (Mono)
      Bit Rate: 128 kbps
      Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz

      NOTE TO READERS: You may wish to read the Level Of Prooflistening section above to familiarize yourself with a sonnet's written forms. However, in reciting, this formality is not so obvious, nor so important. Good luck, and enjoy!
    7. DURING recording:
      No more than 0.5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning of the recording!
      Make sure you add this to the beginning of your recording:

      START of recording (INTRO)
      • [# - Poem title ( I.e., 3. Love's Courage], from A Lover's Diary by Gilbert Parker, read for LibriVox dot org by [your name], and if you wish, you may add [city, your blog, podcast, web address]" Repeat Title. Read the poem.
        NOTE: If you run into an Egyptian Proverb, please say "Egyptian Proverb" BEFORE you read it, not after.
        OUTRO: "End of poem. This recording is in the public domain."
      • At the end of the book, say (in addition):
        "End of A Lover's Diary, by Gilbert Parker. "

      There should be 5 seconds silence at the end of each recording.
      Please remember to check this thread frequently for updates!
    8. AFTER recording
      Need noise-cleaning?
      Listen to your file through headphones. If you can hear some constant background noise (hiss/buzz), you may want to clean it up a bit. The new (free) version 1.3.3. of Audacity has much improved noise-cleaning. See this LibriVox wiki page for a complete guide.
    9. Save files as an MP3, 128 kbps, as follows:
      loversdiary_##_parker_128kb(all lower-case) where ## is the section number (e.g. loversdiary_01_parker_128kb.mp3)
    10. Example ID3 V2 tags
      You are no longer required to fill in any of these tags. They are filled in automatically at catalog time.
      (To find out more about ID3 tags, go to our wiki: http://wiki.librivox.org/index.php/What_is_ID3)
      If you do wish to add tags to your.mp3 file (how you do this depends on which software you use – if you are unsure about ID3 tags, send me a message), please do so exactly as shown and mind upper and lower case!
      Artist: Gilbert Parker
      Title: ## - [Name of Poem]
      Album: A Lover's Diary

      Please ignore tags for Genre and Track Number - these are filled in automatically at the cataloguing stage.
      Transfer of files (completed recordings) Please always post in this forum thread when you've sent a file. Also, post the length of the recording (file duration: mm:ss) together with the link.
      • Upload your file with the LibriVox Uploader: https://librivox.org/login/uploader
        (If you have trouble reading the image above, please message an admin)
      • You'll need to select the MC, which for this project is: philchenevert
      • When your upload is complete, you will receive a link - please post it in this thread.
      • If this doesn't work, or you have questions, please check our How To Send Your Recording wiki page.
      Any questions?
      Please post below or PM
BC: Michele Fry (msfry)
MC: Phil Chenevert (philchenevert)
DPL: Michele Fry (msfry)
Cover Claim: Michele Fry
Last edited by msfry on November 22nd, 2017, 9:54 pm, edited 25 times in total.
Posts: 11813
Joined: June 4th, 2013, 9:09 am
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Post by msfry »

To my future MC, I notice the project template no longer includes the _128kb as part of the file name. Is this right? Or should I add it to the First Post?
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Post by philchenevert »

msfry wrote:To my future MC, I notice the project template no longer includes the _128kb as part of the file name. Is this right? Or should I add it to the First Post?
Oooh. I would love to set this up for you Michele. Yes, it should be added. :thumbs:

EDIT: OK, MW is up. I suggest that you add the tilde in front of the title to advertise for a DPL. Also that you give more specific instructions to the prospective DPL about what you would expect them to listen for that would go beyond standard. Also it would be wise to advise prospective readers about this type of thing too. (I personally would not know a sonnet if it bit me on the ankle and so might easily read it with the wrong cadence and rhyming or whatever those mysterious poetry thingies are.)
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
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Post by msfry »

Thanks, Phil. I am delighted to work with you again (especially after your long wet journey). :clap:

I am the DPL for this project, but I added a Note to the Prooflistening section that I hope explains better what a sonnet is. I will begin filling in the MW today but probably not finish until Friday or Saturday.

Is it no longer necessary to add _128kb to the file name? I notice the template generator didn't include it.
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Post by philchenevert »

Yes, it is necessary to add 128kb manually to all templates, they have never actually had it.

About the explanation of sonnets and things, since you have expectations of style of reading it is much more important to let prospective readers know how you expect these to be read. So add it somewhere in addition to the Proof listening section. In other words they should have a very clear idea of what you expect before claiming. This is a fuzzy area and I admit to being unsure about exactly what will be acceptable and not acceptable so want to clarify as much as possible.
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
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Post by msfry »

Okay, Mr. Phil, I added a note (in purple) just above During Recording. Yes, a sonnet is a particular art form. It takes a few rehearsals (I count on my fingers) to figure out where to put the accent on the words to get the 5 beats right. Like most rhyming poetry, it's a bit different from reading prose. But it's fun. You ought to try it. :P

_128kb. Got it. How hard would it be to go back and add it to the template? It's just a few keystrokes, one person, one time, done.
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Post by philchenevert »

msfry wrote:Okay, Mr. Phil, I added a note (in purple) just above During Recording. Yes, a sonnet is a particular art form. It takes a few rehearsals (I count on my fingers) to figure out where to put the accent on the words to get the 5 beats right. Like most rhyming poetry, it's a bit different from reading prose. But it's fun. You ought to try it. :P

_128kb. Got it. How hard would it be to go back and add it to the template? It's just a few keystrokes, one person, one time, done.
Excellent! well written and I would feel much more comfortable as a reader. I may indeed try one (with the understanding that you will be not critical at all of my pronunciation, accent and other things as you promise!)

About the 128kb, believe me this has been discussed but along with a lot of other 'little' things that could be better, we just do not have the money to hire someone to do it and do not want to mess up the whole thing by adding a few key strokes that unwittingly causes other things to go awry. The system works now and we are willing to do some things by hand rather than cause goodness knows what complications down the line.
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
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Post by msfry »

One more housekeeping bit. Isn't it true that readers no longer need to fill in the ID tags, which is done automatically now, even tho the template still says they have to? Let me know and could you provide the correct wording.
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Post by msfry »

philchenevert wrote:About the 128kb, believe me this has been discussed but along with a lot of other 'little' things that could be better, we just do not have the money to hire someone to do it and do not want to mess up the whole thing by adding a few key strokes that unwittingly causes other things to go awry. The system works now and we are willing to do some things by hand rather than cause goodness knows what complications down the line.
As a web designer myself I could make static changes, and I can assure you that changing the text on a template does not affect how anything works. I would love to see the template generator updated.

As to the dynamic interactions, that's where a PHP expert is needed. I know a php expert/professional web designer (who uses Librivox) and would probably go in and make those little changes for free. I could show him your list and see what he says. And there would be no danger, as any good web designer always saves the originals until the client is absolutely sure they are satisfied.
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Post by philchenevert »

msfry wrote:One more housekeeping bit. Isn't it true that readers no longer need to fill in the ID tags, which is done automatically now, even tho the template still says they have to? Let me know and could you provide the correct wording.
Oh yes, this is another of those little things we change manually usually. I remove all references to the ID3 tags except the one that says to ignore them.
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
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Post by philchenevert »

I would like to claim 61, So, You are gone. I will do the best I can.
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
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Post by msfry »

philchenevert wrote:I would like to claim 61, So, You are gone. I will do the best I can.
My first reaction to your post was, "What is Phil talking about, I'm not gone!" Then I realized that was the name of the poem! Ha. Of course, I will put you in the MW.
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Post by philchenevert »

Moving this to Readers Wanted
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
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Post by philchenevert »

section 61 uploaded


My first attempt at a sonnet, let me know if I mangled the syntax or something.
"I lost my trousers," said Tom expansively.
89 Decibels? Easy Peasy ! https://youtu.be/aSKR55RDVpk
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Post by msfry »

Section 61 is PL OK. "Soul-crossed chords" and "truce-honored foes", eh? There are lots of word pictures in this one!
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