New Books on Project Gutenberg May 2021

Suggest and discuss books to read (all languages welcome!)
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Post by ColleenMc »

I got away from doing this for a couple of months but I'm back!

Just some of the recently listed books that caught my eye and I thought might be interesting for anyone looking for a new project.
Reminder: these are just idiosyncratic lists of books that appealed to me -- there have been lots more books released in recent weeks and I encourage everyone to look under "Latest" on Project Gutenberg to see what might grab you that didn't grab me.

New SF titles released in last month will be in a separate post.

PG New Releases May 2021

Migration of Birds - Frederick Charles Lincoln and Steven R. Peterson

1979 US government publication so it's in the public domain for U.S. folks and anyone else for whom US government publications are PD. About 100 pages of text.

Mixed Pickles - Evelyn Raymond

Mayhem ensues when a relative drops his young and mischievous wards into an already crowded household. Looks like a light-hearted novel for older kids. Raymond was a prolific author best known for writing several books in a series for the Stratemeyer Syndicate but was also published in her own right. She has 22 books at Project Gutenberg but none recorded yet.

John, A Love Story - Mrs. Oliphant (Volume 1 of 2) (Volume 2 of 2)

Lesser known novel by the prolific Victorian novelist, can't find any plot information. Published in 1870 so squarely in the middle of her long career.

The Shadow-Eater - Benjamin De Casseres

De Casseres was best known as a New York journalist but he also wrote poetry. The Shadow-Eater was his first book of poems, and has a kind of otherworldly feel, at a glance reminding me of Clark Ashton Smith. Some of the poems feel like they would have been at home in Weird Tales. Interestingly, tho I thought of Smith when I was looking at the poems, it turns out that Smith may have actually been an influence as De Casseres' Wikipedia entry shows that he wrote a pamphlet about him at some point. Short work for a solo project and of course, good stuff for anyone looking for some unrecorded poems for a short poetry collection.

What the Judge Saw: Being Twenty-Five Years in Manchester by One Who Has Done It - Sir Edward Abbott Parry

As it says in the title, memoirs of a late Victorian/Edwardian judge in Manchester, England.

1851: Or, The Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys - Henry Mayhew

Satirical fiction by the author best known for his multi-volume London Labour and the London Poor, about the travails of a country family traveling to London for the Great Exhibition of 1851, reflecting the actual struggles visitors faced such as finding lodgings, encountering scammers, etc.

Prints: A Brief Review of Their Technique and History - Emil Richter

Shortish overview of the history and techniques of print-making - there are a lot of illustrations so the text chapters are relatively short.

On Criminal Abortion in America - Horatio R. Storer

A thorough overview of the issue of abortion - frequency, processes involved, dangers, and legislation about it - by a medical doctor writing in 1860. Potentially fascinating historical document of a subject that remains extremely controversial.

A Class-Book of New Testament History - George Frederick Maclear

Companion volume to A Class-Book of Old Testament History, recently recorded for Librivox. Continues the historical background of the Bible into the New Testament period.

Recipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U.S. Army - United States Army IN PROGRESS! viewtopic.php?f=28&t=88380

Short pamphlet covering the recipes used by the Army in training its cooks, quantities for 15-20 servings generally. Of interest to the people who like to record recipes/cookbooks or maybe for an Insomnia Collection.

Captures - John Galsworthy IN THE CATALOG!

Short story collection by the author best known for writing the Forsyte Saga series of novels.

A Handbook of Modern Japan - Ernest W. Clement

From introduction: "This book endeavors to portray Japan in all its features as a modern world power. It cannot be expected to cover in great detail all the ground outlined, because it is not intended to be an exhaustive encyclopædia of “things Japanese.” It is expected to satisfy the specialist, not by furnishing all materials, but by referring for particulars to works where abundant materials may be found. It is expected to satisfy the average general reader, by giving a kind of bird’s-eye view of Modern Japan. It is planned to be a compendium of condensed information, with careful references to the best sources of more complete knowledge."

The Physical Training of Children - Pye Henry Chavasse

An 1871 guide to child-rearing, advice for historical interest only of course! Advice on everything from care for baby's navel to nutrition to vaccinations included in a Q and A format.

Mediaeval Military Architecture in England, Volume 2 - George Thomas Clark

Second volume, PG also has the first available. Extensive description and catalogue of all medieval forts and castles in the United Kingdom.

The Migration of North American Birds (1935) - Charles Frederick Lincoln

Another U.S. government publication on bird migration - since Mr. Lincoln is also listed as author on the 1979 edition (see above) that may be a revision/update of this one.

Rebels and Reformers: Biographies for Young People - Arthur and Dorothea Posonby

Twelve brief biographies covering "rebels and reformers" ranging from Savonarola to Tolstoy. Has a definite "talking to young people" tone but the chapters could still stand alone as sections for short nonfiction collections.

Gloria at Boarding School - Lilian Garis

Lilian Garis wrote multiple Bobbsey Twins books for the Stratemyer Syndicate as "Laura Lee Hope", but published extensively under her own name as well, usually in series of juvenile novels. Gloria at Boarding School is one of a pair of books featuring Gloria, the other being Gloria and Her Dad (also available on PG). Both have publication dates of 1923, so I can't tell which comes first.

Chance, Love, and Logic - Charles S. Peirce

Seminal collection of essays by philosopher Charles S. Peirce, known as the founder of the American philosophical school of pragmatism and a big influence on John Dewey and others.

A History of Sculpture - Ernest Henry Short

Extensive history of sculpture begining with ancient Greece and ending with nineteenth-century Britain and France.

A Tract on Monetary Reform - John Maynard Keynes

An earlier work of "Keynesian economics" written in the context of the disastrous monetary upheavals following World War I. Keynes included recommendations for managed currency and a departure from the gold standard.

Among the Lindens - Evelyn Raymond

Another Evelyn Raymond juvenile novel (see near top of this list). From Goodreads: "An old gentleman takes a widowed mother and her children from a hovel in New York and gives them a chance to win a better life. This is the tale of what they did with that chance."

The Road - Hilaire BellocIN PROGRESS!

Explanation of the history and technology of roads and road building in England told in a readable way for laypersons.

The Romance of Modern Geology - Edwin Sharpe Grew IN PROGRESS! viewtopic.php?p=1928675#p1928675

One of the series of nonfiction "Romance of" books, of which several have already been recorded (Romance of Plant Life, Romance of Modern Invention, etc). This one covers geology and includes a lot of what we now call paleontology - history and development of early life on Earth.

Billy Mink - Thornton Burgess FINISHED AND IN CATALOG! Link:

Little Joe Otter - Thornton Burgess FINISHED AND IN CATALOG! Link:

Two more of Burgess' long series of juvenile books featuring anthromorphic animals and their antics.

Colin II - E.F. Benson

Colin II is the second half of the story begun in Colin (also on PG) about a "cursed aristocratic family and two brothers vying to claim its dark legacy." (Goodreads)

The Crystal Cup - Gertrude Atherton

"Jazz Age-themed romance novel of a woman bent on climbing the social ladder." (Goodreads)
IN PROGRESS! Link: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=88042

Kibun Daizen, or, From Shark-Boy to Merchant Prince - Gensai Murai

Juvenile fiction about a plucky impoverished youth who grows up to great success, written in Japan by a Japanese author and later translated and published in a series of stories in the children's St. Nicholas magazine, and collected into a book.

The Personal Relation in Industry - John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Early 1920s business advice on labor relations by an industrial titan. A short book that is an easily managed solo or first BC project.

The Age of Justinian and Theodora: A History of the 6th Century A.D. Volume 1 - William Gordon Holmes

Very in-depth and lengthy history, about 350 pages of text. Reader or BC will have to decide what to do about extensive footnotes -- there are over 1200 and a lot of them contain supplemental information, not just text references. Volume 2 is not yet on PG but several versions are available on Internet Archive.

A Treatise on Poisons; in relation to Medical Jurisprudence, Physiology, and the Practice of Physic - Robert Christison

Very lengthy treatment of poisons -- categories, what they are, how they work, how to detect them and treat them etc. Around 750 pages and 42 chapters (some would probably need to be divided into multiple sections) so would be quite an undertaking!

Under Three Flags: A Story of Mystery - Bert Leston Taylor and Alvin Thoits

Murder mystery published in the 1890s - a note on the title page states that this story won the third prize in the Chicago Tribune's $30,000 writing contest!

Charlie and His Puppy Bingo - Helen Hill and Violet Maxwell

Children's stories about a boy and his dog. It looks like the individual chapters could work as stand alone stories for chilren's short works collections.

The Story of a Needle - A.L.O.E.

Children's book about the adventures of a household with children, as told by a sewing needle observing it all.

Guide to Fortune-Telling by Dreams - Anonymous

A short pamphlet telling what various people and symbols seen in dreams might indicate - the pamphlet text includes some advertisements for other pamphlets so the actual text is only about 3000-ish words, would work for a short non-fiction collection.

Our Little Tot's Own Book - Anonymous

A collection of short stories and poems for children, many of the sections have individual authors named. Good as a group project or individual pieces can be used for children's short works collections.

Twenty Years of My Life - Douglas Sladen

A 1913 memoir by a British author and traveller who was also known at the time for originating the "Who's Who" biographical books.

Washington the Soldier - Henry B. Carrington

1899 biography of George Washington focused on his military career. About 400 pages including appendices; about 350 pages main text.

Diana of Kara-Kara - Edgar Wallace

1924 mystery novel by then-extremely popular author of thrillers. Also published in UK as "Double Dan"

And Five Were Foolish - Dornford Yates

Short story collection -- each story is the name of a woman.

As Other Men Are - Dornford Yates

Appears to be a companion volume to the above -- ten short stories, each story's title is the name of a man.

The Little French Girl - Anne Douglas Sedgwick

One of Sedgwick's most popular novel, about a French girl impoverished during WWI who is taken in by an English family.

Roman Public Life - A.H.J. Greenidge

Very in-depth study of Roman government, citizenship, and administration during the mature Republic and the Principate up to the reforms of Diocletian.

A Perfect Fool - Florence Warden

Florence Warden was an actress who had a second career as a novelist in the late nineteenth century, specializing in mystery/thriller novels. I can't find any plot summary for this book but the cover and titles of chapters certainly sound intriguing. PG has five books by Warden so far, but none have yet been recorded here.

The Calumet Book of Oven Triumphs! - General Foods Corporation

Another recipe booklet, this one put out by General Foods to promote their Calumet baking powder and other baking brands like Swan's Down Flour and Baker's baking chocolate. Cakes, pies, biscuits, muffins and other baked goods. And an exclamation point in the title so you know it's good!

Of the Buildings of Justinian - Procopius

Procopius was a prominent author/historian during the reign of Justinian in the Byzantine Roman Empire of the sixth century CE. As the title suggests, this work describes the buildings and other architectural landmarks constructed under the orders of Justinian. There are three main works by Procopius and none have yet been recorded.

A Love Crime - Paul Bourget

1892 translation of a popular French novelist's work. Domestic drama in which the lifelong friend of a man seduces the man's wife, and how the consequences of that play out in the three people involved. At around 60,000 words, it's a short to medium length novel that would be a manageable group project or solo. While a couple of short pieces by Bourget have been recorded, none of his full-length novels in either French or English have been yet.

Clubfoot the Avenger - Valentine Williams

One of a series of World War I-era spy novels by Valentine Williams. PG has five books by Williams; I believe the first in this spy novel series is The Man with the Clubfoot, which has been recorded for Librivox here:

The Tale of the Great Mutiny - W.H. Fitchett

The 1857 mutiny/uprising against British colonial control in India as told by a popular historian in 1903, at the height of the British Empire era.

Jean Craig Grows Up - Kay Lyttleton

Another in the juvenile/YA series of novels featuring Jean Craig. PG has one other book by Kay Lyttleton so far, Jean Craig in New York, recently recorded at Librivox.

White Magic - David Graham Phillips

Socialite falls for the portraitist hired to paint her, and faces heavy family opposition.

The Maid of Orleans - Friedrich Henning

Short biography of Joan of Arc, aimed at young readers.

Behind the Scenes in a Hotel - Consumers League of New York City

The Consumers League did a study into the staffing, pay, and working conditions for hotel employees c. 1910 in New York City. Interesting insights into working life for everyday folks. At 47 pages including some tables, it's probably a little too long for a nonfiction collection but would make a quick solo or group project.

Disunion and Restoration in Tennessee - John Randolph Neal

1899 Ph.D. dissertation in political science describing how a state with a significant Unionist population became part of the Confederacy with an emphasis on the Reconstruction process in Tennessee after the Civil War. More of a historical narrative than political science in the modern sense, and fairly brief at around 75 pages.

The Trail of the Swinging Lanterns - John Morison Copeland

Descriptive subtitle: "A Racy, Railroading Review of Transportation Matters, Methods, and Men". A collection of sketches of workers and managers in the railway system of Canada. Individual chapters can stand alone as entries for nonfiction collections.

The Last Days of the Romanov - George Gustav Telberg and Robert Wilton

Two sections of the book together tell the story of the captivity and eventual execution of the last Russian czar and his family. The first section is excerpts of testimony by eyewitnesses; the second is a narrative written by Wilton, who was a foreign correspondent in Russia for the Times of London. The second part narrative could stand alone as a project, and the individual eyewitness testimonies could stand alone in short nonfiction collections.

The Primrose Path - Mrs. Oliphant

1879 novel written at the peak of Mrs. Oliphant's career as a novelist. Margaret Leslie is the 17-year-old very sheltered daughter of an elderly father, who becomes enamored with a local farmer's son and makes a promise to him in writing, which comes back to haunt her after the death of her father and her move to live with other family members.

The Dark Road - Gaston LeRoux

One of a series of novels featuring criminal mastermind Cheri-Bibi. LeRoux is also the author of The Phantom of the Opera.

The Professor's House - Willa Cather

1925 novel by Willa Cather about a Midwestern university professor's midlife crisis. Wikipedia article on the novel:

Gabrielle de Bergerac - Henry James

Novella by Henry James, originally serialized in The Atlantic in 1869 and never published in book form in his lifetime. About 25,000 words, very manageable solo project.

A Bounty Boy - Frank Thomas Bullen

Bullen, a retired sailor-turned-author, wrote this fictional tale of one of the descendants of the Bounty mutineers, raised in an idyllic natural and positive Christian environment on Norfolk Island in the South Pacific, who decides to go out and see the world and joins the crew ofa whaler.

Freedom! Equality!! Justice!! - Victoria C. Woodhull

Text of a speech delivered in 1872 by Woodhull, a feminist and social reform advocate. Around 14,800 words so too long for a nonfiction short works collection but could be a standalone solo or combined with other writings from Woodhull.

Hope you find something you like!

Colleen McMahon

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Post by adr6090 »

Just so happens that my planned solo is in the above mix. Suppose that is fate telling me to get on the ball & record. :lol:
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Post by ScottinTexas »

I'm glad you posted this. I like this one. Never would have heard of it without this post.

Captures - John Galsworthy
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Post by icequeen »

ScottinTexas wrote: July 20th, 2021, 12:12 pm I'm glad you posted this. I like this one. Never would have heard of it without this post.

Captures - John Galsworthy
This one is a current solo project right here Beautifully written! If you want to record this one as well, you are more than welcome to!

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Post by ScottinTexas »

icequeen wrote: July 20th, 2021, 12:34 pm
ScottinTexas wrote: July 20th, 2021, 12:12 pm I'm glad you posted this. I like this one. Never would have heard of it without this post.

Captures - John Galsworthy
This one is a current solo project right here Beautifully written! If you want to record this one as well, you are more than welcome to!
Ah, thank you for pointing that out. I figured the odds would be against someone else choosing that. When I was looking at the works it somehow jumped out at me despite never hearing of it before. But I would have probably asked before getting started doing anything.

BTW, I sought out other works Lee has read and ran across "Reveries of a Bachelor." Sounds good. I think I may give that a listen until he is done with Captures.
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Post by JHedrick »

I am going to claim Recipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U.S. Army as a solo

Thanks for letting me know! I've marked accordingly.

Jim in Ohio

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Post by philchenevert »

Wow. What an amazingly helpful thing this is Colleen. :clap: And the work involved in putting it together is much appreciated by all of us. Thank you, thank you.!!!
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Post by ColleenMc »

Aww Thank you Phil! I am still sitting on June's books, just need to format the post...and I haven't even had a chance to look at July, but the month isn't QUITE over...

Colleen McMahon

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Post by icequeen »

I wanted to echo Phil's sentiments as well! Great job, keep them coming!

And, because I have been looking for a science book to post as a group project for a while, I have just posted The Romance of Modern Geology! viewtopic.php?p=1928675#p1928675 All are welcome!

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Post by ScottinTexas »

icequeen wrote: July 26th, 2021, 9:58 pm And, because I have been looking for a science book to post as a group project for a while, I have just posted The Romance of Modern Geology! viewtopic.php?p=1928675#p1928675 All are welcome!
That sounds neat.
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Post by icequeen »

ScottinTexas wrote: July 27th, 2021, 8:54 am
icequeen wrote: July 26th, 2021, 9:58 pm And, because I have been looking for a science book to post as a group project for a while, I have just posted The Romance of Modern Geology! viewtopic.php?p=1928675#p1928675 All are welcome!
That sounds neat.

Come on by and claim a section! They are going fast! :D

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Post by Jmbau13 »

Thank you for this, what a great thing to do.

This one caught my eye, but I'm in Australia. How do I check whether it's copyright free for us?
What the Judge Saw: Being Twenty-Five Years in Manchester by One Who Has Done It - Sir Edward Abbott Parry

As it says in the title, memoirs of a late Victorian/Edwardian judge in Manchester, England.
Jane Bennett
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Post by annise »

Look at the authors death date/ If it is 1955 or earlier in is PD in Australia, if the author died later add 75 to the death date death date - and it becomes PD in Australia on Jan 1st the next year,

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Post by Jmbau13 »

annise wrote: September 23rd, 2021, 11:33 pm Look at the authors death date/ If it is 1955 or earlier in is PD in Australia, if the author died later add 75 to the death date death date - and it becomes PD in Australia on Jan 1st the next year,

Thank you Anne, it's PD here now. Appreciate the response.
Jane Bennett
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Post by AndersBenders »

Great suggestions! I'd love to read some Charles Peirce. 😊
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