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The Fiery Soliloquy with God by Gerlac Petersen 1378-1411

Posted: August 17th, 2019, 10:24 am
by soupy
The Fiery Soliloquy with God by Gerlac Petersen 1378-1411

Gerlac Petersen was connected with many illustrious contemplative men, e.g., John of Ruysbroeck, Florence Radewyns, Henry of Kalkar, Gerard of Zutphen, Thomas à Kempis, John a Kempis and Johann Vos of Huesden.

That virtue is to be practised only jor the love of virtue, because it is always good.

That nothing is sweeter or more glorious than for the soul to inhere in the Highest Good

How he who is poor in spirit is exceeding rich.