Joseph Hell Bibliography

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Joined: October 6th, 2018, 1:34 pm

Post by LectorRecitator »

JOSEPH HELL (1875–1950)

The Arab Civilization (1926) · Translated by Salahuddin Khuda Bukhsh (1877–1931)

ℹ️ "Prof. Hell's monograph—Die Kultur der Araber—is at once a summing-up and a revaluation of Arab civilization. It is not original, and, as a matter of fact, it claims no originality. Prof. Hell has not added, by his own researches, anything of any significance or value to our knowledge of Arab culture, but, using all available materials, he has told the history of Arab civilization in a short compass, with wide-mindedness, sympathy, clearness of vision. So far as the present writer is aware, there is no such handbook—compact, accurate, felicitous in diction, and sound in judgment—to be found in any language. Eastern or Western; and, for this reason, precisely, he has undertaken its translation into English—a language more widely read than any other in the world. The English translation, he hopes, will serve a twofold purpose. On the one hand it will afford the student of Islamic History a basis for further and extended study, and, on the other, it will bring to those interested in the past of Islam and curious about its future, knowledge at once accurate and sufficient for guidance and enlightenment. Nor is the history of Islam a negligible quantity in our days of surging ambitions, restless activities, wide-spread political transformations in Islamic lands." (Foreword)
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