James Fitzmaurice-Kelly Bibliography

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Post by LectorRecitator »


Life Of Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra (1892)

ℹ️ "It has long been my desire to write a Life of Cervantes. When this book was first begun, there existed in English, so far as I know, only the pastiche of Roscoe and the trifling monograph by Mrs. Oliphant; the former merely a rough translation, patched and boggled, from Navarrete ; the latter too slight and sketchy for any but very young readers. While correcting the last chapter of the present volume, I have seen — vidi tantum — the more recent work of Mr. Henry Watt, at a period, however, too late to be of any service to me. I have, therefore, contented myself with glancing hurriedly through his pages : and, differing as I do from some of his opinions, I venture to hope that there may be room for the two volumes side by side." (Preface)

ℹ️ "Excellent." (Hugo Albert Rennert)


Lope De Vega And The Spanish Drama: Being The Taylorian Lecture (1902)

📖 61 pages long.



Cervantes In England (1905)

📖 19 pages long.



Chapters On Spanish Literature (1908)


The Nun Ensign (1909) · Juan Pérez De Montalbán (1602–1638)



Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra: A Memoir (1913)



The Oxford Book Of Spanish Verse: XIIIth Century–XXth Century (1913)

📖 Introduction in English. Poetry in Spanish.

ℹ️ "The term "Oxford Book" has come to mean "the best standard select anthology", a reputation gained by the earlier "Oxford Books" of English, French, German, Italian and Latin verse, and one which the present volume unquestionably maintains, — if, indeed, it does not set it higher.

Professor Fitzmaurice-Kelly is to Hispanic studies in Great Britain what Professor Ford is in this country. His "History of Spanish Literature" is today what Ticknor's "Spanish Literature" was to earlier generations — the accepted handbook of Spanish Literature for English readers. It has also been translated by its gifted author into Spanish and French, these editions likewise being considered as authorities on the subject in their respective countries. Fitzmaurice-Kelly is also the author of "Studies in Spanish Literature", "Cervantes", and other books and articles, as well as an accomplished and experienced editor. It is this last aspect of his work that is illustrated in the "Oxford Book of Spanish Verse".

The book contains 222 selections, some of them rather long, ranging from Gonzalo de Berceo and Juan Ruiz down to such contemporaries as Silva, Valencia and Rubén Darío, among the Hispanic-Americans, and Villaespesa and Jiménez in the mother country. All the really great names are included, Spanish-Americans have been given representation along with their cousins across the seas, and women writers, whose work plays an extraordinarily important role in Spanish letters, also find a place in the pages of the book.

The selecting has been done with taste and judgment, as might have been expected. Some names had to be omitted, of course, and some writers are perhaps over-represented, or represented by lesser-known selections rather than the old favorites. But these matters are questions upon which there may be a multitude of opinions, and, after all, the book is neither a complete anthology nor a composite! critical selection by many minds. It is enough for the average lover of Spanish that Fitzmaurice-Kelly has made the choice.

The talented compiler has prepared a splendid introduction on the development of Spanish verse,. together with biographical and bibliographical notes on each author represented, in the course of which mention is made of the American "Hispanists, Fitz-Gerald, Rennert, and Huntington. An index of authors and another of first lines complete the book.

Mechanically the volume is a gem. Paper, typography, arrangement, binding, size—all these elements show good taste and add to the attractiveness of a thoroughly satisfying book.

"The Oxford Book of Spanish Verse" should be on the shelves of every library, every teacher and lover of Spanish, and every friend of good books and book-making.
(The Journal Of Education, 22/07/1920)



Cervantes And Shakespeare (1916)

📖 21 pages long.


Cambridge Readings In Spanish Literature (1920)

📖 Preface in English. Texts in Spanish.



Fray Luis De Leon: A Biographical Fragment (1921)

ℹ️ "we are very grateful for this shorter work, which, though modestly styled a fragment, nevertheless offers a very complete, if brief, account of the author treated. More space is devoted to biography than to the criticism of Fray Luis' works. The famous process brought against Luis de Le6n by the Inquisition is treated exhaustively. Mr. Fitzmaurice-Kelly has subjected all the documents in the case to a very close and fair analysis. It is the best account of the trial yet printed. One feels that he had nearly completed the biographical portion of his task, but has been unable to discuss his author's work." (G. T. Northup, Modern Philology, 02/1924)



Spanish Literature: A Primer (1922)

📖 129 pages long. Divided into short chapters.

ℹ️ "The Oxford University Press, which publisnes saintsbury's Primer of French Literature and Snell's Primer of Italian Literature, has induced the foremost authority on Spanish Literature in the English-speaking world to prepare a similar brief account of the glories of Spanish letters. Dr. Fitzmaurice-Kelly has been Gilmour Professor of Spanish in the University of Liverpool, and is now Cervantes Professor of Spanish in the University of London. His life of Cervantes is the authoritative work on Cervantes in English. His History of Spanish Literature is the best book of its kind in English, and in its French and Spanish versions (both translated by the author) has won further fame on the Continent, the Spanish version being officially adopted for use in Spain, a great honor. Mr. Fitzmaurice-Kelly's Bibliography of Spanish Literature (in French) is likewise a work of unquestioned authority and usefulness.

The "Primer", now published, is an attempt to bring within smaller compass the splendid story of Spanish literary achievement. The task of condensation involved; is a heavy one, which the author has accomplished with good judgment and a careful hand, and without sacrifice of essential detail nor of authority. Naturally the relative importance assigned to all the writers mentioned will not satisfy all specialists in Spanish; some will undoubtedly wish that more (or less) attention had been given to this, that, or the other book or author. On the whole, however, a reasonable balance seems to have been maintained."
(The Journal Of Education, 27/03/1924)



A New History Of Spanish Literature (1926) · Preface by Julia Fitzmaurice-Kelly (????–????)

ℹ️ "The book accompanied him everywhere. He worked at it continually—revising, correcting and perfecting : he embodied in it the results, not only of his own research, but of the criticisms and suggestions which he noted on the blank pages. And he continued to do this until within three days of his death." (Preface)

ℹ️ "Masterly abridgment of a classic of scholarship." (William J. Entwistle, The Modern Language Review, 10/1927)

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