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by jpujolar
August 28th, 2022, 11:29 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: COMPLETE [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg
Replies: 72
Views: 4393

Re: SOLO [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg

Genial. Tot bé, tret d'un parell de petits lapsus al capítol 16: 8:03 Veya a la bagaça, asseguda a ne l'escon, provant [no "provocant"] d'aixeribir ab las sevas riallas tentadoras, ¡Hi, hi! ¡Hi, hi!, la luxuria trista dels dormilegas bosquerols. Y, guiats per l'ermitá o l'ermitana, anavan ...
by jpujolar
August 16th, 2022, 3:14 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: COMPLETE [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg
Replies: 72
Views: 4393

Re: SOLO [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg

Hola Enric, Està bé, però jo repetiria només l'última frase del capítol (des de "els jaios" fins al final), perquè el lapsus de "morien" enlloc de "moririen" pot deixar alguns oients desorientats. Com he dit altres cops, si m'envies el fragment gravat puc fer la correcc...
by jpujolar
July 30th, 2022, 3:26 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: [COMPLETE] Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz
Replies: 35
Views: 1685

Re: [grupal][Català]Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz

Two more recordings added and chaoter 1 corrected and added again.

Now I do not think that anything much will happen until September.

by jpujolar
July 18th, 2022, 2:44 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: [COMPLETE] Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz
Replies: 35
Views: 1685

Re: ~[grupal][Català]Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz

Hello Kazbek,

I guess you need to assign Francesc (fgali) as PL of this project?

Our idea was to have more than one PL; but we've got only Francesc at present.

by jpujolar
July 8th, 2022, 11:46 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: [COMPLETE] Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz
Replies: 35
Views: 1685

Re: ~[grupal][Català]Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz


I managed to make things work with the MC user account.

So far I have readers for all the chapters; but three must still create their user accounts.

I will see whether Francesc Galí wishes to PL again.


by jpujolar
June 25th, 2022, 11:25 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: COMPLETE [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg
Replies: 72
Views: 4393

Re: SOLO [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg

Tot correcte.

Vinga, que ja li tenim un peu al coll.
by jpujolar
June 19th, 2022, 6:36 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: [COMPLETE] Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz
Replies: 35
Views: 1685

Re: ~[grupal][Català]Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz

Hello, I have got already a reader for chapter 1, username CristinaCobos. She tells me she has just signed up into LibriVox. When I assign readers, for some reason, only the "assigned" cell changes. The name of the reader appears just for the fraction of a second and then disappears again....
by jpujolar
June 19th, 2022, 6:23 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: COMPLETE [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg
Replies: 72
Views: 4393

Re: SOLO [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg

Just making sure that I get reply notifications.
by jpujolar
June 16th, 2022, 5:42 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: [COMPLETE] Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz
Replies: 35
Views: 1685

Re: ~[grupal][Català]Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz

Dear Kazbek, I apologize for the long silence. I have been busy; but I had assumed I would receive warnings; but I see now that I have to activate the warnings for every thread. I have already a number of people willing to read. I need to get them to sign up the ones who are not yet users. Best, Joan
by jpujolar
May 29th, 2022, 8:31 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: [COMPLETE] Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz
Replies: 35
Views: 1685

[COMPLETE] Josafat, de Prudenci Bertrana - kaz

Josafat, by Prudenci Bertrana (1867 - 1941) This project is now complete. All audio files can be found on our catalog page: En Josafat és el campaner de l’església de Santa Maria. Al principi, feia companyia a un vell parroquià, però després de la ...
by jpujolar
May 29th, 2022, 6:14 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: COMPLETE [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg
Replies: 72
Views: 4393

Re: SOLO [CATALAN] Els sots feréstecs, by Raimon Casellas - tg

Hola Enric,

Si em passes les frases aquestes gravades, ja les enganxaré jo mateix als àudios i així et pots concentrar en els capítols nous.

by jpujolar
May 1st, 2022, 4:46 am
Forum: Completed Projects
Topic: [COMPLETE] "Recull de Contes", by Prudenci Bertrana - rap
Replies: 46
Views: 6754

Re: [GRP/Catalan] "Recull de Contes", by Prudenci Bertrana - rap

Hello Rapunzelina, Francesc Galí has written to me via Mastodon to OK the last recording: " FrancescGali @jpujolar revisat, està correcte. Si no ho poses tu, ho canvio el dimarts. M'ha semblat molt agradable la seva veu, amb un to encertat per aquest relat irònic. &q...