'Thank you' messages for Librivox in general

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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I just wanted to say a huge thank-you to the Librivox volunteers who have dedicated their time. I was diagnosed with a concussion almost two years ago and life changed dramatically for me. Although I couldn't look at any screens, and was stuck at home for quite a while, it was Librivox recordings that saved me. I am doing much better now but I often think back about how much those Librivox recordings meant to me. So to all the Librivox volunteers out there, thank-you for getting me through a really rough time. I am incredibly grateful for the difference you made in my life.


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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your wonderful project. Listening to your recordings of great books read by great readers is for me a pleasure beyond words.

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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Thank you all for the beautiful gift your voices gave to me.
I am a mother, wife, maid. cook, friend, & many other titles yet I will not bore you. My point is this:
in all hours that I am up working,most days it is 14hrs....I simply DO NOT have the time I would like to read! Now, Praise be to God our Father, I have you and your fellow readers to share the enlightening words of others who have gone before.
Thank you. And know this, God willing, I will come to a place in time when I too can share this love with others.
Thank you again for your time and for speaking with clarity, volume, & emphasis.
Know you too are prayed for and appreciated!!!

God bless you


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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

To all the readers - a big thank you - you all are awesome! Especially the ghost story and adventure story readers! Huge thank you to all.


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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I am blind and extremely appreciative of Librivox. I love every reader who spent a lot of time to make life more bearabke for me.

I hear criticism of some readers and it makes me angry. Librivox is a priceless gift. It matters not one whit to me where readers are from, what accent they may have, or any other... foibles there may be. Each of you are angels or saints. This is human beings making life a little better for other human beings with no thought to profit, cost or marketability.

All hail Librivox volunteers!

Keep this going... it is more important than anyone knows?

Thank you

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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

thank you all for taking the time and trouble to read for us.

from granny with earphone :

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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Dear kind people at LibriVox,

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all readers participating in recording cookery books. I never thought I would enjoy having someone read a book of recipes to me, it sounds about as interesting as listening to a recording of a phone book if you haven't tried it. But I listen to quite a few audiobooks and decided to try it one day, and now I just wish I had tried earlier.

I could not follow a recipe as it is read to me, but I live alone and I love to bake. These days I put an audiobook of a cookbook on and get company while baking. These audiobooks really make my kitchen more comfy and fun. Thank you very much for that!

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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

I’m Scheyler.
I’m completely blind, autistic and have a chronic heart condition.
I love listening to books read aloud, I find it quite relaxing.
I’m especially a fan of children’s books and Christian books, as I am a believer in Jesus Christ.
Anyway, I want to say thank you for posting those videos, and for having readers who are happy to read to people.
I really appreciate people like that, who give cheerfully.
That’s part of Christianity you know.
God bless you and all your readers.

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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Thank you for reading Ovid to me.

Yours sincerely,


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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Thanks for the free books

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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Please know that you have helped someone you have never met, return towards the grace of God by listening to your reading
here worts, when I was too stick to speak or watch tv.
The course in prayer helped me inside, let go of some of the pain I had carried, and in its though consciously decided from now on to carry my cavalry, for we each have that. Carry my dross with faith that I am going forged anew in the image and like news of God here and now.

keep the faith, you have a comfy voice and a pleasant pace.

blessing you

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Post by john9a »

I listened to my first Audiobook. I found Librivox after a frustrating experience with 'Google Play' where they did not have a book I wanted and charged for another which has been public domain due to being written in the 1600's. Then I found Librivox and listened through a computer until I also found that there is a very nice app. This is an exceptional value and a great service. You carry vital titles which are ignored by for-profit businesses but which have great value as historic literature. Thank You, so happy to have found this treasure.
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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Gaining so much historical insight from long-dead writers

I love listening to these long out-of-print, first hand accounts from a Mayflower pilgrim, Revolutionary War soldier, English captives of native Americans, Civil War soldier in Andersonville, German solder who deserted, slaves, Mary Lincoln’s seamstress, etc. All for free! Thanks so much to the people who volunteer to read and for this whole system. The books have really opened my eyes to times long ago. I feel like I’m time traveling every night.


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Post by icequeen »

From our 'Thank a reader' feature:

Thx your all books.

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Post by annise »

from the help line
Thank you guys for helping me sleep!
I’m (removed).
I’m completely blind, autistic and have a chronic heart condition.
I also have insomnia, and you guys help me with that.
I couldn’t go to sleep at all, last night.
So, I finally got up, because I couldn’t go to sleep.
I put on the jungle book, and can feel myself going into that zone, and hopefully I’ll be able to zone myself back into a bed soon.
Sometimes I can’t go to sleep, like at all at night.
And, listening to books being read to me, always relaxed the devil out of me, even before you guys were thought of.
But, now that Librivox is putting books on youtube, it really helps me a lot.
I was listening to the jungle book, because that book is relaxing to me.
Also, when I’m sick or have like a cold or flu or something, cuddling up in bed with an audiobook and a stuffed animal really helps matters.
Audiobooks are nice to snuggle and sigh with.
When I’m relaxed, I sigh a soft, happy little sigh “hmmmmmmmmh.”
Well, with the help of you guys, I’ve been able to hmmm my way back to bed, after struggling with insomnia.
Please don’t take it the wrong way, I just find it soothing to be read to, and it always helps me go to sleep quicker.
Being that I’m kind of childish, do to my autism, having children’s audiobooks on your channel, really helps, especially the old classics like the jungle book.
Plus, the jungle book is a mild book, meaning no scary parts for me.
I have to watch what I listen to, before sleeping, because it WILL affect what I dream about, for the bad.
Well, the jungle book is gentle on the brain.
I like huckleberry fin, but can’t listen to it before sleeping, because it says the N word a lot, and I don’t want that word in my dreams.
Do you have any Christian books?
I believe in Christ so I’m happy to find Christian books.
Thank you for helping me sleep.
God bless you
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