'Thank you' messages for Librivox in general

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Post by lezer »

A tweet received at the @LibriVox account:
Congrats to @librivox for 10,000 completed projects! You're an amazing community.
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Post by lezer »

Another tweet for @LibriVox today:
#thanks @librivox @LibriVoxateers #thankyou for the public domain #audiobooks that make my daily commute a delight! Keep up the geat work
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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note for everyone!
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am grateful for your generous act by allowing us to download the audio books. These are very helpful for student like me who have full of confusion in our minds.

Especially while commuting to college, I use your audios which otherwise will be wasted. Also, I am student from developing country, India. So I couldn't afford to pay for audios being student however, I would like to volunteer and also willing to donate once I start earning.

Dankbar für Ihre Zeit und Überlegung

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note for everyone!

Thank you for letting me have more knowledge!


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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note for everyone!

Even without listening to a single book, the thought that someone, somewhere is doing good is enough to send this 'Thank You' note.
What a blessing to so many people.

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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note!
I just want to thank the readers who read and area continuing to read (I am assuming) the Tarzan series and the Pellucidar series. I really appreciate the time and effort they are taking to bring these words to life. I hope they will continue to finish the entire series.

I have begun listening to them and I am thoroughly enjoying them immensely.

yours sincerely

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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note!

thank you for letting me enjoy the books i love

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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note!
It is hard to find time to read, but I am always excited to learn and think about things, especially philosophy. I was looking into the nature of a substance and saw that David Hume’s books are FREE to listen to! This is amazing! It is hard to pay for learning, but now I can listen anytime. Great idea librivox and thank you for all the readers taking hours of time for my convenience. You are greatly appreciated.

A cheap engineering college student

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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note!

All of my children have benefited from listening to Librivox! We think our older daughter is dyslexic and so libirvox has given her the opportunity to listen to so many wonderful books. Such a great work that you all are doing!! We love librivox!!!

Thank you so much!

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Post by icequeen »

A Thank You note!

thank you so much for creating this website for it has fueled my love for audiobooks.
I am truly grateful ?

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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note!

I am a domestic cleaner and have recently listened to ALL of your HP Lovecraft recordings while working.

I just want to say thanks to Librivox for being the platform that you are, and thankyou to everyone who read one of his stories in the series you have available.


kind regards,
Hobart, Tasmania.

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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note!

hello everyone, I really like to thank the folks who developed librivox. there is a lot of selection with your e-books. I am from Canada, so i’m not an American. i’m looking forward to visiting your website, thank you again, have a nice weekend, steve

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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note!
i can listen to audiobooks quite easily, and its great to know they are all i think public domain.

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Post by icequeen »

A thank you note!
I want to thank all the readers.
Marcus Aurelius- Meditations
Titus Lucretius Carus- On the nature of things

I very much enjoyed listening to these on youtube.com. It is greatly appreciated.

Thank you, again

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Post by kathrinee »

We just got this message in the Introduce Yourself here- forum :D
mykro wrote:Hello from Down Under. I wonder if you have had any other users like me?

I've been deaf all my life. I recently got a cochlear implant and speech to me sounds like gobblydook, it's utterly incomprehensible. I was searching about for some way to train my listening and I found it here! You see, in my misspent youth I happened to learn a few classical poems by heart. So when I found a dozen versions of "When We Two Parted" by Lord Byron I downloaded them all! Yes, and spent my commute listening to every single one. Over and over again.

The rich variety of voices, accents and pacings all reading the very same short text is exactly what I needed. While I'm blown away with the amazing effort that goes into the whole site, the weekly poem projects are just fantastic for me and I want to specially thank everyone for being involved in them. Please never stop doing those. I'm going to be learning - and then listening to - many more poems!
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